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STANEVAL Capt Don Davidson, Jr. NH Wing CAP, DOV.

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Presentation on theme: "STANEVAL Capt Don Davidson, Jr. NH Wing CAP, DOV."— Presentation transcript:

1 STANEVAL Capt Don Davidson, Jr. NH Wing CAP, DOV

2 08 March 20082 Agenda STANEVAL Program Highlights –Roles and Responsibilities –Minimum Requirements CAP Pilot Regulations –CAPR 60-1 –NH 60-1 Supplement Check Ride Tips Instructors and Check Pilots Miscellaneous Topics Throughout Last Year –Safety Pilot Requirements –Inoperative Aircraft Equipment –CAP Rides With FAA Examiners –Night Currency Questions

3 08 March 20083 STANEVAL Standardization and Evaluation (DOV) –Reports to Director of Operations (DO) Each Wing Is Required To Have A STANEVAL Program –Program Developed Last Year Released Jun 2007 Available At STANEVAL Section of NH Wing Website –Provides Guidance For Wing Instructors/Check Pilots Primary Responsibility Is to Manage Aircrew Standardization and Evaluation –Standardization – Establish Common Operating Procedures For All Pilots Includes All FARs, CAPR 60-1, NH 60-1 and Any Additional Wing Specific Procedures –Evaluation – Enforcement of These Procedures via Instruction/Check Rides

4 08 March 20084 STANEVAL Officer R & R CAP Check Pilot Managing Aircrew Standardization and Evaluation Develop and Implement a CAP Check Pilot Program Evaluate Training Procedures and Techniques Coordinate With All Instructors/Check Pilots Evaluate Aircrew Techniques and Ability Conduct Check Rides Perform Spot Evaluations Review Evaluation Data For Trends Indicating Program Modifications Possess a Thorough Understanding of CAPR 60-1 and Current NH Supplements to 60-1 All Roles and Responsibilities of Check Pilot Meet All Applicable Experience Requirements For Check Pilots

5 08 March 20085 Check Airman/Instructor R & R Check Airman –Enforce Aircrew Standards –Adhere to the NH Wing Check Pilot Program –Evaluate Training Procedures and Techniques –Evaluate Aircrew Techniques and Ability –Conduct Check Rides –Perform Spot Evaluations as Designated by the STANEVAL Officer –Possess a Thorough Understanding of CAPR 60-1 and Current NH Supplements to 60-1 –All Roles and Responsibilities of Flight Instructor –Meet All Applicable Experience Requirements For Check Pilots Instructors –Enforce Aircrew Standards –Adhere to the NH Wing Check Pilot Program –Instruct Proper Aircrew Training and Techniques –Recommend Pilots for CAPF-5 Check Rides –Possess a Thorough Understanding of CAPR 60-1 and Current NH Supplements to 60-1 –Meet All Applicable Experience Requirements

6 08 March 20086 Flight Experience Minimum Experience –Check Pilots 300 Hours Of FAA/Military Or CAP Flight Instructor And/Or FAA/Military Or CAP Check Airman Time –Instructors 250 Hours Of FAA/Military Or CAP Flight Instructor And/Or FAA/Military Or CAP Check Airman Time Recency of Experience –10 Hours Per Year Of Instructor And/Or Check Pilot Time –One (1) Hour Per Quarter In Applicable Specialty Aircraft GA-8 and/or G1000

7 08 March 20087 CAP Pilot Regulations CAPR 60-1 –Purpose Responsibilities with Regards to Control and Management of CAP Flying Programs, Aircraft and Aircrews Forms Cornerstone of CAP Flying Program Supplement to Federal Aviation Regulations –In the Event of Conflict, The FAR’s RULE!! (Except 61.113(e) and 91.501) –Current Version - 20 February 2008 New/Revised Material Identified In Shaded Regions –All Pilots Must Be Familiar With Regulations Outlined In 60-1 Will Be Covered During CAPF 5 Oral Discussion –Must Acknowledge Ownership of Current 60-1 IF NO, Expect Thorough Examination of 60-1 Knowledge NH 60-1 Supplement –Purpose: Provide Additional Flying Regulations Specific To The Wing –Currently Eight (8) NH Wing Specific Regulations 15 December 2006

