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FET – Proactive Future and Emerging Technologies F1: FET – Proactive Embodied Intelligence - ICT-2007.8.5 “ physically embodied.

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Presentation on theme: "FET – Proactive Future and Emerging Technologies F1: FET – Proactive Embodied Intelligence - ICT-2007.8.5 “ physically embodied."— Presentation transcript:

1 FET – Proactive Future and Emerging Technologies F1: FET – Proactive Embodied Intelligence - ICT-2007.8.5 “ physically embodied intelligent agents and artefacts ” Call 3: FP7-ICT-2007-3

2 FP7 FET Proactive Initiatives WP 2007-2008 FET Proactive (Call 1) – Closed 8 May 2007 Nano-scale ICT devices and systems Pervasive Adaptation Bio-ICT Convergence FET Proactive (Call 3) – Closing 8 April 2008 Science of complex systems for socially intelligent ICT Embodied Intelligence ICT Forever Yours FET Proactive (Call 4, tentative) – Closing spring 2009 (tbc) Massive ICT Systems Human-Computer Confluence QIPC and other quantum technologies

3 Embodied Intelligence Background –«Beyond the Horizon» thematic group on: «Intelligent and Cognitive systems» proactive/embodyi_en.html proactive/embodyi_en.html –1 past FET proactive initiative: Beyond Robotics

4 Embodied Intelligence The rationale and objectives “New Technologies and design approaches for building physically embodied intelligent agents and artefacts, with emphasis on the relationship between shape, function and the physical and social environment”

5 Embodied Intelligence Research Objectives Key features: –Physical Embodiment –Intelligent Agents and Artefacts –Shape, Function and Environment Mind-Body Co-Development and Co-Evolution Morphology and Behaviour Design for Emergence Projects should focus on one or several of the following:

6 Embodied Intelligence Research focus 1 Mind-Body Co-Development and Co- Evolution : to develop extended multi-modal interaction of agents with the physical and social environment. For a better understanding of such interaction in open- ended learning and adaptation processes, including morphological change for shaping perception, cognition, cooperation and intelligence To demonstrate qualititative and quantitative improvements in agent capabilities and characteristics

7 Embodied Intelligence Research foci 2 & 3 Morphology and Behaviour New Design principles for sensing, actuation and locomotion components and for robot architectures that are based on a deeper understanding of the role of form and material properties in shaping behaviour, and the way these induce relationships and interactions with the environment and with other agents. The aim is to demonstrate advantages in terms of physical & performance robot characteristics (e.g. control, weight, flexibility, resilience,..) Design for Emergence Design paradigms and techniques for purposive agents, where behaviour is not strictly programmed but robustly emerges from the interaction of the various components (each with local intelligence), the environment and its ubiquitous information resources. The aim is to develop smart components and techniques for the design of ambitious classes of scalable robotic systems, incorporating prior knowledge on tasks or environments, while allowing also room for emergence and adaptation

8 Embodied Intelligence Coordination Action Coordination Actions Consolidation of research communities Visibility Research agendas National/regional research programmes or activities International cooperation …

9 Embodied Intelligence Some expected impact The research should advance the state of the art in intelligent systems and in particular in robotics and ICT, as well as in other disciplines (neuroscience, sociology, biology). It should bring essential contributions for achieving robotic systems: –Of a greater morphological diversity –For a larger spectrum of uses –More natural and safer to interact with –More easily integrated in everyday environment

10 Embodied Intelligence Budget and funding schemes Indicative budget distribution and funding schemes (total ~ 20 M€)  Collaborative research Integrated projects (IPs) Strategic research projects (STREPs)  Coordination and support actions (CSA) Embodied Intelligence will be part of ICT Call 3 –opens in December 2007 –1st projects start late 2008, run 3-4 years IPs, ≥10 M€ STREPs ≥ 4 M€ CSAs, ~1 M€ Total: ~20 M€

11 Embodied Intelligence Further information Background documents ‘Beyond the Horizon’ Intelligent and Cognitive systems proactive/embodyi_en.html FET info day: 24/01/08 – Brussels jan08_en.html Contact:

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