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Network and Systems Laboratory Skype Group, NSLAB INFOCOMM2012(Hopefully)

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1 Network and Systems Laboratory Skype Group, NSLAB INFOCOMM2012(Hopefully)

2 Network and Systems Laboratory

3 Network and Systems Laboratory

4 Network and Systems Laboratory

5 Network and Systems Laboratory Tx/Rx Content Bitrate Jitter Packet Loss Rate Quality of Service(QoS)

6 Network and Systems Laboratory

7 Network and Systems Laboratory Mean Opinion Score (MOS) Reaction Time Reactivity/Responsiveness Quality of Experience (QoE)

8 Network and Systems Laboratory QoE MOS Reaction Time Reactivity QoS Tx/Rx Content Bitrate Jitter Packet Loss

9 Network and Systems Laboratory

10 Network and Systems Laboratory Related Works On the TCP-Friendliness of VoIP Traffic, Tian Bu et al., INFOCOM2006 Disprove the conjecture that VoIP is not TCP-Friendly after taking the user back-off mechanism into account. User back-off: real time apps will drop out completely if the user perceived unacceptable quality due to network congestion.

11 Network and Systems Laboratory Related Works Quantifying Skype User Satisfaction, K. T. Chen et al., SIGCOMM2006 The User Satisfaction Index(USI) Using traditional metrics (RTT, jitter, bitrate) to infer user-centric metrics (reactivity, duration, MOS.) Allow real-time and user-centric adaptation.

12 Network and Systems Laboratory Related Works Could Skype be More Satisfying?, T. Y. Huang et al., IEEE Network 2010 Skype’s adaptation does not take the individual codec and packet loss patterns into consideration. The inconsistency in voice quality results in over-utilization of bandwidth.

13 Network and Systems Laboratory Related Works An Experimental Investigation of the Congestion Control Used by Skype, L. D. Cicco et al., WWIC 2007 Skype’s slow adaptation to bandwidth drop causes coexisting TCP flows to be suppressed. Skype’s over-utilization of bandwidth causes massive fluctuation on bitrate, which may result in user frustration.

14 Network and Systems Laboratory Motivation Clearly, there are many to be improved on Skype’s rate adaptation algorithm. Skype’s over-utilization of bandwidth is 1) wasting network resource and 2) threating other applications at the risk of 3) producing massive fluctuation on quality. Our major assumption: This selfish deed of Skype is actually NOT helping user satisfaction. Users dislike changes on audio quality, even if they actually increase the average rate.

15 Network and Systems Laboratory Roadmap Preliminary Experiments Large-Scale Experiments EvaluationConclusion

16 Network and Systems Laboratory Roadmap Preliminary Experiments Large-Scale Experiments EvaluationConclusion

17 Network and Systems Laboratory Goal Confirm our assumption about user’s impression towards audio quality fluctuation. Get a ballpark idea of the possible relationships between parameter and MOS. (formulation)

18 Network and Systems Laboratory Method Exploit audio encoder/decoder to create audio track with fluctuating qualities (bitrates.) We will focus on Silk in all following experiments due to its 1) potential of domination of VoIP codec and 2) flexibility on fine-tuning bitrate.

19 Network and Systems Laboratory Test Tracks High rate Low rate Time ∆T∆T ∆T∆T Bitrate

20 Network and Systems Laboratory PCM Test Tracks Setup Header PCM Encoder Decoder High rate Low rate Combine ∆T∆T Header

21 Network and Systems Laboratory Formulation: Goal We target three variables, High Rate, Low Rate, ∆ T, that affect the user’s perception. Interactions between the three variables. Exp1: Find the relation between fixed bitrate and MOS. Exp2: Find the formula that combines the three dimensions with MOS.

22 Network and Systems Laboratory Formulation: Test Tracks Setup The maximum and minimum bitrate of Silk are 40.6 and 5.6 kbps. We chose 10 rates uniformly from the interval. Experiment 1: Fixed Rate vs. MOS q140.6 kbps q236.6 kbps q332.8 kbps q428.9 kbps q525.0 kbps q621.1 kbps q717.2 kbps q813.3 kbps q99.5 kbps q105.6 kbps

23 Network and Systems Laboratory Formulation: Test Tracks Setup The source track is 30 seconds long. We set ∆T as its factors. We picked 4 rates (q1, q4, q7, q10) to be the candidates of high and low rates. HR LR ∆T∆T 10 sec 5 sec 3 sec 2 sec 1 sec {40.6, 28.9, 17.2, 5.6} kbps Experiment 2

24 Network and Systems Laboratory Formulation: Test Tracks Setup Follows the ITU recommendations. Four voices: 2 male and 2 female. Sentences with no coherent plot. 30 seconds, 44.1 kbps Reference tracks (original 44.1 kbps) are inserted in the test cases in order to provide a standard of rating. The tracks of Exp1&2 are mixed up and the order of rating for each subject is randomly picked.

