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Assessing Land Degradation and Conservation in Somalia Somalia Water and Land Information Management Project Njeru L., Vargas R., Omuto C.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessing Land Degradation and Conservation in Somalia Somalia Water and Land Information Management Project Njeru L., Vargas R., Omuto C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessing Land Degradation and Conservation in Somalia Somalia Water and Land Information Management Project Njeru L., Vargas R., Omuto C.

2 100 – 250 mm/yr Pastoralism, Oasis farming, wood collection, charcoal production 300 – 500 mm/yr Pastoralism and agro- pastoralism 400 – 600 mm/yr Pastoralism, Agro- pastoralism, Rainfed and irrigated farming, wood collection Ecology & Livelihoods

3 Land degradation challenge 1.Heavy pressure on the land (overgrazing / charcoal / enclosures) 2.Breakdown of traditional land management systems 3.Naturally a marginal environ.

4 Land degradation concerns Communities want information on > (1) State of the problem - spread and intensity, (2) Causes of the problem, (3) Impacts on People and Environment, (4) What is being done or can be done

5 Use of LADA-WOCAT to map LD 1.Data preparation - LUS map developed and validated, supporting data compiled 2.Participatory assessments conducted in Somaliland, Puntland and South/Central 3.Results compiled for each Land use unit and land degradation and conservation situation mapped for the whole country

6 Land use systems 1.Inputs > Bio-physical characteristics and livelihoods (Livestock, farming, others) 2.Verified by field experts


8 Sample land degradation data Land use unitMain Deg. typeOther Deg. typesExtend of Deg.Degree of Deg.Direct causes of Deg. Indirect causes of deg. Impacts on ecosystem Rate of Deg.

9 Land degradation classes Loss of veg, Soil nutrient loss, Soil erosion (water) Overgrazing, Cultivation in Marginal areas Loss of veg, Soil erosion (water, Wind) Charcoal production, In- migration - Insecurity Loss of veg, Loss of biodiversity, Soil erosion (water, Wind), Salinization Overgrazing, Cultivation in marginal areas, poor irrigation mgt

10 Land management practices Few land management practices across the country However, few success practices available

11 Conclusions 1.Good tool for mapping degradation & conservation 2.Good preparation needed – good base map and supporting data 3.Adequate time needed for the assessment to reach consensus 4.Land degradation dataset for Somalia now available 5.Dataset will guide land degradation and conservation interventions 6.At community level > LADA Local Assessment / WOCAT DBs and tools

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