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The AIDA toolkit: Assessing Institutional Digital Assets Ed Pinsent, ULCC.

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Presentation on theme: "The AIDA toolkit: Assessing Institutional Digital Assets Ed Pinsent, ULCC."— Presentation transcript:

1 The AIDA toolkit: Assessing Institutional Digital Assets Ed Pinsent, ULCC


3 Aims of the module What is AIDA? How it can help you How its relevant to repository management How you can use it An exercise Background, other tools, future outcomes

4 What AIDA is Maturity model Audit tool Paper exercise Assesses the Institution –Not the assets, file formats, software or repository Looks at Organisation, Technology and Resources Gets you to do the work Shows strengths and weaknesses Examines many areas Encourages collaboration between disciplines Helps with asset management (and preservation)

5 Relevance to this Course AIDA can… –Measure your ability to manage digital content effectively –Show how good you are sustaining continued access –Be directly relevant to managing a repository (access, sharing, and usage) –Helps you find out where you are –Help you decide what to do next

6 Basis of AIDA Based on the Cornell maturity model for describing institutional readiness and capabilities for digital preservation Five Stages and Three Legs




10 AIDA scope – organisation leg Policies and mission statement Sharing and continuity Audit and monitoring Metadata management Contractual agreements IPR and rights management Disaster planning

11 AIDA scope – technology leg IT environment / infrastructure Appropriate technologies in place Storage, backup, security mechanisms Integrity, data corruption Obsolescence, format management Critical processes Security of environment Institutional repository management

12 AIDA scope – resources leg Business planning Resource allocation Risk analysis Business transparency Sustainability of funding Staff skills, numbers and training

13 Methodology Profile your organisation Look at the stages Identify where you think you are Position yourself Do it at two levels Record your decisions Tick boxes Submit form for scoring



16 AIDA weighted scorecard

17 Planning Scope the AIDA exercise carefully, especially for the second tier –You can target one project, one department, or one collection Agree roles of contributors and collaborators early on Don't treat it as an audit Don't spend too long looking for documentary evidence

18 Execution Start to evolve agreement about marking the Stages (people may have different perceptions) Don't assess or inventory individual assets or data - that's the job of DAF! Get collaborators in the frame. IT input is essential! Record your decisions methodically Keep all notes of interviews, deliberations, etc. even if not used entered in the AIDA submission (they may tell you something useful now and later)

19 Exercise Divide into four teams One element from each leg, relating to one activity Agree on the scope of what you will assess - work on a single Institution (real or imaginary) Assess the capacity for this activity Expected results: –A score for the element in each leg and at each level (6 scores in all) –Explain why you arrived at that decision –Roles / job titles of people consulted –Outline evidentiary sources that might help

20 Exercise feedback Was it a straightforward exercise? Could you understand what the process was trying to do? Did AIDA omit anything important? Were you able to 'recognise' yourself in the indicators? Were any of the elements not a good fit for what you are actually doing?

21 What the test cases said Why not just do it as an interview? Doesnt tell me anything I dont know already Should be better integrated as a toolkit Terminology confusing Difficult to apply to digital assets in practice Not all questions relate to digital assets Digital assets shouldnt be considered in isolation from other assets Lot of repetition Jumps between stages are not consistent A subjective process Needs several people to arrive at a decision

22 How AIDA was built 1.An Audit Checklist for the Certification of Trusted Digital Repositories. This is the document originally produced by RLG-NARA, which later became Trustworthy Repositories Audit and Certification (TRAC): Criteria and Checklist 2.The Cornell University Survey of Institutional Readiness 3.Summary of RLG-OCLC Framework Component Characteristics 4.Network of Expertise in long-term STORage (NESTOR)

23 DRAMBORA and DAF DRAMBORA (Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment) –Requires much self-insight and preparedness –Sees everything as risk management –Predicated on TDR –A bit complex DAF (Data Audit Framework) –Concerned with one asset type (research data) –Aims to improve management –Helps to measure value of research data

24 AIDA Self-Help Guide How to move forward Implies there is no moving forward to Stage 1 (Acknowledge) Advice and guidelines Not yet released Not yet validated A toolkit of toolkits Tools arent always software


26 AIDA wiki

27 Asset management is more than preservation Storage issues, de-duplication Stop wasting money on creating (and storing) expensive assets we don't need Share these useful assets which we do need Throw away those assets which have expired Make money from our assets

28 Future use AIDA could work for any organisation with digital assets Could work alongside records management Results may help you make a case for more resource

29 Links / contact AIDA website http://aida.jiscinvolve. org/ Toolkit http://aida.jiscinvolve. org/toolkit/ Ed Pinsent

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