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Agenda Demo Schema review Code structure Issues. Schema review Relationships between tables Temporary tables Views The “tenMinuteJob”

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Demo Schema review Code structure Issues. Schema review Relationships between tables Temporary tables Views The “tenMinuteJob”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Demo Schema review Code structure Issues

2 Schema review Relationships between tables Temporary tables Views The “tenMinuteJob”

3 Relationships

4 Drug Relationships

5 Why Temporary Tables? To eliminate bad data When aggregations or computations are required To do snapshots in time To simplify processing To “divide and conquer”

6 encValid = encounter + visitDate create proc sp_genEncValid as delete encValid insert into encValid select encounter_id, siteCode, patientID, visitDateDd, visitDateMm,visitDateYy, lastModified, encounterType, seqNum, clinicPatientID, encStatus, encComments, dbSite, convert(datetime, visitdateMm + '/' + visitdateDd + '/' + visitdateYy) as visitDate from encounter where encStatus < 255 and sitecode in (select sitecode from siteLookup) and sitecode != '00000' and isdate(visitdateMm + '/' + visitdateDd + '/' + visitdateYy) = 1 and patientid in (select patientid from patient where patStatus = 0)

7 cd4Table = all cd4 readings in DB create proc sp_genCD4table as delete cd4Table delete cd4Temp insert into dbo.cd4Temp select distinct siteCode, patientID,convert(smalldatetime,visitdatemm+'/'+visitdatedd+'/'+visitdateyy), lowestCd4Cnt from vitals where lowestCd4Cnt is not null and left(lowestcd4cnt,1) <> '-' and isnumeric(lowestcd4cnt) = 1 and isdate(visitdatemm+'/'+visitdatedd+'/'+visitdateyy) = 1 insert into dbo.cd4Temp select distinct siteCode, patientID,convert(smalldatetime,visitdatemm+'/'+visitdatedd+'/'+visitdateyy), Cd4 from medicalEligARVs where Cd4 is not null and left(cd4,1) <> '-' and isnumeric(cd4) = 1 and isdate(visitdatemm+'/'+visitdatedd+'/'+visitdateyy) = 1 insert into dbo.cd4Temp select distinct siteCode, patientID, convert(smalldatetime,visitdatemm+'/'+visitdatedd+'/'+visitdateyy), result from labs where result is not null and left(result,1) <> '-' and isnumeric(result) = 1 and isdate(visitdatemm+'/'+visitdatedd+'/'+visitdateyy) = 1 and labID in (18,102) insert into dbo.cd4Table select distinct siteCode, patientID, visitdate, cd4 from cd4Temp

8 Tempdb tables

9 Views create view v_prescriptions as select t.*, e.visitdate, e.encounterType, e.clinicPatientID, l.drugName from prescriptions t, drugLookup l, encValid e where t.siteCode = e.siteCode and t.patientID = e.patientID and t.visitdatedd = e.visitdatedd and t.visitdatemm = e.visitdatemm and t.visitdateyy = e.visitdateyy and t.seqNum = e.seqNum and t.drugID = l.drugID create view v_medsDispensed as select * from v_prescriptions where isdate(dispDateMm + '/01/' + dispDateYy) = 1

10 tenMinuteJob Step NameDB ProcedureResult genCD4tablesp_genCD4Tablecd4Table genPepfarsp_whoInitdrugTable, pepfarTable [regimens], cohortTable genBloodEvalsp_bloodEvalbloodeval1, bloodeval2 (for v_bloodEval) discontinuedDatessp_genDiscDatesdiscTable genActivePatientssp_genActivePatientsactivePatients [no longer used]

11 Code structure XML representation Tokens and Parameters Invoking report window RunReport Backend functions Jasper/Ireport

12 XML Representation

13 Tokens and Parameters For substitution into queries –$ For display –XML elements for branching in code –XML elements –XML attributes

14 Tokens and Parameters

15 Invoking Report Window Via menu –Report window launched via menu.php –$url = "runReport.php?rtype=". $cat. "&reportNumber=". $report["reportNumber”]… Via parameters page –Want tokens, but not parameters –$url = “kickPoint.php?rtype=…” Using full parameter functionality –$url = "kickPoint.php?rtype=". $cat. "&reportNumber=". $report["reportNumber"]. "&lang=". $lang. "&site=". $site. "&patientStatus=". $report["patientStatus"]. "&treatmentStatus=". $report["treatmentStatus"]. "&testType=". $report["testType"]. "&groupLevel=". $report["groupLevel"]. "&otherLevel=". $report["otherLevel"]. "&menu=". $report["menuSelection"];

16 runReport.php DEBUG_FLAG = true displays much of the processing and queries 1.Reads parameters 2.Special processing (Nastad, PEPFAR) 3.Generates temp tables 4.Generates graph 5.Formats and displays report in separate window 6.Optionally generates Excel or PDF (Jasper)

17 Example with debugging

18 Backend[Addon] Functions Used by runReport.php genSemiAnnual(…) applyCriteria(…) buildSemiQuery(…) BuildReportQuery(…) drawPie/drawBar generateQueryResult(…) writeOutput(…)

19 Example 2




23 HaitiHaiti Jasper Reports

24 Agenda Introduction Using Jasperreports Q&A

25 Introduction An Open source Java reporting tool

26 Using Jasperreports Design a report Integrate with TOMCAT Fill the report with data Export the report

27 Design a report Using iReports (layout, parameters for input, fields for output)

28 Design a report Generate a JRXML file. patientRpt.jrxml <jasperReport name="patientRpt" …. … …

29 Design a report You can edit the JRXML files directly.

30 Integrate with TOMCAT reports.xml Add/Edit entries in reports.xml so we can get the right request of TOMCAT. For example, Active/Inactive Patients Patients actifs/inactifs … patientRpt.jasper

31 Integrate with TOMCAT ReportViewerServlet serves to generate reports

32 Integrate with TOMCAT Get the parameter values from the POST/GET method. public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) { … String lang = req.getParameter(PARAM_REPORT_LANG); String site = req.getParameter(PARAM_REPORT_SITE); …

33 Fill a report with data Get the database connection. For example, Connection conn = DBUtils.getConnection(JNDI_DATA_SOURCE_NAME);

34 Fill a report with data Put values to parameters as we mentioned in the previous phases. For example, parameters.put(“ siteName ”,”Hopital Grace Children”); Especially queries.

35 Fill a report with data Using the connection and queries, we can get the data to fill the report. JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, parameters, conn);

36 Export a report Jasperreport offers several formats. CSV (JRCsvExporter) PDF (JRPdfExporter) XLS (JRXlsExporter) XML (JRXmlExporter) HTML (JRHtmlExporter)

37 Export a report Create an exporter, for example: JRHtmlExporter exporter = new JRHtmlExporter(); Set parameters for the exporter exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint); exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_WRITER, response.getWriter()); Export the report exporter.exportReport();

38 Export a report

39 Issues Visit (and other) dates Current status Correctness Formatting Consolidation

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