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Methodologies for Moldova Soil Conservation project ARNM0007 Rama Chandra Reddy July 12, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Methodologies for Moldova Soil Conservation project ARNM0007 Rama Chandra Reddy July 12, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Methodologies for Moldova Soil Conservation project ARNM0007 Rama Chandra Reddy July 12, 2005.

2 Outline  Project  Carbon pools  Baseline assessment  Baseline approach  Additionality  Leakage  Meth panel preliminary recommendations  Outstanding issues

3 Moldova Soil Conservation Project  Problem: Soil erosion and landslides major factors affecting public lands  Objectives:  Restoration of degraded lands  Improvement in the supplies of forest products  Employment generation  Contribution to GHG removals  Biodiversity conservation  Project area: Degraded lands and pastures – 14,494 ha

4 Project  Project participants: PCF and Moldsilva  Stakeholders: Moldsilva – State Forest Agency of Moldova 150 Local Councils  Project boundary: 1890 individual plots distributed throughout the country in 289 Mayoralities (local councils)  Species planted: Quercus sp, Robinia sp, Poplar sp, Pinus sp and other local species  Use of CO 2 FIX model for initial projections  Net anthropogenic GHG removals of the project : 2,479,568 t CO2e

5 Carbon Pools  Carbon pools considered in the project  Above ground biomass  Below ground biomass  Deadwood  Litter  Soil carbon  Major pools in the baseline: Soil carbon and litter  Biomass pools are negligible because of continuous land degradation

6 Baseline Scenario Soil Erosion, Land Slides

7 Physical features Land slides 1995199619971998199920002001Avg No. of activated land slide reports 13571211262689865107 Administrative regions 81014 12511  Carpathian mountains influence the geology  Average precipitation – 560mm in north and 380 mm in south  Soil erosion and land slides are the major factors

8 Baseline Approach  Baseline – paragraph 22(a)  a) Existing or historical, as applicable changes in the carbon pools within the project boundary  Net negative baseline removals will lead to further loss of carbon  Average annual pre-existing A/R area to be deducted from the project area

9 Baseline Assessment  Identifying the most likely prospective land use  Approach to baseline assessment  Identification of current land use/land-use trends  Analysis of national A/R policies and regulation on public lands  Assessment of likely trends in land use without intervention  Identification of the baseline scenario  Choice of carbon pools for assessment  Stratification, sampling, and measurement strategies  Calculation of carbon stocks of the baseline land use  Assessment of likely emissions from the baseline land use, and whether these activities will be displaced as result of the project  Assessment of the possibilities of natural regeneration  Assessment of the net GHG removals under the baseline scenario

10 Land-use class Area (ha) Carbon in vegetation (t C/ha) Soil carbon (C t/ha) Total Carbon stock (t) Carbon Dynamics (t/ha/yr) Degraded lands3,905.4 Humified and moderately humified soils 3,,605- 0.6 Slightly humified soils 713.60.149.735,537- 0.5 Pastures10,588.50.285.7 Humified and moderate humified soils 9,385.70.296.5907,597- 0.5 Slightly humified soils 1,,821- 0.4 Totals14,493.91,330,560 Baseline Scenario

11 Soil Carbon Baseline Evolution

12 Baseline Methodology  Baseline scenario =  Project scenario =  Leakage = a) Staff Travel  b) Socioeconomic indicators – alternative grazing, return of plantations to local councils, employment, fuelwood supplies,  Net anthropogenic removals = with

13 Monitoring Methodology  No baseline monitoring – will result in the saving of monitoring costs  Project scenario monitoring  Biomass monitoring at 5 year intervals  Soil carbon monitoring at 20 year intervals  Delineation of project boundary and its monitoring  Stratification, sampling, and data collection  Estimation of biomass equations using destructive sampling  Updating CO2FIX model projections with actual data from field measurements at each time interval  Quality Assurance/Quality Control

14 Additionality  Identification and assessment of plausible scenarios  Identification of the project scenario  Comparison of carbon removals of baseline & project scenarios  Application of additionality tools  Early start project (step 0)  Legal and regulatory framework (step 1)  Investment (financial/economic) analysis (step 2)  Barrier analysis (step 3)  Impact of CDM registration (Step 5)  Establishment of additionally Financial and economic additionality Investment barriers and common property issues Lack of awareness to soil erosion costs

15 Leakage  Staff travel outside the project boundaries  Activity shifting due to displacement of socioeconomic activities  Displacement of grazing  Fuelwood collection

16 Measures against Non-permanency  Crediting period and lCERs  Renewable – 20 year period, twice renewable  Contractual agreements  Contractual agreements between Moldsilva and 150 local councils  Moldsilva will manage the sites until establishment  Uncertainty assessment  Scenario analysis – Worst Case, Normal, and Best Case  Risk discounting – to account for fire, grazing, and other risks

17 Meth Panel Preliminary Recommendations  Applicability and non-applicability conditions  Positive change in baseline carbon and baseline re-evaluation at the end of 1 st crediting period  Treatment of pre-existing afforestation  Assessment of leakage – activity displacement and market impacts  Uncertainty assessment

18 Other Issues Commented  National policies  Definition of project boundaries and monitoring  Baseline approach  Additionality  Leakage  Stakeholder issues  Uncertainty – fire

19 Outstanding issues  Baseline re-evaluation under positive baseline at the end of first crediting period  Quantification of leakage due to activity shifting  Common practice test  Extent of detail in the monitoring methodology

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