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Developing skills for living Sally Faraday. Main findings more than just skills for independent living a culture of learning and a safe and supported.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing skills for living Sally Faraday. Main findings more than just skills for independent living a culture of learning and a safe and supported."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing skills for living Sally Faraday

2 Main findings more than just skills for independent living a culture of learning and a safe and supported environment in which learning would occur naturally through the experience of everyday life key features of the learning environment learning in an educational context a holistic, co-ordinated approach by a wide range of highly specialist staff with facilities and comprehensive services concentrated under one roof the added value of learning in a residential environment

3 The main benefits of learning in independent specialist colleges a multidisciplinary approach to learning learning with and from peers developing an adult identity work placements and real work environments. the residential experience day learning


5 What does it looks like Learner led provision within their own community-no break in the circle of support or friendship groups which are maintained across centres Links with local community and progression Close links with local authorities and their drivers-which impact on the learning programmes we offer Learners have no need to develop transference of skills as learning is being learnt in situ Closer links with employers Effective and ongoing communication with homes Good development of tolerance of leisure provision/group work Destination packages can be in place and working from day 1 of provision-close working with community providers Definitive therapy input impacting on learner progress

6 Working in learners’ own local community

7 Developing work skills

8 Developing communication skills

9 Learner journey – Observation and employment Shaun came to us and his parents were unsure of the route to work he could take. With reassurance from staff and Shaun demonstrating that he wanted to work with food and animals he secured a job working feeding animals at a local farm, he continues to develop his independence in this Mitch demonstrated that he wanted to work in a diy or physical environment using drills-we received a risk assessment from home and found workshop 305 a local enterprise scheme where learners work to a very high standard producing craft items for sale-Mitch is currently in his second year and trialling work placement close to home

10 The potential disadvantages of independent specialist colleges lack of access to specialist expertise in home areas & lack of home area knowledge to inform programme planning loss of skills over long holiday periods loss of contact with friends homesickness over support raised expectations

11 Learning outcomes Transition Measuring long term value Learning outcomes and destination data Making the case to a Local Authority for the value of college provision Measuring, using data and providing evidence to demonstrate value

12 a.Extending the benefits of residential provision to day students b.Overcoming the potential disadvantages c.Improving learning outcomes and destination data d.Preparing to make the case for the value of specialist college provision Implications for colleges

13 1.collecting and using destination and learning outcomes data effectively 2.develop a tool to demonstrate the potential benefits and financial saving for individuals 3.further research to demonstrate value for money using the social return on investment methodology Implications for Natspec

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