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Rumyana Tonchovska, Sr. Land Administration-IT Officer, FAO Kathrine Kelm, Sr. Land Administration expert, World Bank Renee Giovarelli, gender expert,

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Presentation on theme: "Rumyana Tonchovska, Sr. Land Administration-IT Officer, FAO Kathrine Kelm, Sr. Land Administration expert, World Bank Renee Giovarelli, gender expert,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rumyana Tonchovska, Sr. Land Administration-IT Officer, FAO Kathrine Kelm, Sr. Land Administration expert, World Bank Renee Giovarelli, gender expert, Landesa Information technology in support of evidence based policy making: Land and gender in the Western Ballkans EQUALITY FOR WOMEN IS PROGRESS FOR ALL MARCH 2014 WASHINGTON

2 The Guidelines which has been endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) on 11 May 2012, set out principles and internationally accepted standards for responsible practices. “Governing land for women and men” is now available in Spanish as well as in English This Technical Guide includes examples and suggested monitoring indicators to improve gender equity and activities involved in land tenure governance. FRENCH IS COMING SOON

3 The Guidelines, Section 26 calls on States for the implementation and encourages them to: set up multi-stakeholder platforms and frameworks at local, national and regional levels or use such existing platforms and frameworks. This process should be inclusive, participatory, gender sensitive, implementable, cost effective and sustainable From principles to action

4 INNOVATION WORK: Greater Leadership Program on Inclusive and Informed Land Administration in the Western Balkans 7 Reform teams from 6 countries Teams Composition: Government policy makers Government Technical Experts Private sector (notaries) NGOs Each team developed 11 months plans. Participating countries Main objectives: Streamline the gender equality through building capacity to generate gender disaggregated data from the Land Administration IT systems and use them for evidence based policy making. All participating countries have ongoing World Bank financed land administration projects, except Serbia, where new project is designed. CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL REPORTHERE

5 Key issues identified by the reform teams Voluntary Guidelines, para 17.4 “... as part of broader public information sharing, records of tenure rights should be available to State agencies and local governments to improve their services. Information should be shared in accordance with national standards, and include disaggregated data on tenure rights.” Main Benefits ICT in the land tenure sector could increase the involvement of the so-called “Third Sector” of non governmental and local organizations, including those representing women. 1.Lack of awareness and interest of key stakeholders (e.g. senior government officials, land agency staff, notaries, men and even women) 2.Lack of gender disaggregated data to convince the key stakeholders and guide decision making.

6 ECA countries have property registration ict systems in place (except 2) Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova, Serbia, Slovenia, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine. MOST OF ECA LAND AGENCIES PROVIDE DATA ONLINE PROVIDING INFORMATION TO ALL! Main Benefits ICT in the land tenure sector could increase the involvement of the so-called “Third Sector” of non governmental and local organizations, including those representing women.

7 I.What data are needed? SEX: Female/Male; Birth day The purpose of collecting this data is to generate Gender & Age disaggregated statistical reports. No personal data will be made available. II. How to Obtaining Gender/Age Data?  e-Government – linking key registers (personal register, tax register, property register, etc.) Examples: Russia, Croatia, Romania  Collecting Gender information Examples: Albania, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo  Personal ID numbers or TAX numbers Examples: Bulgaria, BiH, Norway, Italy, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro  Using names as gender identifier Examples: Western Balkans: Tested as part of the project What data are needed? & How to obtain them?

8 A. % of women owning properties 1.% of Women owning 100 % of properties 2.% of Women owning at least 50 % of properties 3.% of Women owning less than 30 % of properties Reports 1. % of women owning properties, as per 1-3 above national level and regional level with possibility for selection of a period of time B. % of women, who inherited properties/sale-buy/take mortgages 1.% of Women owning 100 % of properties 2.% of Women owning 50 % of properties 3.% of Women owning less than 50 % of properties Report 2. % of women who, properties/sale-buy/take mortgages, as per 1-3 above, at national level and regional level with possibility for selection of a period of time In case of Birthday data available, could generate Youth disaggregated data. What kind of disagregated data?

9 COUNTRYGOV GO V. PO LIC Y NOT ARY NGOTOTA L Albania 213 Kosovo 21115 Montenegr o 1214 Serbia 325 Macedoni a 3115 BiH- Federation 2114 BiH- Rep. Srpska 1135 TOTAL 1292730 % of Women registered mortgages FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA % of Women vs Men registered as owners in the land registry Examples of Gender Disaggregated data

10 What disaggregated data shows? In ECA the legal base provides equal access to land for women and men. However the data shows that the laws are in contradiction with custom in some of the areas. Registered females National level: Albania 29%, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina – 25%, Bosnia and Herzegovina – Republica Strpska – 30%, Kosovo – 15%, Republic of Serbia – 36%, Montenegro – 26%, FYR Macedonia – 17%. Local/municipal level: Starts from 3% and goes to 48%. Voluntary Guidelines, para 9.7: “Where constitutional or legal reforms strengthen the rights of women and place them in conflict with custom, all parties should cooperate to accommodate such changes in the customary tenure systems.”

11 DATA QUALITY & COMPLETENES Gender and age data in the property systems are missing or incomplete, which requires additional investments. What is the solution? Collection of missing personal IDs in the property systems from other government systems, which will allow in the future connection with various government systems and generation of statistical reports with disaggregated data, including gender and age. HOW TO USE THE DISAGREGATED DATA? Key Issues

12 Which Data is Most Useful?  Country-level data:  Percent of property titled in the name of women and men  Local level data:  Percent of property owned by women and men  Percent of mortgages taken by women and men  Percent of specific types of land owned by women and men  Percent of property obtained through sale, inheritance, gift by women and men  Sex disaggregated tracking of new applications

13 Global Land Indicator Initiative (GLII)  Percentage of women and men, communities and businesses that perceive their land resources and property rights are recognized and protected  Percentage of women and men, indigenous peoples and local communities and businesses with legally recognized evidence of tenure  Extent to which the national legal framework provides women and men equal rights to land resources and property.  Extent to which the national legal framework recognizes and protects legitimate land rights and uses derived through a plurality of tenure regimes

14 Using the Data - Capacity Building  Sensitize and train staff and members of all the institutions involved in land tenure governance on gender issues  Train field staff and land officials in facilitating women’s participation in local land tenure governance institutions  E-learning for key stakeholders  Workshops  Videos

15 Using the Data - Gender Equity in Land Administration (Technical Guide: Governing Land for Women and Men)  Understand the local tenure system (customs)  Check gender equity limitations laws, policies and regulations  Target women as project beneficiaries  Install a gender-sensitive monitoring system, including gender indicators, from the outset.  Hire a gender adviser to work with the implementation team  Conduct gender awareness training for women and men, project staff and officials in land administration  Conduct comprehensive public outreach campaigns and education work  Install gender-sensitive evaluation systems and collect best practices and gender disaggregated data to track long-term impacts on gender equality.

16 Thank you for your attention Newsletter on the Responsible Governance of Tenure Subscribe at: Website

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