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The DAF at Southampton Harry Gibbs, Academic Liaison Librarian – Social Sciences 19 th January 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "The DAF at Southampton Harry Gibbs, Academic Liaison Librarian – Social Sciences 19 th January 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 The DAF at Southampton Harry Gibbs, Academic Liaison Librarian – Social Sciences 19 th January 2010

2 2 Scope School of Social Sciences (contacts & knowledge) Data types –research data –primary and secondary –quantitative and qualitative –electronic and other

3 3 DAF Team Teresa McGowan, Research Assistant, Social Sciences Myself, Social Sciences Librarian With advice from… Head of Research, School of Social Sciences My line manager and Repository Manager

4 4 Aims To get an overview of research data holdings in the School To find out about data management practices To identify datasets for our IR

5 5 Scoping: importance of clear objectives… Metadata collection v data management practices –DAF Methodology puts emphasis on metadata forms –data management proving interesting –limitaton: researchers time Projects v time period –multiple simultaneous projects –infrequent work with data

6 6 Ethics Approval Necessary for all research involving human participants Applied less strictly in other institutions? Process less (perhaps more) time consuming elsewhere Time consuming Consent form & information sheet available

7 7 Methodology Online questionnaire to all researchers Small number of follow-up interviews

8 8 Online Questionnaire to gather broad info about research data held focused on how that data is managed …would you like someone to contact you about preserving your data…[?] asked for interview volunteers tick boxes for speed 124 researchers

9 9 Interviews purposive sample of 6 volunteers (data types and career stage) to gather more in-depth info about data management practices attempted to complete customised DAF metadata forms rigorous approach: recorded and transcribed

10 10 Results Online Questionnaire –47 full responses (38%), 35 with data –17 interview volunteers –most 4-6 mins –tick box data of limited value Interviews –open discussion giving rich data –fascinating insight Reported internally in report to institution (School & Library)

11 11 Lessons Learned (1) Auditor –Advantages: experience of research & School contacts –Disadvantages: rigorous approach inc. ethics Questionnaire design flaw Question Mark Perception (BOS & iSurvey) Audio formats (quality & readability)

12 12 Lessons Learned (2) Questionnaire quick, although data was limited Interviews time consuming but very interesting Interviewees willing and open Questionnaire ideal for finding (willing) volunteers Combined methodology efficient Timing (Dec 08 – Feb 09) Time!

13 13 Outcomes Positive responses from School Awareness raised in School IDMB project plans further DAF work Data Support Web Page

14 14 More Info Southampton Data Survey: our experience and lessons learned - includes consent form, info sheet, questionnaire, interview schedule

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