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ProGED Achievements Report National Level and Replication Sites (1 January to 22 August 2014) Mr Jerry Clavesillas Director, DTI BSMED 2 ProGED Monitoring.

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Presentation on theme: "ProGED Achievements Report National Level and Replication Sites (1 January to 22 August 2014) Mr Jerry Clavesillas Director, DTI BSMED 2 ProGED Monitoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 ProGED Achievements Report National Level and Replication Sites (1 January to 22 August 2014) Mr Jerry Clavesillas Director, DTI BSMED 2 ProGED Monitoring and Replanning Meeting 27 to 28 August 2014 Bohol Bee Farm Dao, Dauis, Bohol

2 Line of Intervention 1 Information & Awareness on GED Commission Indicator 2 At least 25 entrepreneurs (men and women) that are contributing to an environment friendly and climate smart (mitigation and adaptation) economic development are publicly recognized on the basis of a standardized and transparent approach

3 Process Indicator Achieve d / 2014 Targets Main ActivitiesNext Steps 1. No of information materials / knowledge products on good greening practices of MSMEs and LGUs prepared 2/7 Bohol Bee Farm and Amarela Resort (for distribution) Identify SMEs with green practices in pilot and replication areas for documentation Output 1: MSMEs and LGUs realize that being environment friendly and climate smart makes economic sense Line of Intervention 1 Information & Awareness on GED

4 Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main Activities/DetailsNext Steps 2. No of greening sensitization / learning events conducted 19/14 (136%) Greening the SMERA in: Pampanga- 3 Laguna – 4 Palawan – 2 Albay – 3 Neg Occ – 4 Neg Or – 2 Caraga – 3 Continue integrating green elements in DTI PAPs 3. No of MSMEs, LGUs and other stakeholders participating in the sensitization / learning events 1061/525 (202%) Pampanga- 124 Laguna – 227 Palawan – 113 Albay – 235 Neg Occ – 76?? Neg Or – 137 Caraga - 149 Monitor the SMEs who will implement green measures after the sensitization Output 1: MSMEs and LGUs realize that being environment friendly and climate smart makes economic sense Line of Intervention 1 Information & Awareness on GED

5 Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main ActivitiesNext Steps 4. List of national and international MSME green awards and certification programs prepared 1/1 (100%) Circulated draft Green Award Guidelines for MSMED Councils Draft Green Award Guidelines were shared with CCCI and MCCI Encourage SMED Councils to develop awards for Green SMEs Line of Intervention 1 Information & Awareness on GED Output 2: MSMEs which go green are publicly recognized, for example through green tourism standards

6 Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main ActivitiesNext Steps 5. No of MSMEs supported for nomination to green awards 4/14 (29%) Submitted four (4) nominations for the Emerging Tourism Brand Award Bellevue Hotel, Bohol inquired about the ASEAN Green Hotel Standards Identify SMEs with green practices and support their nomination to green awards 6. No of MSMEs awarded / publicly recognized 0/7 (0%) Nominate SMEs for green awards Line of Intervention 1 Information & Awareness on GED Output 2: MSMEs which go green are publicly recognized, for example through green tourism standards

7 Commission Indicator 3 At least 200 MSMEs (led by men and women) have implemented recommendations on measures to increase competitiveness by adopting an environment friendly and climate smart (mitigation and adaptation) business model (for instance through waste reduction, resource efficiency, climate risk management) that were suggested by capacitated service providers (such as trainings, energy audits, walk throughs). Line of Intervention 2 Green Service Facilitation and Matchmaking

8 Output 3: MSMEs demand enterprise specific climate smart and environment friendly services and / or technologies which enhance their competitiveness Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main Activities/DetailsNext Steps 7. Matchmaking Strategy / Concept Note Prepared.5/1 (50%) Drafted Concept NoteFinalize Concept Note (MB) 8. No of matchmaking events between green service providers and / or green technology suppliers and MSMEs conducted 3/7 (43%) Albay - 2 (Conducted Matching between green technology suppliers and dealers/buyers Laguna – 1 (Ecowise Korea and Food Companaies) Integrate matchmaking events during SMERA Line of Intervention 2 Green Service Facilitation and Matchmaking

9 Laguna Matchmaking Event Eco-Wise Korea provided consultancy assistance to 9 Laguna food processors (on- going) – Eco-Wise approved their free consultancy assistance for 9 Laguna food processors – Laguna food processors enrolled with Eco Wise; SSF Beneficiaries; Other MSMEs

10 Albay Matchmaking Events 1.During the SME Roving Academy - Suppliers of Solar Panels and Coco Coir Products as insulation materials 2. Solar Products Presentation and Demo for Interested Local Dealers & Buyers by Solar Market Trading (with Filipino suppliers based in Taiwan) - August 9, 2014, Ninong's Hotel, Legazpi City, DTI -RO V & Albay on August 11, 2014 & at the Divine Word College of Legazpi on August 10, 2014

