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Tara Elementary Audio/Video Club. Purpose Expand skills in the area of audio and video equipment Learn how to operate video camera Learn how to operate.

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Presentation on theme: "Tara Elementary Audio/Video Club. Purpose Expand skills in the area of audio and video equipment Learn how to operate video camera Learn how to operate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tara Elementary Audio/Video Club

2 Purpose Expand skills in the area of audio and video equipment Learn how to operate video camera Learn how to operate a number of audio and video equipment Learn basic troubleshooting skills Set up sound system and light for assembly

3 Goals To host a film festival at the end of the year Visit a number of television stations

4 Why Tara Elementary Needs AV Club…

5 To Help Support Media Staff Capture video and photos of assemblies and other events Edit videos and photographs with different software Set up the A/V equipment for users Set up the equipment when needed

6 Membership Requirements Open to fourth and fifth grade students only Maintain a “B” average or better Ability to work with others; leadership ability; good speaking ability Respect of faculty and peers Good attendance Good behavior-minor discipline infractions

7 Audio Budge Request Audio/Video EquipmentCostExplanation AUDIO 1Digital Voice Recorder$39.99 2Handheld Wired Microphone$139.99Set of 4 replace microphones 3Handheld Wireless Microphone $429.99Replace the PA system 4Portable Public Address System $399.99Replace the speakers 5Speaker System$79.99

8 Video Budget Request VIDEOCostExplanation 6Polycom Video Conferencing Unit$995.99Help with editing 7Panasonic Super VHS Camcorder$149.99 8Television$0 9VCR/DVD Player$0

9 Presentation Equipment Budget PRESENTATIONCOSTEXPLANATION 10Laptop$349.99Use as teleprompter 11LCD Projector$299.99Use to show videos 12Document Camera$0Need for AV use only 1335 mm Slide Projector$19.99 14Overhead Projector$0 15Projection Screen$0 16Easel Stand$0

10 Accessories and Cables Budget ACCESSORIES & CABLESCOSTEXPLANATION 17Microphone Stand$24.99missing 18Camera Tripod$149.99broken 19A/V Cart$0 20Power Strips$19.99 x 5Need to purchase 5 @ $99.95 21¼ Audio Cable$5.99speakers to each other 22XLR Cable$29.95Microphone cable that connects to speakers 23RCA Cable$14.99Audio/video Cable 24VGA Cable$15.99laptop to LCD projectors 25Ethernet Cable$9.99laptop or desktop to the network 26AV Tool kits$49.99 x 5Use while troubleshooting $249.95

11 Software Budget SOFTWARECOSTEXPLANATION 27Audacity Software LicenseProvided by county 28Mixtrack PRO Virtual DJ Software$575.95Music for morning news TOTAL AMOUNT OF BUDGET$4090.00Each year the county provides a $5000 budget for media center

12 Budget Explanation The county provides a $5000 budget for media center each year $0 cost for Tara Elementary

13 Criteria for Morning News CRITERIAPOINTS Enunciate very well- speak or pronounce words20 Articulate words- express oneself in clear sounds and words20 Have voice control20 Can read well20 Personality- at ease in front of the camera20 Has an interest in audio and video equipment20

14 Essay Rubric SCORETRAITS _____4 _____3 _____2 _____1 CLEAR, WELL ORGANIZED, WELL DEVELOPED IDEAS Main idea (thesis) is well developed. It is clearly stated in the introductory paragraph. Topic sentence in the middle (body) paragraphs strongly support main idea. Transition words/phrases connects paragraphs smoothly (First, Finally, In addition, On the other hand, In conclusion…) Introduction is strong and concise Conclusion restate your introduction ideas ___4 ___3 ___2 ___1 SENTENCE VARIATION IN PARAGRAPHS Introductory participial phrase Compound sentences At least two independent clauses separated by semicolon Appositive phrase Introductory prepositional phrase Introductory adverb clause ___4 ___3 ___2 ___1 WORD CHOICE Vivid, lively verbs are used Imaginative unusual adjectives are used Vague, overused, repetitive language is avoided ___4 ___3 ___2 ___1 FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE Metaphor Simile Personification ___4 ___3 ___2 ___1 EDITING FOR GRAMMAR, USAGE, MECHANICS No run-on sentences No sentence fragments Subject/verb agreement and consistent verb tense usage Punctuation is correct Capitalization is correct Spelling is correct Paragraphs are indented correctly

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