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Mgr. Petra Soukupová. 1. Warm-up: Word Explanations 2. Resources 3. Key.

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Presentation on theme: "Mgr. Petra Soukupová. 1. Warm-up: Word Explanations 2. Resources 3. Key."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mgr. Petra Soukupová

2 1. Warm-up: Word Explanations 2. Resources 3. Key

3 1. Sawmill 2. Streetcar 3. Bypass 4. Confluence 5. Unnavigable 6. Rail line 7. Resemble 8. Boom

4 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English: The Living Dictionary. Editor Stephen Bullon. Essex: Pearson Education Limited, 2003, 1949 s. ISBN 0582776465. Ottawa. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-03-04]. Dostupné z:

5 1. a factory in which wood is cut into piece/board using machinery 2. tram 3. go round or avoid something 4. a place where two or more rivers flow together to make one 5. boats cannot sail on it 6. a track with rails on which trains run 7. look like 8. a sudden increase in e.g. population, trade; a period of success

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