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Published byEverett Wheeler Modified over 9 years ago
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 1
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 2 What is Title 24? Title 24 and its place in California regulatory schema The 12 Parts of Title 24 Model codes, amendments, and unique elements Simple examples Q + A
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 3 A. Accessibility Code B. Building Code C. Energy Code D. All of the above E. None of the above 1. General Provisions 2. Administration 3. Food and Agriculture 4. Business Regulations 5. Education 6. Governor’s Regulations [empty] 7. Harbors and Navigation 8. Industrial Relations 9. Rehabilitative and Developmental Services 10. Investment 11. Law 12. Military and Veterans Affairs 13. Motor Vehicles 14. Natural Resources 15. Crime Prevention and Corrections 16. Professional and Vocational Regulations 17. Public Health 18. Public Revenues 19. Public Safety 20. Public Utilities and Energy 21. Public Works 22. Social Security 23. Waters 24. Building Standards Code 25. Housing and Community Development 26. Toxics 27. Environmental Protection 28. Managed Health Care * Title 24 is the California Building Standards Code (CBSC), one of 28 “titles” within the California Code of Regulations (CCR) *
Compilation of 3 building criteria types from 3 origins: › Building standards adopted by state agencies without change from national model codes; › Building standards adopted by state agencies and adapted from national model codes for California conditions; and › Building standards, authorized by the California legislature, that constitute extensive additions not covered by model codes, adopted to address particular California concerns. National model code standards adopted into Title 24 apply to all occupancies and jurisdictions in the state. › Exception: Modifications adopted by state agencies and local governing bodies that are more restrictive in nature. Triennial editions published since 1989 (except 2004). January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 4
Twelve parts › Part 1 through Part 12 › No Part 7 (Elevator Code duplicated CCR Title 8, subchapter 6) › “New” Part 2.5 for Residential Code Most parts are based on “model codes” published by… › ICC (Building, Residential, Fire, Existing Building) › IAPMO (Mechanical, Plumbing) › NFPA (Electrical) Some parts are unique to California › Administrative Code (Part 1) › Energy Code (Part 6) › Historical Building Code (Part 8) › Green Building Standards Code (Part 11), a/k/a “CALGreen” January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 5
Common errors › Using model codes instead of Title 24 versions Applying model code provisions that are not adopted for use in California (e.g., IBC Ch. 29) › Applying adopted Title 24 provisions unilaterally that are intended for only specific building occupancies, building features, or jurisdictions › Not applying non-model-code Title 24 provisions developed to implement state laws › Use of Title 24 provisions that have been superseded by issued replacement pages January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 6
California Building Standards Law › State laws enacted by the legislature and signed by the Governor › California Health and Safety Code, Division 13, Part 2.5, §18901 et seq. Creates the California Building Standards Commission Establishes how codes are adopted and published California Building Standards Code › Regulations adopted by the executive branch (also known as “state agencies”) › Title 24 of California Code of Regulations California Building Code › Part 2 of Title 24 of California Code of Regulations January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 7
Not all of the text of Title 24 is equally applicable to all “authorities having jurisdiction” (stage agencies) Title 24 uses “matrix adoption tables” to identify which sections are adopted by each state agency January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 8 X X X X
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 9
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 10 1:Administrative Code 2:Building Code 2.5:Residential Code 3:Electrical Code 4:Mechanical Code 5:Plumbing Code 6:Energy Code 8:Historical Building Code 9:Fire Code 10:Existing Building Code 11:Green Building Standards Code 12:Referenced Standards Code
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 11
1: Administrative 2: Building 2.5: Residential 3: Electrical 4: Mechanical 5: Plumbing 6: Energy 8: Historical Building 9: Fire 10: Existing Building 11: Green Building 12: Referenced Standards California (Building Standards) Administrative Code › Unique to California — published by ICC but not based on “model code” › Establishes administrative regulations related to building design and construction for various state agencies › Establishes general provisions for building design and construction for various project types January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 2412
