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Andmebaaside tarkvara Tarkvara, mille abil töötab andmebaasi mootor.

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Presentation on theme: "Andmebaaside tarkvara Tarkvara, mille abil töötab andmebaasi mootor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andmebaaside tarkvara Tarkvara, mille abil töötab andmebaasi mootor

2 AB tarkvara näited 1 Adabas is Software AG's advanced database management system that delivers high transaction throughput while ensuring integrity and flexibility DB2 is IBM's family of information management software products. Most often though, when people say DB2, they are referring to IBM's flagship relational database management system, DB2 Universal Database. Informix Founded in 1980, Informix is one of the fastest growing DBMS software companies. Though still much smaller company than its chief rival, Oracle, Informix has been able to make large market-share gains recently due to its innovative technology.DBMSOracle

3 AB tarkvara näited 2 Ingres (pronounced /iŋ-grεs'/) is a commercially supported, open- source relational database management system. Ingres was first created as a research project at the University of California, Berkeley starting in the early 1970s and ending in the early 1980s. The original code, like that from other projects at Berkeley, was available at minimal cost under a version of the BSD license.relational database management systemUniversity of California, Berkeley BSD license Microsoft SQL Server is a comprehensive, integrated data management and analysis software that enables organizations to reliably manage mission-critical information and confidently run today’s increasingly complex business applications. SQL Server 2005 allows companies to gain greater insight from their business information and achieve faster results for a competitive advantage.

4 AB tarkvara näited 3 MySQL (pronounced /maiskjel/ "my S-Q-L" or sometimes "my sequel") is a multithreaded, multi-user SQL database management system (DBMS) which has, according to MySQL AB, more than 10 million installations. [2] The basic program runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databasespronouncedmultithreadedmulti-userSQLdatabase management systemMySQL AB [2] Oracle database is a commercial, relational database management system from Oracle Corporation. Sybase Database Management Software Optimized solutions for distributed data management. Data is a strategic asset for many organizations, driving smarter decisions, improved operational efficiencies and better customer service. The traditional ideas about centrally managed data have evolved.

5 Andmebaasi disaini tarkvara näide Case vahendid Xcase is a complete database design tool engineered to help you accomplish all your database-related tasks from data modeling through to database maintenance, with greater productivity and higher quality. Demot saab vaadata: Iga andmebaasi loomise tarkvara sisaldab reeglina peale andmebaasi mootori tarkvara nii disainimise vahendid kui ka kasutajaliideste loomise vahendid

6 Veel mõned demod Use case demo Demo.html

7 Database Vendors 4th Dimension 4th Dimension Adabas Advantage. AlventisAdabas Advantage Alventis ANTS Axion Berkeley Birdstep Btrieve Clipper Cloudscape Codebase Daffodil DB Dataflex DataPerfect DB2 db4objects dBase DBISAM DBMaker dbStar DBVista FileMakerPro Firebird FirstSQL FiveWin Foxpro FrontBase General GNU SQL GoldMine H2 Database HSQLDB Infinity HSQLDB Infinity Informix IngresInformix Ingres InterBase ITTIA JavaDBF jBase JDataStore MaxDB Mckoi Microsoft Access Database Microsoft SQL Server Mimer SQL mSQL MySQL Oracle mSQL MySQL Oracle ParadoxParadox Pervasive Pick Pointbase PostgreSQL PowerBuilder Progress QED Revelation SAP DB Sav Zigzag Servoy Smyle Spider SQLBase SQLite Sybase tinySQL Unify VistaDB Visual dBase xBase xBaseJ XML

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