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SAP Crystal Dashboard Design Ray Kemp SAP Crystal Reports & Dashboard Design Masterclass September 22 nd 2010, SAP Maidenhead.

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Presentation on theme: "SAP Crystal Dashboard Design Ray Kemp SAP Crystal Reports & Dashboard Design Masterclass September 22 nd 2010, SAP Maidenhead."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAP Crystal Dashboard Design Ray Kemp SAP Crystal Reports & Dashboard Design Masterclass September 22 nd 2010, SAP Maidenhead

2 Topics for this mornings session Building a Dashboard from scratch Linking a Dashboard to Live Data SAP Crystal Dashboard Design

3 Building a Dashboard from scratch Lets look at a “mock up” of what we want to achieve SAP Crystal Dashboard Design





8 Where does the data come from? SAP Crystal Dashboard Design Excel (embedded)XML Data SourceWeb ServiceLive OfficeUniverse

9 Linking a Dashboard to Live Data Data comes in via Excel as “middleware” Excel is not required for the final dashboard to run XML data via Excel A web service via Excel Live Office via Excel and from CR Server Future... Direct from a Universe SAP Crystal Dashboard Design


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