11 Output 3: MSMEs demand enterprise specific climate smart and environment friendly services and / or technologies which enhance their competitiveness Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main ActivitiesNext Steps 9. No of MSMEs participating in matchmaking events 39/140 (28%) Laguna -12 Albay - 27 Identify and invite SMEs during mat 10. No of MSMEs signifying interest to avail of green business development services and / or adopt green technologies 272/105 (259%) Laguna- 35 Albay – 236 Agusan - 1 Monitor SMEs who are interested to avail of green BDS/ adopt green technologies Line of Intervention 2 Green Service Facilitation and Matchmaking

12 Albay SMEs signifying interest to go green- 1.Participants to the Albay Green SME Roving Academy and ProGED Launching practically signified their interest in availing of or adopting green technologies and initiatives as they signed the ALBAY GREEN MANIFESTO 2. SME participants to the Solar Products Presentation

13 Output 3: MSMEs demand enterprise specific climate smart and environment friendly services and / or technologies which enhance their competitiveness Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main ActivitiesNext Steps 11. No of MSMEs availing green business development services and / or adopting green technologies or greening operations through own initiatives 25/70 (36%) Laguna – 10 Albay – 14 Agusan - 1 12. No of MSMEs greening their operations 25/70 (36%) Laguna – 10 Albay – 14 Agusan - 1 Monitor SMEs that started greening their operations Line of Intervention 2 Green Service Facilitation and Matchmaking

14 Output 4: Service providers offer services which are known to and demanded by MSMEs as they become environment friendly and climate smart Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main ActivitiesNext Steps 13. No of profiles of green service providers and their service packages prepared 17/40 (42%) Prepared profiles: 9 from Cebu and 6 from Bohol 2 from Negros Occidental Request more service providers to fill out the profile forms. Database with basic information of 40 GSPs available 14. List and / or catalogue of green technology suppliers prepared 1/1 (100%) Database updated as of May 2014Calendar/Reference guide of green technology suppliers, service providers and finance Line of Intervention 2 Green Service Facilitation and Matchmaking

15 Output 5: More MSMEs acquire information on the requirements and possibilities to access green finance Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main ActivitiesNext Steps 15. No of green finance information materials / knowledge products 0/0 Develop a KP on how to access green finance 16. No of green financing events conducted 1/0 Albay (1) - Green Financing Clinic back to back with the Albay Green SME Roving Academy last July 30, 2014 Conduct green financing events combined with SMERA Line of Intervention 2 Green Service Facilitation and Matchmaking

16 Output 5: More MSMEs acquire information on the requirements and possibilities to access green finance Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main ActivitiesNext Steps 17. No of MSMEs participating in the green financing events 44/0 Albay invited the following FIs: SB Corporation DBP RB of PiAllara RB of Makati Land Bank RB of Camalig TSPI SEDP Monitor SMEs linked with the FIs Line of Intervention 2 Green Service Facilitation and Matchmaking

17 Output 6: Companies introduce climate smart and environment friendly ways of doing business within their supply chain Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main Activities/Details Next Steps 18. No of companies (Big Brother) introducing environment friendly ways of doing business to their suppliers 5/7 (71%) Laguna (1)– Toyota Motors Albay (3)– Cocogreen Technologies, Pilipinas Ecofiber, Southeastern Fiber Negros Occ (1)– Echostore Identify more big brothers 19. No of MSMEs/suppliers adopting green practices introduced by their buyers 2 / 14 (14%) Albay: 101 Shopping Mall, DCTV Cable Big brothers/DTI to monitor SMEs/suppliers adopting green practices Line of Intervention 2 Green Service Facilitation and Matchmaking

18 Line of Intervention 3 Green Framework Conditions Commission Indicator 1 The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) applies the piloted approaches on environment friendly and climate smart (mitigation and adaptation) inclusive economic development, which take into account the special interests of men and women and address potential conflicts, in at least 14 LGUs outside of the pilot areas on the basis of a replication strategy

19 Output 7: DTI‘s programs and approaches better support MSMEs in making their businesses more climate smart and environment friendly Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main ActivitiesNext Steps 20. Concept Note / Replication Strategy prepared and agreed with the DTI 1/1 (100%)Concept Note prepared was approved by Steering Committee Line of Intervention 3 Green Framework Conditions

20 Output 7: DTI‘s programs and approaches better support MSMEs in making their businesses more climate smart and environment friendly Line of Intervention 3 Green Framework Conditions Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main Activities Next Steps 21. No of GED learning events/sessions for DTI and other relevant stakeholders conducted / facilitated 14/7 (200%) Conducted 4 learning visits: Thailand South Korea Germany Cebu Conducted 1 GED Training for DTI Conducted 9 Learning Sessions: DTI BSMED DTI Caraga DTI Negros Oriental DTI Pampanga DTI 4B DTI Region 5 DTI Albay DTI Laguna DTI Industry Cluster Managers Follow up meetings for the Thailand, Korea and Germany Learning visits

