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Published byPercival Pope Modified over 9 years ago
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005 Seoul, Korea 1 Overview of Australian Bureau of Meteorology Satellite Activities Country Report for Australia
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea2 Services provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology uweather forecasts and warnings (and tsunamis) uclimate and hydrological information uin support of aviation, shipping, defence, industry and the general public, to enhance economic and social well-being
TC Tracy 1974 ESSA-8
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea4 Local ground stations uRationale for local reception: l timeliness; l full resolution; l low cost, relatively low maintenance; l backup to Melbourne Head Office (security of access to data). uRanging geo satellites - TARS - Treaty with Japan, MOU with China
J-TARS, Crib Point
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea6 Locally received satellite data uMTSAT-1R/GOES-9/FY-2C: Melbourne HO & Crib Pt (near Melbourne) uNOAA: Crib Pt (2), Darwin, Perth, Casey (Antarctica), Alice Springs uFY-1D: Melbourne, Darwin, Casey uMODIS: Hobart, Perth, (Alice Springs from ACRES); AIRS Melbourne uHobart, Alice Springs, Perth - consortia uMTSAT-1R, FY-2C - Perth, Darwin, Brisbane & Sydney, plus Melbourne
Crib Point - south of Melbourne (SE Australia)
TERSS - Hobart
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea9 MTSAT-1R/GOES-9 applications usolar radiation uAtmospheric Motion Vectors uvolcanic ash detection uassimilation of radiances into NWP models uData Collection Platforms
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea10
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea11
Example of output from the Bureau's solar radiation model using GMS-5 visible observations and ancillary data
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea13
AMVs at 3 levels derived from GOES-9 images, processed using McIDAS before assimilation into NWP models
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea15 FY-2C 30 Jan 2005 06 UTC
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea16 MTSAT-1R on 9 May 2005 0232 UTC infrared, test transmission HiRID
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea17 MTSAT-1R 0333 UTC, 9 May 2005 colour- enhanced composite with Vis, IR: HiRID
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea18 Data Collection Platforms uAutomatic weather stations - geo relay (GMS/MTSAT) uTide gauges - geo relay uDrifting buoys - NOAA DCPLS
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea19 Coverage by Bureau Receiving Stations – Polar Orbiters
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea20 Polar orbiter applications uATOVS retrievals uSea Surface Temperatures uNormalised Difference Vegetation Indices uGrassland Curing Indices usea ice monitoring ulow cloud/fog detection ubushfire monitoring (hotspots, smoke) uvolcanic ash detection umultichannel composites uBMRC is validating GPS estimates of Total Precipitable Water, and improving NWP models.
TC Thelma
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea22 Australian region sea surface temperature map from NOAA satellite data in degrees Celsius.
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea23 SST quality: average RMS error (satellite versus ground truth). Red line is RMS error of 1.0 degree Kelvin.
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea24 Maximum Value Composite NDVI product
Low cloud/fog mask from NOAA data, for southern part of Western Australia, 6 April 2004. Colours are: gray no cloud detected; red rejected fog/low cloud; blue very low cloud/fog; green low cloud; yellow low cloud but tops clearly distinct from ground (ex ch3-ch4); brown dull cloud - low and/or thin (ex neighbouring pixel check); purple bright cloud - mid and/or thick (ex neighbouring 'surface' check); magenta/pink cirrus & cloud edges; orange cold cloud - ice or large water droplets; black cold cloud - probable ice.