The state agencies include: › California Building Standards Commission ( BSC ) › Department of Housing and Community Development ( HCD ) › Division of the State Architect - Structural Safety ( DSA-SS ) › Division of the State Architect - Access Compliance ( DSA-AC ) › Department of Public Health ( DPH ) › California Energy Commission ( CEC ) › Corrections Standards Authority ( CSA ) › Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development ( OSHPD ) › Office of the State Fire Marshal ( SFM ) › California State Library ( SL ) › State Land Commission ( SLC ) The project types include: › Essential services buildings › State buildings › Public school construction › Public pools › Retail food establishments › Disabled access to public buildings › Hospitals and other health facilities Part 1 of Title 24 establishes administrative regulations for authorities and building standards authorized by Chapter 1, Division I, of Part 2 of Title 24 (CBC) January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 13
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 14
1: Administrative 2: Building 2.5: Residential 3: Electrical 4: Mechanical 5: Plumbing 6: Energy 8: Historical Building 9: Fire 10: Existing Building 11: Green Building 12: Referenced Standards California Building Code ( CBC ) › Based on the International Building Code (IBC) published by ICC › Integrated with most of the other state building standards codes (e.g., the California Fire Code) › Bound in two volumes Volume 2 binder also contains Parts 8 and 10 › Establishes minimum requirements January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 2415 Minimum requirements are not necessarily sufficient to meet the minimum standard of care. “Code minimum” is the worst possible building you are legally allowed to construct.
Establishes minimum requirements › Safeguard the public health, safety and general welfare through Structural strength Means of egress facilities Stability Access to persons with disabilities Sanitation Adequate lighting and ventilation Energy conservation › Safety to life and property from fire and other hazards attributed to the built environment › Safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations Applies to... › Construction › Alteration › Movement › Enlargement › Replacement › Repair › Equipment › Use and occupancy › Location › Maintenance › Removal › Demolition ... of every building or structure or any appurtenances connected or attached to such buildings or structures January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 16
Volume 1 Administrative provisions › Scoping › Definitions Basic building characteristics › Use and Occupancy › Allowable heights and areas › Types of Construction Detailed requirements › Fire and Smoke Protection › Finishes and Interiors › Means of Egress › Accessibility › Exterior Walls and Roofs Volume 2 Structural provisions › Design & inspection › Soils & foundations › Materials Concrete Aluminum Masonry Steel Wood Non-structural materials › Glass & Glazing › Gypsum Board & Plaster › Plastic Special provisions › Elevators › Referenced Standards January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 17
Review the “Effective Use of the IBC/CBC” document at the front of the code (before the matrix adoption tables) › Administrative Provisions › Nonstructural Provisions Occupancy and construction type Sprinklers Location on site Allowable building size Special detailed occupancy requirements Fire and smoke protection Interior finishes (floor, wall, ceiling) Means of egress and occupant loads Special use features Accessibility Other provisions (e.g., elevators, glazing, canopies) › Structural Provisions Design loads (ASCE 7-05) Structural materials Structural analysis, design and detailing You should be aware of this suggested process, but you do not have to use it for every building’s code analysis January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 18
A a = {A t + [A t ×I f ] + [A t ×I s ]} › A a = allowable area per story (square feet) › A t = tabular building area per story per Table 503 (square feet) › I f = area increase factor for frontage per §506.2 › I s = area increase factor for sprinklers per §506.3 I s = 3 for single story I s = 2 for 2+ stories I f = [F÷P – 0.25] × W÷30 › F = building perimeter that fronts on public way or open space ≥ 20' wide (linear feet) › P = total building perimeter (linear feet) › W = width of public way or open space, weighted as (L 1 ×w 1 + L 2 ×w 2 + …) ÷ F › Maximum W = 30' › Maximum I f = 0.75 January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 19
What is the allowable building area for a 1 story office building constructed of non-fire-resistant wood framing with automatic sprinklers? › For the purposes of this example, we’ll ignore the possibility of frontage Table 503 A a = {9000 + [0] + [9000×3]} A a = 36,000 January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 20
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 21
1: Administrative 2: Building 2.5: Residential 3: Electrical 4: Mechanical 5: Plumbing 6: Energy 8: Historical Building 9: Fire 10: Existing Building 11: Green Building 12: Referenced Standards California Residential Code ( CRC ) › Based on the International Residential Code (IRC) published by ICC › Establishes minimum requirements › Simplified organization and building standards January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 2422
