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© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice Technology for better business outcomes.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice Technology for better business outcomes."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice Technology for better business outcomes e-Government Leadership Olivier Suinat Vice President, Central & Eastern Europe, Technology Solutions Group, Hewlett-Packard Corporation

2 challenges & Solutions in implementing e-government projects

3 Macro Challenges : Leadership organization and readiness Senior leadership attention is scarce - ICT initiatives often/still regarded as low- priority technical issues rather than essential to success of overall economic (growth) plan. Prerequisites to create strategy, frameworks and effective business case to achieve electronic service delivery. Lack of communication between decision makers and government users. Poor communication regarding the project benefits and survey interaction. Need laws and regulation reforms to achieve true automation and paperless communication (i.e. digital signature laws etc..) Need to define priority projects compatible with countries environment & readiness Challenges (1)

4 Micro Challenges: Project specific Lack of stable project & permanent leadership team with managerial power to drive individual projects within larger e-Goverment framework. Poor definition of specific project requirements & milestones. Project cost assessment should be addressed more efficiently by project sponsors Need for firm inter-governmental collaboration in projects information & implementation targets. Adequately address bureaucracy & unreadiness of departments & staff to cooperate in implementation of projects. Creation and enhancement of challenges escalation process and resolution. Commitment and need to adhere to project deliverables time frame. Challenges (2)

5 Successful private sector channels to mitigate these challenges 1) Develop “Public Sector Competency Centers”:  Further investment in Public Sector Competency Centers, covering multiple functionalities.  Best practices eGovernment Application Demo Center support  Coordination of reference visit to countries where the solutions are implemented.  Assist in eGovernment components Solutions Architecture Design.  eGovernment Projects startup & support.  Provide Quality Assurance for projects. Mitigating those Challenges (1)

6 2) Enter into Partnership Programs to help maintain ICT education:  Created free internet-cafés in many African, Asian & Latin American countries to help build ICT knowledge & increase internet penetration  Agreements with partner countries for continuous supply of refurbished PCs to education sector  Collaboration with Governments, NGOs & stakeholders to support ICT training and infrastructure improvement efforts – both through funding support and in-kind IT infrastructure & training commitments. 3) Create Responsive Public Sector Business Development Teams:  Teams consist of subject matter experts who will drive projects based on country needs  Teams engage with the government project owners before project initiation to share experiences from similar projects and discuss best practices and trends.  Team to help define level of readiness required and priorities of project components Mitigating those Challenges (2)

7 In Summary It is about … Leadership & Vision Building Road-map with Milestones Trust with Stakeholders – win/win Procurement/Regulatory environment Long-term commitment

8 Q & A Thank you for your attention

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