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea27 Satellite versus radiosonde soundings
97-98 El Nino - SE Asia fires
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea29 4 Feb 2003, NOAA-16, Victoria/Tasmania
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea30 China’s FY-1C &-1D u10 channel radiometer ureceived and processed real-time at Crib Pt, near Melbourne, Casey, Darwin
Multichannel composite colour FY-1C image over south Australia
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea32 FY-1D
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea33 Indirectly received satellite data uMeteosat & GOES from SSEC, UKMO, Eumetsat uNOAA from SSEC University of Wisconsin uINSAT from Internet uscatterometer e.g. from GTS or QuikSCAT from NOAA/NESDIS uERS altimeter in BUFR from GTS uENVISAT RA and AATSR ftp from ESA uSSM/I DMSP from NOAA/NESDIS uATOVS (SATEMs) from NOAA/NESDIS & UKMO uSATOB AMVs and SSTs
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea34 QuikSCAT: Wind barbs (in knots), colour-coded via wind speed: 0 - black, 5 - blue, 10 - light blue, 15 - cyan, 20 - aqua, 25 - green, 30 - lime green, 35 - yellow, 40 - orange, 45 - red, >50 brown.
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea35 ERS Scatterometer winds over Tropical Cyclone Justin 16 March 1997, overlaid on GMS-5 satellite image.
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea36 TRMM surface rain
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea37 28 May 2003 Night - EST AVHRR – 0300 AATSR – 2200 MODIS – 2230 AMSRE – 0200 15.5–17.0 O S 138.5–141.0 O E
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea38 Future Plans for Bureau satellite activities ufurther direct reception; ufurther access to non-local RT products (GTS, Internet); ufurther education & training and promotion to improve utilisation, with Bureau's Training Centre; uquality and performance measurement; uX-band data management and new ground stations (Crib Pt, Darwin, Antarctica) uMODIS workshops and software exchange/stds uenhanced data assimilation into NWP models, especially regional/mesoscale e.g. ATOVS, AIRS uestablishment of regional servers for RT time data dissemination including RARS
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea39 Advanced and Future Satellite Systems l Aqua: MODIS 36 channels, 250m-1km res, 0.4-15 microns; AIRS/AMSU/HSB - AIRS 2378 channels vis to mid-IR: high res soundings l METOP-2 l FY-3 series l NPP, NPOESS l COMS, FY-2D, MTSAT-2 l GIFTS
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea40 APSDEU environment: International Meteorological Satellite Arrangements uWMO World Weather Watch (WWW) uWMO Space Programme (Geneva) uenhanced R&D RT satellite data access brokered by WMO with huge impact on NMHSs (eg. Terra, Aqua, Envisat) uCoordination Group on Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) uCommittee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) uITWG/ITSC uAPSDEU members have many bilateral MOUs or Treaties which provide facilitating mechanisms for enhanced cooperation
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea41 International satellite trends uTrend 1: R&D satellites in space based component of GOS which serves NMHSs for nearly 200 countries increased RT access; more data uTrend 2: satellite sensors are integrating imaging and sounding functions and shifting from multispectral to hyperspectral. Determine geophysical parameters better uTrend 3: L-band environmental satellites being replaced by advanced satellites at X-band uTrend 4: newer satellites transmit in internationally agreed digital formats unable to be read by current ground receiving stations unless they are substantially upgraded.