8 08 March 20088 Preparing for Your Check Ride Complete CAPF 5 Written Exam –Good for 90 Days Complete Appropriate Aircraft Questionnaires –If Initial – Specific Aircraft Only –If Annual – All Aircrafts Qualified Complete Safety Compliance –Check Pilots Will Confirm Prior To Check Ride Prepare CAP Form 5 –Not Required BUT It Shows Professionalism Confirm All Documentation Available AND Current –CAP ID, Pilots License, Medical, 101 Card, etc. Prepare Weight and Balance Obtain Flight Release –Unless It Is your First CAP Check Ride, It Is Your Responsibility to Obtain the Release for the Flight Reserve Aircraft Review CURRENT CAPR 60-1!!!

9 08 March 20089 Pre-Flight Briefing Arrive Early In Appropriate CAP Uniform IF Possible, Obtain a Briefing Location and Have All of The Documentation Ready For the Check Pilot –CAP ID, Pilots License, 101 Card, Medical, CAPF 5 Written Exam, Aircraft Questionnaire(s), CAP Form 5, Weight and Balance, Currency Check (or Logbook) –Current Sectional(s) (NY Minimum) –If IFR, Current NE Approach Plates and LA Charts Obtain WX Briefing Relax!! Participate in Oral Discussion – Check Pilot Will Review: –CAPF 5 Written Exam –CAPR 60-1 and NH 60-1 Supplement –Flight Release Procedures –CAPF 9 Requirements (Non CAP Member Passengers) –Local Procedures –Overview of Check Ride –Expectations

10 08 March 200810 The Ride For All Phases of Flight – USE THE CHECKLIST!! –All CAP Check Pilots Will Look For This Check Ride Will Cover Items Listed In CAP Form 5 –Ground Operations –Airport and Traffic Pattern Operations –Takeoff and Climb Minimum of Three Take-offs –Cross Country Flying –Instrument Reference Maneuvers (ALL Pilots) –Airwork –Night Flying Ops (If Applicable) –Ground Reference Maneuvers –Emergency Procedures –Approaches and Landings Minimum of Three Landings –SAFETY –Instrument Proficiency (IFR Only)

11 08 March 200811 More Tips Use Crew Resource Management Techniques Throughout Flight –The Check Pilot Is A Valid (and Valuable) Crewmember – USE HIM/HER Unless Specified By Check Pilot Ground Operation –Pilot/Co-Pilot Brake Check –Sterile Cockpit Briefing –Evacuation Briefing Before Takeoff –Departure Briefing Airport and Traffic Pattern –Use Pulse Lights Airwork –Clearing Turns Post Flight –Fuel Lever –Cowl Flaps (If Applicable) –Control Lock –Sun Visor –Propeller Position –Cowl Plugs, Pitot Cover, Tie-Downs

12 08 March 200812 Post Flight The Check Pilot Will Conduct a Thorough Post Flight Briefing After Each Check Ride –Review Check Ride –Highlight Key Items Positive and Negative CAP Form 5 Will Be Completed –Check Pilot Will Sign and Date –Copy Will Be Provided to Pilot –Original Will Be Forwarded To DO For Signature and Filing Optional Signoffs Will Be Completed –BFR (If Check Ride Conducted By CFI) –Wings Program –Logbook Endorsement –Instrument Proficiency Endorsement (If Check Ride Conducted By CFII) Report Hobbs and Tach To FRO Close Out Ticket In Flight Scheduler Pro

13 08 March 200813 Instructors and Check Pilots NH Wing Instructors and Check Pilots Identified Under Special Pilot Appointments –Latest Version – 01 Feb 2008 C172/C182 Check Pilots –COL Donald Davidson Sr. –LTC Bill Moran –CPT Donald Davidson, Jr. –CPT Brian Riis –CPT Keith Merrick C172/C182 Instructors –All Check Pilots Listed Above –CPT Cameron Thompson –John Graziano –Bill Hill (new LCI) G1000 Check Pilots/Instructors –COL Donald Davidson, Sr. –LTC Mill Moran –CPT Donald Davidson, Jr. –CPT Brian Riis GA8 Check Pilots/Instructors –COL Donald Davidson, Sr. –CPT Donald Davidson, Jr.