Establishes minimum requirements for the same purposes as the CBC Applies to the same list of possible activities (construction, alteration, repair, etc.) Applies to “every detached one- and two-family dwelling, efficiency dwelling unit, and townhouse not more than three stories above grade plane in height with a separate means of egress and structures accessory thereto” Exceptions: › Live/work units complying with the requirements of Section 419 of the California Building Code › Owner-occupied lodging houses with 5 or fewer guest rooms January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 23
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 24
1: Administrative 2: Building 2.5: Residential 3: Electrical 4: Mechanical 5: Plumbing 6: Energy 8: Historical Building 9: Fire 10: Existing Building 11: Green Building 12: Referenced Standards California Electrical Code › Based on the National Electrical Code (NEC) published by NFPA › Practical safeguarding from electrical hazards but not instructions › Establishes “necessary” standards for electrical safety and functionality January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 2425
Purpose › Practical safeguarding of persons and properties from hazards arising from the use of electricity. Intent › Not intended as a design specification or an instruction manual for untrained persons. Adequacy › Provisions of code are considered necessary for safety. › Code compliance and proper maintenance results in an installation that is essentially free from hazard but not necessarily efficient, convenient, or adequate for good service or future expansion of electrical use. Chapters 1-4: General provisions for all installations Chapters 5-7: Supplemental provisions Chapter 8: Communication systems (not subject to 1-7 UNO) Chapter 9: Tables (as referenced elsewhere) Annexes A-H: For informational purposes only January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 26
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 27
1: Administrative 2: Building 2.5: Residential 3: Electrical 4: Mechanical 5: Plumbing 6: Energy 8: Historical Building 9: Fire 10: Existing Building 11: Green Building 12: Referenced Standards California Mechanical Code ( CMC ) › Based on the Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) published by IAPMO › Establishes minimum standards for HVAC+R, incinerators, and heat- producing appliances January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 2428
Minimum standards › Safeguarding life or limb, health, property, and public welfare through regulation and control of… › Design, construction, installation, quality of materials, location, operation, and maintenance or use of… Heating, ventilating, cooling, and refrigeration systems Incinerators Other miscellaneous heat- producing appliances Applies to the… › Addition › Erection › Installation › Alteration › Repair › Relocation › Replacement › Use › Maintenance …of any › Heating, ventilating, cooling, refrigeration systems › Incinerators › Other miscellaneous heat- producing appliances. January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 29 Exception: When approved by the AHJ, minor additions, alterations and repairs to existing mechanical systems shall be permitted to be installed in accordance with the law in effect at the time the original installation was made.
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 30
1: Administrative 2: Building 2.5: Residential Building 3: Electrical 4: Mechanical 5: Plumbing 6: Energy 8: Historical Building 9: Fire 10: Existing Building 11: Green Building 12: Referenced Standards California Plumbing Code ( CPC ) › Based on the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) published by IAPMO › Establishes minimum standards for plumbing systems (piping, fixtures, fittings, etc.) including roof drains and natural gas › Supersedes IBC Chapter 29, which is not adopted by California January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 2431
Scope › Applies to the erection, installation, alteration, repair, relocation, replacement, addition to, use, or maintenance of plumbing systems. Table 422.1 › Plumbing fixture count › Uses Table A for occupant loads, not CBC Chapter 10 › IBC Chapter 29 is not adopted by California January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 32
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 33
1: Administrative 2: Building 2.5: Residential 3: Electrical 4: Mechanical 5: Plumbing 6: Energy 8: Historical Building 9: Fire 10: Existing Building 11: Green Building 12: Referenced Standards California Energy Code › Also known as “Building Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings” › Unique to California — published by ICC but not based on “model code” › Developed by California Energy Commission (CEC) with only statutory approval by Building Standards Commission (BSC) › Establishes minimum requirements but also prescriptive and performance based options for compliance January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 2434