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea42 Trends…. uTrend 5: Need to form composite observing systems integrating ground and space based networks, with adaptive capabilities for natural disasters or emergencies uTrend 6: Education and training more and more critical and globally coordinated uTrend 7: Clients want integrated products, GIS compatible with data layers, to assist in their decision making and businesses uTrend 8: global and regionalised data distribution in RT, perhaps the forerunner of EOS/GEOSS subsystems
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea43 Total solar eclipse Dec 2002, near Woomera, Australia
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea44 Mars
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea45
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APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea48
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005 Seoul, Korea 49 ASIA-PACIFIC RARS
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea50 Data Collection uHRPT Stations l Built on existing national stations (Australia, China incl HK, Japan, Korea, New Zealand) l Further stations identified subject to coverage/user requirement assessment (e.g. NWP models) network/communications considerations possible candidates (need to define this) –Singapore, Guam, Tahiti, Fiji, Hawaii –additional Antarctic stations (McMurdo, Dumont d’Urville, Siyowa – in addition to Casey) – possibility of integrated approach l assume processing done at each HRPT station – output AAPP Level 1a or 1c l Transfer of data between stations and processing centres – hybrid mixture of GTS-based FTP, internet-based FTP, national communications
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea51 Standardisation Recommendations uAnything disseminated inter-regionally must use a commonly agreed version of the AAPP software, and should be in BUFR (which should be integrated into the distributed software) uMinimum standards should be set for quality-tagging of data (source traceability, ……) uMinimum service management standards should be set (points to be addressed are in the EARS documentation) uEUMETSAT can assist with its quality control and monitoring software (free)
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea52 Data Collection and Distribution ubetween 2 and 6 Data Collection and Distribution Centres (Nodes) proposed: l Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul etc (approximates to Region II) l Melbourne, Singapore etc (approximates to region V) l Need to agree on this uCentres responsible for both regional and inter-regional distribution uBuilds on GTS architecture uRegional distribution will use a combination of FTP/Internet or GTS – depends on available connectivity uInter-regional distribution – first preference is GTS – subject to meeting timeliness targets – tests to be conducted (Melbourne<>Tokyo, Tokyo<>Washington, Melbourne<>Exeter); possibility of China comms satellite? Exchange timeliness to be determined. uDissemination architecture proposed reflects the specifics of the Asia/Pacific region (limited number of centres requiring ATOVS data, but ECMWF and others like NCEP want global RT ATOVS)
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea53 Australia: current capabilities uData Acquisition l six HRPT stations l four X-band stations - two part owned ABoM uReception: all NOAAs, FY-1d for HRPT stations, plus all Terra and Aqua overpasses uAVHRR, ATOVS, DCPs; CAPS, McIDAS and AAPP used uRoughly 15 passes per day per station uDistribution: WAN across Australia, plus optical fibre within Head Office, plus Internet uInfrastructure to assist with RARS(s) - yes - major web site, ftp servers, GTS, SATAID satellite data server.
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea54 Australia: requirements uRequirements via RARS: l ATOVS, ASCAT; also MODIS, AIRS, DMSP (e.g.SSM/IS) uGeographical regions: global. Australian region requirements well met but would like to expand to Antarctica and NZ, then global uSatellites for RARS data: NOAA, Metop, DMSP, ENVISAT, NPP, NPOESS, FY-3, Aqua, Terra uData formats: BUFR mainly, possibly HDF (for ATOVS Level 1d) uTimeliness: <2 hours, but preferably better for meso models uMechanisms: l initially GTS; could also be satellite broadcast, Internet, ftp server, RANET (Radio and Internet for the Communication of Hydrometeorological and Climate Related Information) etc. Cost of access is an issue.
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea55 Australia: RARS discussions ustandardisation of data processing and formats and transmission protocols will require consideration to ensure effective RARS operations uresources deployment and affordability, communications bandwidth, data compression and data management. uassociated implications for expansion to distribution of satellite data beyond ATOVS would also need consideration uRegular Asia-Pacific Satellite Data Exchange and Utilisation (APSDEU) meetings deal with many data exchange issues, so that community can contribute significantly to the preparations for RARS(s) in the Asia-Pacific region. Countries attending include Japan, Australia, USA, Korea, China, Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong (China). APSDEU-6, Seoul in 2005: RARS and ADMs to be discussed. uABoM keen to contribute to enhanced exchange of satellite data to better meet our data requirements and those of other WMO Members. e.g. in cooperation with JMA, Bureau already operates a satellite data server providing near-RT GOES-9 data in SATAID format for use by NMHSs in the Asia-Pacific region. This system is likely to become increasingly important after MTSAT-1R and newer generation satellites.
APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Korea56 RARS Vision uRARS increases satellite data use with big global impacts; expansion to AVHRR, ASCAT, geo data uRARS fits with WMO, GEO and an Asia-Pacific regional system for coordinated: l direct reception e.g. X-band l processing (cal/nav) and archival l applications l R&D, training l rapid data exchange ubalance between local reception and global non-local access driven by user needs, security of access, satellite constraints (DB/onboard storage), operator constraints (availability of RT products).
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