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Principles of Treatment Personality The basic premise of Gestalt Psychology is that human nature is organized into patterns or wholes, that is that it.

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of Treatment Personality The basic premise of Gestalt Psychology is that human nature is organized into patterns or wholes, that is that it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of Treatment Personality The basic premise of Gestalt Psychology is that human nature is organized into patterns or wholes, that is that it is experienced by the individual in these terms and that it can only be understood as a function of wholes of which it is made. ( You can't understand the individual's behaviour without taking into account the environment in which they are in. Neither is the individual a mere product of their environment.)~ Gestalt Therapy

2 Principles of Treatment All life and all behaviour are governed by the process of homeostasis. Homeostasis The process by which the organism maintains its equilibrium and thus the process by which the organism meets its needs and maintains its health~ Homeostasis

3 Principles of Treatment Personality The process of self regulation by which the organism interacts with its environment. Hungry - finds food Thirsty - finds water Lonely - finds companionship unfulfilled - finds a challenge curious - finds an answer~

4 Principles of Treatment Contact Boundary The nature of the relationship between the individual and his environment determines the human being behaviour. Man must maintain a balance of contact and withdrawal with the environment to meet his needs appropriately. This contact with and withdrawal from the environment are the most important function of the personality. Contact and withdrawal in a rhythmic pattern are our means of satisfying our needs and continuing the ongoing process of life itself.~

5 Principles of Treatment Contact Boundary As the individual interacts with the environment, his sensory systems provide him with orientation and his motor system provides him with a means of manipulation. Orientation helps us identify our primary need manipulation helps us to make environmental contact.~ SelfEnvironment Contact Boundary

6 Principles of Treatment Motivation Man's action is directed at trying to satisfy their dominant need. We become aware of our needs when our homeostatic balance is interrupted -- disequilibrium.

7 Principles of Treatment Process of Behavioural Change 1. The phony layer - ineffective attempts to meet their needs. Phony layer is characterized by many conflicts that are never resolved. 2. The phobic layer - awareness of their fears anxieties and uncertainties that maintain the phony layer. 3. The impasse layer - in shedding the phony layer the individual realizes that they do not have the skills to meet their needs. Developing these skills is often frightening. Faced with this level of anxiety often people revert back to the phony approach –cont……

8 Principles of Treatment 4. The implosive layer - People begin to experiment with new behaviours to fulfill their needs. 5. The explosive layer - the transference of energy from ineffective behaviour to the satisfaction of their needs. New behaviours have a dramatic impact on personal identity and behaviour.~ Process of Behavioural Change

9 Principles of Treatment Dysfunctional Behaviour If through some disturbance in the homoestatic process the individual is unable to sense his dominant need or to interact with their environment effectively to fulfill their need they will behave in a disorganized and ineffective manner. All behavioural disturbances arise from the individual's inability to find and maintain the proper balance between themselves and the rest of the world in order to meet their need.~

10 Principles of Treatment Boundary Disturbances Introjection - the introjector tries to fulfill their needs by doing what others would like him to do. (the good child, husband, wife, worker) Environmental expectations are introjected not assimilated Self Environment

11 Principles of Treatment Projection Projector - the projector tries to fulfill their needs by shifting the responsibility for meeting their needs to the environment ("You're not making me happy" "You don't respect me") SelfEnvironment

12 Principles of Treatment Retroflector - the retroflector tries to fulfill their needs by manipulating themselves not the environment ("I have to change myself" "I am ashamed of myself") Demonstrates an identity confusion between "I" and "self" Retroflection SelfEnvironment

13 Principles of Treatment Confluence - the confluent person is unable to identity their personal needs because they have over identified with social groups. They then act to meet social needs and their own needs remain unmet. It is a way of staying safe by going along with others and not expressing one's true feelings or opinion Confluence SelfEnvironment

14 Principles of Treatment Deflective SelfEnvironment Deflective - people avoid contact from others by deflecting any attempt at contact from others through humor, teasing, intellectualization, avoiding answering etc.

15 Principles of Treatment Therapeutic Goals The goal of therapy is to develop the individuals awareness of their predominant needs and to help them make meaningful contact with their environment to ensure these needs are met. Therapeutic Process 1. Find out what the individual needs 2. Help the individual become self aware to accurately identify their needs 3. Help the individual make effective contact with their environment.~

16 Principles of Treatment Therapeutic Techniques Confrontation - can be done in such a way that clients are encouraged to examine the inconsistencies of their behaviour ( the ways they avoid awareness & contact) Examination of Internal and External Dialogue - Integration of self - Dialogue cues you as to the personality issues of introjection, projection, confluence etc "Empty Chair" - aids in self awareness- therapeutic way of simulating contact with people to regain equilibrium Role reversal - self awareness and objectivity Dream Work - projections,~

17 Principles of Treatment Behaviour Management Techniques Most behaviour management techniques can be seen as focusing on those behaviours of the child whereby they attempt to make contact with their environment. Chose interventions therefor that discourage inappropriate contact and reinforce appropriate contact. Signaling - usually interrupts inappropriate contact Hurdle Help - could reinforce appropriate contact Interest Boosting - could reinforce appropriate contact Physical Removal or restraint - to be avoided because they remove the responsibility from the child. Used when the child can not make an appropriate withdrawal from their environmental situation on their own.~

18 Principles of Treatment Programming Programming goals can be focused on two areas 1. self awareness 2. making appropriate environmental contact Counselling -refer to therapeutic goals

19 Principles of Treatment Terminology Homeostasis - The process by which the organism maintains its equilibrium and thus the process by which the organism meets its needs and maintains its health. Contact Boundary - Man must maintain a balance of contact and withdrawal with the environment to meet his needs appropriately. Introjection - the introjector tries to fulfill their needs by doing what others would like him to do. Projector - the projector tries to fulfill their needs by shifting the responsibility for meeting their needs to the environment Retroflector - the retroflector tries to fulfill their needs by manipulating themselves not the environment

20 Principles of Treatment Confluence - the confluent person is unable to identity their personal needs because they have over identified with social groups. Deflective - people avoid contact from others by deflecting any attempt at contact from others through humor, teasing, intellectualization, avoiding answering etc.~

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