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1 October 4, 2012 October 8, 2012. TODAY’S AGENDA  Welcome and introductions  Types of Leaves  College policy  Leave Approval Process  Paperwork.

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Presentation on theme: "1 October 4, 2012 October 8, 2012. TODAY’S AGENDA  Welcome and introductions  Types of Leaves  College policy  Leave Approval Process  Paperwork."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 October 4, 2012 October 8, 2012

2 TODAY’S AGENDA  Welcome and introductions  Types of Leaves  College policy  Leave Approval Process  Paperwork needed  Filling out the form  Stumbling Blocks  Wolverine Access  Leave matrix  Scenarios  Contact us  Questions? 2

3 TYPES OF TENURE TRACK FACULTY LEAVES Sabbatical (SAB)  Tenured faculty only, with active research program, & 12 active terms Duty Off-Campus Leave (DOC)  For nurturance leaves, administrative leaves, assigned teaching abroad, research elsewhere at the request of the unit or college, sabbatical equity accrued elsewhere Scholarly Activity Leave (SAL)  Prestigious fellowship; award must generally be at least 25% of academic year FTR salary Leave Without Salary (LWOS)  Personal leaves, non-assigned teaching or research elsewhere 3

4 LSA LEAVE POLICY  No leave is an entitlement  Two years of active duty required after a leave (paid or unpaid) to be eligible for another leave  Sabbatical equity can only be earned:  during active terms, or  while on nurturance leave, assigned teaching abroad, or assigned research off campus  Course release time and modified duties are not leaves  Scholarship, service, student mentoring, non-didactic teaching continue 4

5 APPROVALS OF FACULTY LEAVES: A FOUR STEP PROCESS Department submits leave request to Mandy Harrison, 2150 LSA. LSA Executive Committee approves leave. Mandy sends notification of approval to unit(s). Tom Hart in the Dean’s Office creates submittal. All leave submittals that will change leave pay change to 100% scholarship/research. HRRIS adds leave to HR system. 5

6 WHAT SHOULD YOU SUBMIT? Sabbaticals (SAB)  UM sabbatical request form  LSA leave worksheet  Current CV 6 6 Non-Sabbaticals  Duty Off-Campus (DOC)  LSA leave request form  LSA leave worksheet  Scholarly Activity (SAL)  LSA leave request form  LSA leave worksheet  Award letter with salary stipend  Leave Without Salary (LWOS)  LSA leave request form  LSA leave worksheet Submit leave request packet to Mandy Harrison, 2150 LSA


8 STUMBLING BLOCKS  Impact on benefits and salary  Impact on retirement contributions  Topping off awards 8

9 WHEN SHOULD I EXPECT APPROVED LEAVES TO APPEAR ON WOLVERINE ACCESS? LEAVES THAT CHANGE OR STOP PAY MUST BE ON WOLVERINE ACCESS BY:  July 15 for fall leaves  January 15 for winter leaves LEAVES THAT DO NOT STOP OR CHANGE PAY:  Submittal to HRRIS may be delayed until after the beginning of the term – especially for fall term, in order not to conflict with the salary program.  BUT can be processed anytime after LSA approval, if requested, to accommodate faculty member’s benefits needs. 9 Best Practice for units: Verify leave in Wolverine Access according to above timeline.

10 FACULTY LEAVE MATRIX 10 Non-Sabbatical Leave Form Other Forms LSA Leave Worksheet Memo to Associate Dean Regental Communication Accrues Sabbatical Equity Retirement Contribution Health Benefits MPathways Submittal Paperwork Sabbatical Leave (SAB) NoUM SAB FormYes Yes-if asking for exception to policy No Yes Yes-by Dean’s office Duty Off Campus Leave (DOC) YesNoYes Yes-if asking for exception to policy No Only for nurturance, teaching abroad, unit assigned research off campus Yes Yes-by Dean’s office Scholarly Activity Leave (SAL) YesNoYes Yes-if asking for exception to policy No Yes-only on UM funded portion YesYes-by Dean’s office Leave Without Salary (LWOS) YesNoYesNo Yes-if asking for leave beyond one year No Yes-by Dean’s office Modified Duties (not a leave) No YesNoYes No Medical Leave*NoMedical Release No Yes Contact Work Connections & Deb Erskine prior to completing paperwork

11 A SAMPLING OF SCENARIOS Some common questions regarding leaves  Professor X has a prestigious award for the fall term 12, can she also take a sabbatical during winter term 13? Yes, faculty can combine two leaves back to back for a total of one year leave. She would take a SAL in FT and a SAB in WT.  Professor X has been offered a prestigious fellowship at another institution, but they are only funding 80% of his salary. Can he receive the remaining 20% of his salary from UM? Yes, he would request a SAL with a topping-off award. (TOA). The College could pay the remaining 20% of his salary at its discretion. The prestigious fellowship must equal at least 25% of the faculty member’s full time salary rate to qualify for topping-off. 11

12  Professor X receives an on-campus fellowship (e.g., Michigan Humanities Award, Humanities Institute Fellowship, Frankel Center Fellowship). Is this a DOC ? No, on campus fellowships are taken as SALs. A leave request form, along with the award letter, needs to be submitted and approved.  Professor Y has been contacted by Stanford about a possible job in the Department of Redundancy. Can he take a Leave Without Salary so he can spend the year as a visitor at Stanford before deciding whether to apply for the position.? No. LSA policy does not allow faculty to go on LWOS to accept visiting positions at institutions where they are under consideration for a faculty position. 12

13  Professor X is applying for a nurturance leave in conjunction with a term of modified duties. Does this affect his tenure clock? No, the tenure clock is not affected by leaves or a term of modified duties. Delay of tenure review are separate requests that go to the College Executive Committee for approval.  Professor X is scheduled to take a sabbatical and then gets hurt and needs to take a medical leave. Can she postpone her sabbatical ? Yes, the faculty member may submit a request for postponement of the sabbatical to her chair/director who would forward it to the College (Mandy Harrison) for approval. 13

14  “Very Important” Professor X spent 2010-11 on Leave Without Salary as a visiting professor at Harvard. He applied for and won a Guggenheim Fellowship for 2011-12. Can he accept it? No, LSA policy requires him to return to active duty for two years following a leave of any kind before requesting another leave. He may be able to postpone his Guggenheim until 2013-14.  Can a faculty member postpone a sabbatical without a loss of equity ? Yes, if she is postponing it for teaching, mentoring, research, or service needs within the unit, college, or university. The unit submits a preservation of equity request to Mandy Harrison in Divisional Affairs. Once this has been approved by the relevant Associate Dean and by Academic HR, an email notification of approval will be sent to the unit. 14

15 WHERE CAN I FIND THE VARIOUS POLICIES?  Consult the LSA website:  And you can always contact: Mandy Harrison -, Kathe Harrison –, 15

16 DUE DATES Send leave requests to Mandy by:  Sabbaticals due January 11, 2013  Non-Sabbaticals due 3 months prior to start of leave Link to Divisional Affairs calendar: 16


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