25 Network and Systems Laboratory Formulation: Results (Exp1)

26 Network and Systems Laboratory Formulation: Analysis (Exp1) The plot can be fitted by a shifted logarithm function. The shift is due to the lower boundary of human audio perception. Observed rapid MOS drop with lower bitrate.

27 Network and Systems Laboratory Why Logarithms? Weber–Fechner law The smallest noticeable difference in stimulus (the least difference that the test person can still perceive as a difference,) was proportional to the starting value. The law is shown plausible in a wide range of human perceptions including hearing, vision, taste, sense of touch and heat, and even temporal and spatial cognitions.

28 Network and Systems Laboratory Formulation: Results (Exp2) Adapting to an “optimal rate” and ignoring how users feel about changes might be over-optimistic.

29 Network and Systems Laboratory Formulation: Results (Exp2)

30 Network and Systems Laboratory Formulation: Analysis (Exp2) R 2 of logarithm regression of each track are generally higher than 0.9. An outlier is discovered: 28.9+17.2. This is attributed to: 1) the similarity of the two bitrates and 2) they both reside in middle- or low-level qualities. The phenomena is also supported by the ANOVA test on the similarity of 28.9 and 17.2 kbps data sets (p = 0.2155).

31 Network and Systems Laboratory Formulation: Analysis (Exp2) In short, the MOS to frequency of rate change relationship, although shows logarithmic behavior in general, depends on the magnitude of rate changes.

32 Network and Systems Laboratory Some Guessing About the Subroutines SCALE() Directly associated with the difference between hr and lr. The results in Fig. 7 provide evidence to this inference: same average bitrate, different magnitudes. Positive correlation between the scale of regression function and rate change magnitude. Another intention of SCALE() is to deal with small magnitude tracks that does not fit well.

33 Network and Systems Laboratory Some Guessing About the Subroutines SHIFT() Cope with human’s expectation. As ∆T grows, the effect of fluctuation decreases and the variable-rate case will become indiscernible to a fixed-rate version. We call this imaginary, fixed rate equivalent the dominant quality of the fluctuation. (dominant quality ≠ average quality ) The dominant quality is the exact quality a user expects to observe when the negative impact of fluctuation diminishes.

34 Network and Systems Laboratory Roadmap Preliminary Experiments Large-Scale Experiments EvaluationConclusion

35 Network and Systems Laboratory Large-Scale Experiments: Goal We need massive data to construct the detail of our formulas: - verify the structures of our formulas. - factors in the fixed-rate formula: - subroutines in the variable-rate formula: SCALE(hr,lr) & SHIFT(hr,lr)

36 Network and Systems Laboratory Method Same source track. Nine levels of quality are exponentially chosen. Five levels of rate changing frequency {1,2,3,5,10}. 127 participants. Score calibration with hidden reference track. ITU Recommendations

37 Network and Systems Laboratory Results: Formula Structure Figural support: Non-parallel plots Statistic support: ANOVA of interactivity (p=8e-14)

38 Network and Systems Laboratory Results: Fixed-rate Formula α=4.091 β=1.515 γ=1.000 Another interesting discovery: lower bound of Silk.

39 Network and Systems Laboratory Results: SCALE Not surprisingly, SCALE subroutine is positively correlated with magnitude.

40 Network and Systems Laboratory Results: SHIFT This is more tricky… due its relationship with user expectation. Base on our definition of dominant quality: Where D(hr,lr) is the MOS of the dominant quality of rate changing pair: (hr,lr)

41 Network and Systems Laboratory SHIFT (Conti.) First we plot the estimated MOS of fixed hr, fixed lr, and D. There is an apparent difference when hr<14.1. Not surprising, we have already seen this reaction of MOS when a track is paired by two similar, inferior rates.

42 Network and Systems Laboratory SHIFT (Conti.) We plot them again in percentages: hr = 100% lr = 0% We can then see a clear pattern when we group the tracks by their MOS magnitudes.

43 Network and Systems Laboratory SHIFT (Conti.) Finally…

44 Network and Systems Laboratory Roadmap Preliminary Experiments Large-Scale Experiments EvaluationConclusion

45 Network and Systems Laboratory Evaluation It is not surprising that the formula outcomes of preliminary and large-scale experiments fit their ground truth. We need a third dataset for verifying purpose. The Verifying Experiments Different source track: conversation of two males. Different length: 60 seconds Different rates: {44.1, 11.8, 6.4} kpbs Different frequencies: {1,5,10} seconds

46 Network and Systems Laboratory Results

47 Network and Systems Laboratory Roadmap Preliminary Experiments Large-Scale Experiments EvaluationConclusion

48 Network and Systems Laboratory Conclusion Verified the user experience versus magnitude of rate change relationship exhibits the log-like behavior, echoing the Weber’s theory. Discovered that experience versus frequency of rate change relationship also exhibits the log-like behavior. Derived the closed form model of user experience to rate changes with 97%+ goodness of fit.

49 Network and Systems Laboratory Thanks For Your Attention

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