The California Energy Code applies to all buildings: › In Occupancy Groups A, B, E, F, H, M, R, S or U; and › For which an application for a building permit or renewal of an existing permit is filed, or which are constructed by a governmental agency; and › That are either Unconditioned, indirectly or directly conditioned by mechanical heating or mechanical cooling or process spaces; or Low-rise residential buildings that are heated with a wood heater or another non- mechanical heating system. Exceptions: › Qualified Historic Buildings › Temporary structures and lighting, including structures erected in response to a natural disaster (per AHJ) Regulations apply to: › The building envelope › Space-conditioning systems › Water-heating systems › Pools and spas › Solar-ready buildings › Indoor lighting systems of buildings › Outdoor lighting systems › Signs located either indoors or outdoors January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 35 Not applicable to Occupancy Groups I or L
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 36
1: Administrative 2: Building 2.5: Residential 3: Electrical 4: Mechanical 5: Plumbing 6: Energy 8: Historical Building 9: Fire 10: Existing Building 11: Green Building 12: Referenced Standards California Historical Building Code ( CHBC ) › Often referred to as the “State Historical Building Code” or SHBC › Unique to California — published by ICC but not based on “model code” › Developed by the State Historical Building Safety Board (SHBSB) with only statutory approval by BSC › Performance oriented rather than prescriptive › Usually bound into Volume 2 of Part 2 (along with Part 10) January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 2437
The intent of the CHBC is to facilitate the preservation and continuing use of qualified historical buildings or properties while providing reasonable safety for the building occupants and access for persons with disabilities. “A totally new approach to building codes for historical structures, which maintains currently acceptable life- safety standards.” January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 38
The purpose of the CHBC is to provide regulations for the preservation, restoration, rehabilitation, relocation or reconstruction of buildings or properties designated as qualified historical buildings or properties. The CHBC requires enforcing agencies to accept solutions that are reasonably equivalent to the regular code when dealing with qualified historical buildings or properties. The CHBC is intended to provide solutions for the preservation of qualified historical buildings or properties… › to promote sustainability › to provide access for persons with disabilities › to provide a cost- effective approach to preservation, and › to provide for the reasonable safety of the occupants or users. January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 39
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 40
1: Administrative 2: Building 2.5: Residential 3: Electrical 4: Mechanical 5: Plumbing 6: Energy 8: Historical Building 9: Fire 10: Existing Building 11: Green Building 12: Referenced Standards California Fire Code ( CFC ) › Based on the International Fire Code (IFC) published by ICC › Related to regulations in Title 19 CCR Includes substantial reprinting of Title 19 regulations “for reference” January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 2441
Establishes minimum requirements “consistent with nationally recognized good practices” › Safeguard the public health, safety and general welfare from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises › Provide safety and assistance to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations Applies to... › Construction › Alteration › Movement › Enlargement › Replacement › Repair › Equipment › Use and occupancy › Location › Maintenance › Removal › Demolition ... of every building or structure or any appurtenances connected or attached to such buildings or structures January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 42
The CFC establishes regulations affecting or relating to buildings, structures, processes, premises and a reasonable degree of life and property safeguards regarding: › The hazard of fire and explosion arising from the storage, handling or use of structures, materials or devices; › Conditions hazardous to life, property or public welfare in the use or occupancy of buildings, structures or premises; › Fire hazards in the buildings, structures or on premises from use of, occupancy of or operation; › Matters related to the construction, extension, repair, alteration or removal of fire suppression or alarm systems ; › Conditions affecting the safety of fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations. January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 43
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 44
1: Administrative 2: Building 2.5: Residential 3: Electrical 4: Mechanical 5: Plumbing 6: Energy 8: Historical Building 9: Fire 10: Existing Building 11: Green Building 12: Referenced Standards California Existing Building Code › Based on Appendix Chapters A1 and A3 of the International Existing Buildings Code (IEBC) published by ICC › Includes several “UBC Standards” based on Uniform Code for Building Conservation (UCBC) published by ICC, and/or Standard Specifications published by ASTM International › Establishes minimum requirements but also includes reference standards › Only applies to specific types of existing buildings — all others use CBC (Chapter 34 typical) › Usually bound into Volume 2 of Part 2 (along with Part 8) January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 2445
