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王颖 杨莉莉 F. Scott Fitzgerald ( 1896-1940 ) 弗 · 斯科特 · 菲茨杰拉德 王颖 2010124215 杨莉莉 2010124110.

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Presentation on theme: "王颖 杨莉莉 F. Scott Fitzgerald ( 1896-1940 ) 弗 · 斯科特 · 菲茨杰拉德 王颖 2010124215 杨莉莉 2010124110."— Presentation transcript:

1 王颖 杨莉莉 F. Scott Fitzgerald ( 1896-1940 ) 弗 · 斯科特 · 菲茨杰拉德 王颖 2010124215 杨莉莉 2010124110

2 Outline Life experiences The Jazz Age Comments on Fitzgerald Major works Writing style The Great Gatsby

3 Born in St. Paul, Minnesota on September 24,1896 Had an expensive education in private schools in Princeton World War I,1917,senior year, illness, neglect of academic study Zelda Sayre Heart attack, December 21, 1940 Life experiences

4 The Jazz Age 爵士时代 It refers to the 1920s, a time marked by frivolity ( 轻松快活), carelessness, hedonism( 享乐主义) and excitement in the life of the flaming youth. Fitzgerald is largely responsible for the term and many of his work portray it. The Jazz Age is brought vividly to life in The Great Gatsby. “It was an age of miracles, it was an age of art, it was an age of excess, and it was an age of satire.”

5 “ Epitaph So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back cease 我 们就这样扬著船帆奋 力前进,逆水行舟, 而浪潮奔流不歇,不 停地将我们推回到过 去 “American Dream”

6 Comments on Fitzgerald Spokesman of the Jazz Age Lost generation Famous American novelist, short story writer and essayist His private life Ruined by women(Hemingway) Ginevra King-the belle of the ball 舞会之 花 Zelda Sayre, canceled their engagement, got married in 1920

7 Major Works Novels :This Side of Paradise,The Beautiful and Damed,The Great Gatsby,Tender is the Night,The love of the Last tycoon, Short story collections :Tales of the Jazz Age,All the Sad Young Men,Bernise Bobs Her Hair,Flappers and Philosophers,Taps at Reveille,Babylon Revisited and Other Stories,The Pat Hobby Stories,The Basil and Josephine Stories

8 The Great Gatsby 1920s New York City/Long Island A symbol of "Jazz Age" in American literature Unpopular in the Great Depression and the World War Ⅱ Be welcomed in 1950s The greatest English novel in 20th century

9 Nick Carraway Daisy Buchanan Tom Buchanan Myrtle Wilson George Wilson Jay Gatsby falls in love with murders mistress cousin neighbour Character Relationship

10 The Plot of The Great Gatsby Gatsby/poor guy/midwest/falls in love/Daisy/Wealth/too poor to marry/Tom/rich/win Daisy back/bootlegging/illegal activities/buy a apartment/host parties/Nick/appointment/meet/no longer the ideal love Tom/mistress/Myrtle Daisy/Tom/quarrel/Gatsby's car/kill Myrtle/shift blame on Gatsby/George/Gatsby's house/shot/died/escape/funeral/Nick/ Gatsby's father

11 The Theme of The Great Gatsby The decline of the American dream in 1920s Denounce the priviliged class in America Show the sympathy towards Gatsby's Tragedy

12 Writing Features Clear narration Elegant style Well chosen words and sentences Full of fickle emotions and sense of loss

13 Literary Status Representative writer of "Lost Generation" Laureate poet in "Jazz Age"


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