14 08 March 200814 Safety Pilot Requirements Question #1: Can A CAP Pilot Who Is Active In CAP But Does Not Have A Current CAPF5 Act As Safety Pilot For A CAP Flight? –No. The Safety Pilot Is A Required Crewmember. As Such, Under CAP Rules, He Must Have A Current CAPF5 For The “CAP Group” Of Aircraft Flown. Question #2: Can Any Pilot Act As A Safety Pilot With An Expired Medical? –No. Far 91.109(b)(1) Indicates That A Safety Pilot Must Possess A Private Pilot Certificate. Far 61.23(a)(3)(i) Indicates A Pilot Must Hold At Least A 3 rd Class Medical When Exercising The Privileges Of A Private Pilot Certificate. Therefore to Act As Safety Pilot (Required Crewmember) You Must Have A Valid Medical (Decision Rendered 6/17/85.)

15 08 March 200815 Aircraft Operations with Inoperative Equipment Question #1: The Landing Light(s) Are Inoperative On An A CAP Aircraft. Can the Aircraft Be Used For Flight In: A. Day VFR Operations? –Yes. FAR 91.213(d) States “A Person May Takeoff An Aircraft In Operations Conducted…With Inoperative Instruments and Equipment Without An Approved MEL…For Which a Master MEL Has Not Been Developed…Provided The Inoperative Equipment Are Not Part of The VFR-Day Type Certification…And A Determination Is Made By A Pilot…That The Inoperative Instrument or Equipment Does Not Constitute a Hazard to The Aircraft.” (Note: The Inop Equipment Should Be Deactivated, i.e. Switch Off or CB Pulled AND placarded INOP) B. Night VFR Operations? –Yes. Per Above. FAR 91.205(c)4 States “For VFR Flight At Night…IF THE AIRCRAFT IS OPERATED FOR HIRE, One Electric Landing Light”

16 08 March 200816 CAP Checkrides With FAA Examiners Question: A Pilot Just Completed An FAA Check Ride. The Examiner Fills Out A CAPF-5 And Provides It to The STANEVAL Officer For Signature. Can The STANEVAL Officer Approve The Pilot For CAP Operations: A. For A New CAP Pilot? –No. CAPR 60-1 Paragraph 3-5a. States That “An Initial CAPF5 Flight Check Administered By A CAP Check Pilot Must Be Satisfactorily Completed Prior To Designation of A CAP Member As A CAP Pilot.” B. For A CAP Pilot Performing An Annual Check? –Yes. The STANEVAL Officer Can Approve The Form 5 Provided He Confirms the CAP Specific Aspects (CAPR 60-1) Verbally With The Pilot.

17 08 March 200817 Night Currency vs. Night Proficiency Night Currency – Per FAR 61.57(b)(1) –Three Takeoffs And Three Landings To A Full Stop During The Period Beginning 1 Hour After Sunset And Ending 1 Hour Before Sunrise Night Proficiency – Per Don D. –Qualified, Competent and SAFE Operations of Aircraft At Night Includes Much More Than Three Takeoffs and Landings General CAP Pilots (If Planning Nighttime Flying) –Night Currency Mandatory –Night Proficiency Important Mission Pilots –Night Currency and Proficiency Is A Must Although Not Specifically Required Per Regulation, Lack of Night Currency Prohibits Availability For Night Missions Lack of Night Proficiency Increases Safety Risk During Night Ops

18 08 March 200818 Useful Links NH Wing STANEVAL Page – CAPF 5 Procedures – CAP Form 5, Aircraft Questionnaire – cfm cfm NH Wing Aircraft Standardized Checklists – Special Pilot Appointments – Flight Release Officers – Aircraft Weight and Balance Data –


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