Appendix Chapter A1, “Seismic Strengthening Provisions for Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Wall Buildings” › Applies to existing buildings with at least one unreinforced masonry bearing wall › Does not apply to alteration of existing electrical, plumbing, mechanical or fire safety systems › Reduces risk of death or injury from effects of earthquakes on unreinforced masonry bearing wall buildings Appendix Chapter A3, “Prescriptive Provisions for Seismic Strengthening of Cripple Walls and Sill Plate Anchorage of Light, Wood- frame Residential Buildings” › Applies to existing residential buildings of light-frame wood construction containing one or more structural weaknesses › Does not apply to Group R- 1, R-2 or R-4 with > 4 units, elements embedded in ground, slabs on grade, cripple walls over 48", or buildings over 3 stories › Reduces risk of earthquake- induced damage to wood- frame residential buildings › Does not prevent use of alternate means and methods of compliance January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 46 DOES NOT PREVENT LOSS OF LIFE OR INJURY, OR PREVENT EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE
UBC Standard 21-4, “Hollow and Solid Load-Bearing Concrete Masonry Units” › Based on ASTM C 90-95 UBC Standard 21-6, “In-Place Masonry Shear Tests” › Based on Sections A1 06.3.3 and A1 07.2 of the Uniform Code for Building Conservation UBC Standard 21-7, “Tests of Anchors in Unreinforced Masonry Walls” › Based on Sections A1 07.3 and A1 07.4 of the Uniform Code for Building Conservation UBC Standard 21-8, “Pointing of Unreinforced Masonry Walls” › Based on Section A1 of the Uniform Code for Building Conservation UBC Standard 21-13, “Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes” › Based on ASTM C 207-91 (reapproved 1992) January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 47
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 48
1: Administrative 2: Building 2.5: Residential 3: Electrical 4: Mechanical 5: Plumbing 6: Energy 8: Historical Building 9: Fire 10: Existing Building 11: Green Building 12: Referenced Standards California Green Building Standards Code ( CALGreen ) › Unique to California — published by ICC but not based on “model code” Heavily influenced development of International Green Building Code (IGBC) published by ICC 2010 CALGreen heavily influenced by City of Los Angeles amendments to 2007 CALGreen › Established minimum requirements but also voluntary “tiers” of more advanced/significant standards January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 2449
Purpose: Improve public health, safety and general welfare by enhancing the design and construction of buildings through the use of building concepts having a reduced negative impact or positive environmental impact and encouraging sustainable construction practices in the following categories: › Planning and design › Energy efficiency › Water efficiency and conservation › Material conservation and resource efficiency › Environmental quality Applies to planning, design, operation, construction, use and occupancy of every newly constructed building or structure in California. Mandatory for all projects on January 1, 2011. “It is not the intent that this code substitute or be identified as meeting the certification requirements of any green building program.” January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 50
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 51
1: Administrative 2: Building 2.5: Residential 3: Electrical 4: Mechanical 5: Plumbing 6: Energy 8: Historical Building 9: Fire 10: Existing Building 11: Green Building 12: Referenced Standards California Referenced Standards Code › Unique to California — published by ICC but not based on “model code” › Established minimum requirements for testing/certification, installation, etc. › Includes many otherwise discontinued standards, including old UBC standards January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 2452
Various model codes adopted by reference into Parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 12 of Title 24 CCR Applicable to many types of projects, including but not limited to school buildings and state- owned or state-leased essential service buildings. Releasing Systems for Security Bars in Dwellings Laboratory Animal Quarter Standards Stages and Platforms Fire-resistive Standards Materials and Construction Methods for Exterior Wildlife Exposure Fire-resistive Standards for Fire Protection Exits Building and Facility Access Specifications Standards for Insulating Material Engineering Regulations for Quality and Design of the Materials of Construction Radiation Shielding Standards Air Filters Protective Signaling Systems January 9, 2015CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 53
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 54 The California Building Standards Code (Title 24 of CCR) is the state building regulations established by the BSC which consists of 12 parts, including but not limited to: the California Building Code (Part 2), the California Energy Code (Part 6), the State Historical Building Code (Part 8), and the CALGreen Code (Part 11).
January 9, 2015 CSE: The 12 Parts of Title 24 55 Questions?
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