21 Output 7: DTI‘s programs and approaches better support MSMEs in making their businesses more climate smart and environment friendly Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Next Steps 22. No of DTI staff and other relevant stakeholders participating in GED learning events 284/180 (158%) # of pax in learning visits Thailand ( 19 ) South Korea ( 14 ) Germany (22 ) Cebu (3) # of pax in GED Training (42 ) # of Pax in Learning Sessions: DTI BSMED (14) DTI Caraga(50) DTI Negros Occ (7) DTI Pampanga(14) DTI 4B (8) DTI Region 5 (51) DTI Albay DTI Laguna (18) DTI Industry Cluster Managers (22) Monitor application of learning of the participants Line of Intervention 3 Green Framework Conditions

22 Output 7: DTI‘s programs and approaches better support MSMEs in making their businesses more climate smart and environment friendly Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main ActivitiesNext Steps 23. No of provinces where green economic development approaches and programs are replicated 7/7 (100%) Conducted ProGED orientation with DTI officials and staff of the replication sites Identify additional 7 provinces for approval by the Steering Committee in Sept 24. ProGED Replication Reference Document prepared 1/1 (100%) Prepared the Reference Document For review and finalization 25. DTI wide Green Results Framework adopted 1/1 (100%) Green elements integrated in DTI at various levels/programs Conducted scoping mission in greening industry roadmaps Follow up mission in September in greening industry roadmaps Line of Intervention 3 Green Framework Conditions

23 Output 7: DTI‘s programs and approaches better support MSMEs in making their businesses more climate smart and environment friendly Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main ActivitiesNext Steps 26. No of DTI national / regional / provincial industry clusters integrating green approaches 4/7 (57%) Negros Or – Tourism Caraga – Bamboo Palawan – Tourism Albay – Homestyle & Wearable Pampanga – Furniture & Organic Vegetables Laguna – Tourism Negros Occ – Tourism Palawan (San Vicente) - Tourism 27. No of DTI national plans, programs and projects integrating green approaches 3/3 (100%) BSMED integrated green elements in the ff:. SMED Plan.. SMERA. SFF (after signing of Joint Memo Circular (JMC) Explore how other DTI National Programs can integrate green elements Line of Intervention 3 Green Framework Conditions

24 Output 7: DTI‘s programs and approaches better support MSMEs in making their businesses more climate smart and environment friendly Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main ActivitiesNext Steps 28. No of DTI programs and projects integrating green approaches implemented at the provincial level 5/3 (167%) DTI Provinces integrated green elements in the ff:. SMED Plan. SMERA. Trade Fairs. BUB/GPB. Consumer Advocacy Integrate green elements in other DTI Programs and projects Line of Intervention 3 Green Framework Conditions

25 Commission Indicator 4 MSME development councils (comprising representatives of LGUs, private sector, NGAs) have passed at least 10 resolutions on environment friendly and climate smart inclusive economic development, of which at least 3 are addressed to the national level

26 Output 8: MSMES, LGUs, NGAs and BMOs cooperate to use opportunities for an environment friendly and climate smart development Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main ActivitiesNext Steps 29. Climate smart location concept note prepared 0/1 Tap consultant to develop the concept note 30. No of green projects and / or initiatives implemented by SMED Councils or other relevant groups and its members 1/7 (14%) PILI ITANOM KO PARA SA FUTURO KO - a greening project of the Camalig Chamber of Business & Industries launched last June 13, 2014. Initially provided and planted 700 pili seedlings to grade one pupils in 3 public elementary schools in the town of Camalig, Albay. Monitor green projects implemented by SMED Councils and their members Line of Intervention 3 Green Framework Conditions

27 Output 8: MSMES, LGUs, NGAs and BMOs cooperate to use opportunities for an environment friendly and climate smart development Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main ActivitiesNext Steps 31. No of provincial / regional GED network meetings conducted 1/0 Albay: Meeting of the ProGED Core Group last July 23, 2014 Organize a network of GED champions per location 32. No of stakeholders participating in provincial / regional GED network meetings 5/0 Invited learning visit participants to the the GED network Invite more members to the network Line of Intervention 3 Green Framework Conditions

28 Output 8: MSMES, LGUs, NGAs and BMOs cooperate to use opportunities for an environment friendly and climate smart development Process Indicator Achieved / 2014 Targets Main ActivitiesNext Steps 33. No of resolutions passed at subnational level 0/7 (0%) Encourage SMEDCs to pass resolutions 34. No of sub national resolutions submitted to the national level 1/1 (100%) Resolution to SB Corp. to allocate special fund for typhoon Glenda affected Albay SMEs incorporating green technologies and equipment for possible funding. SBC initially approved Ph 37.5 million under its Enterprise Rehabilitation Fund for Albay for the period July - December, 2014 Line of Intervention 3 Green Framework Conditions

29 GED Sensitization and Learning Event in Caraga

30 GED Sensitization and Greening the Tourism Workshop in Puerto Princesa, Palawan

31 GED Sensitization in El Nido, Palawan

32 GED Sensitization and Greening the Tourism VC Workshop in Palawan

33 ProGED Launching in Albay 30 July 2013


35 Pampanga SMED Council General Assembly and SMERA 24 July 2014



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