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Shapiro, M. A., 1984: Meteorological tower measurements of a surface cold front. Mon. Wea. Rev., 112, 1634-1639. Shapiro (1984)

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Presentation on theme: "Shapiro, M. A., 1984: Meteorological tower measurements of a surface cold front. Mon. Wea. Rev., 112, 1634-1639. Shapiro (1984)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Shapiro, M. A., 1984: Meteorological tower measurements of a surface cold front. Mon. Wea. Rev., 112, 1634-1639. Shapiro (1984)

3 BAO tower WNW downslope flow Temperatures (°C) winds (barb = 10 kts) The passage of a strong cold front in eastern Colorado We will be interested in the structure of this front as it passes the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory tower

4 The Boulder Atmospheric Observatory Tower located in Erie, Colorado near I-25

5 Cross section of the cold front that passed the BAO tower on 24 March 1982 Based on a rawinsonde at Denver, a radiometer temperature profile, a lidar wind profile and surface data

6 Potential temperature (K, solid) and front normal wind component (m/s, dashed) Two minutes!!! 300 meters superadiabatic lapse rate

7 Vertical motion (m/s) measured by sonic anemometers on the tower Frontal boundaries denoted by solid lines

8 Miller 2-D frontogenesis function (neglecting diabatic processes and turbulence) Change in potential temperature gradient following parcel Confluence acting on  gradient Shear acting on  gradient Tilting of vertical  gradient Can’t evaluate this - so assume negligible based on surface data Do the flow fields suggest that frontal contraction was occurring at the time the front passed the tower?

9 Miller 2-D frontogenesis function (neglecting diabatic processes and turbulence) Change in potential temperature gradient following parcel Confluence acting on  gradient Shear acting on  gradient Tilting of vertical  gradient confluence term

10 Miller 2-D frontogenesis function (neglecting diabatic processes and turbulence) Change in potential temperature gradient following parcel Confluence acting on  gradient Shear acting on  gradient Tilting of vertical  gradient Tilting term

11 Miller 2-D frontogenesis function (neglecting diabatic processes and turbulence) Change in potential temperature gradient following parcel Confluence acting on  gradient Shear acting on  gradient Tilting of vertical  gradient Total frontogenesis Frontolytical Frontogenetical

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