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Published byHolly Reynolds Modified over 9 years ago
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 1 Status of NuMI NuMI (Neutrinos at the Main Injector) MINOS (Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search) DOE Office of Science Review Greg Bock NuMI Project Manager May 25, 2004 Outline Project overview Progress since last review including responses to your recommendations Schedule & Funding update Summary and Outlook
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 2 Construct Facilities and Equipment for a Two Detector Neutrino Oscillation Experiment with Variable Energy Neutrino Beam (Start 2005) Near Detector: 980 tons Far Detector: 5400 tons NuMI Project Det. 2 Det. 1 Obtain firm evidence for oscillations and measure oscillation parameters, m 2, sin 2 2 Probe for e appearance.
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 3 TEC = WBS 1.0 NuMI Facility ($109M) «Construction of beam line facility at Fermilab «project scope includes *underground excavation and outfitting of tunnels and halls *construction of two surface buildings *design, construction and installation of technical components in NuMI beamline OPC = WBS 2.0 MINOS Detector + WBS 3.0 Project Support ($62M) «Construction of two detectors and Soudan Far detector cavern «project scope includes *WBS 2.0 : design, construction and installation of two detectors *WBS 3.0 : early phase of R&D tasks for NuMI and MINOS excavation and outfitting and pre-operating of MINOS Far detector cavern at Soudan Underground Laboratory Project Scope
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 4 NuMI Facilities at Fermilab Major, complicated conventional construction 3 major technical installations in three different areas: Several hundred feet of accelerator enclosure—half of which is between two operating machines Downstream end of carrier tunnel, Pre-Target and Target Areas-- primary beam focus, 8KT neutrino beam target station MINOS area—beam monitoring, ~1 KT hadron absorber and ~ 1 KT neutrino detector Completed Oct 20, 2003Completed Mar 10, 2004
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 5 Signs of a Healthy Project in May 2004 (slide from November, updates in “Red italics”) Service Buildings and Outfitting work complete (done) Work cell and bottom of target chase shielding installed in the target hall (bottom shielding done, work cell almost complete and more) ND Plane installation underway and ND commissioning underway (done, somewhat ahead of schedule) Ready for Summer 2004 shutdown (will be ready for Fall shutdown) Award of 4 th period safety incentive to RBI (not awarded—a laceration) Accelerator studies underway according to plan (proceeding as planned) Continuing progress on tunnels and halls contract closeout (ongoing) Excellent progress on “readiness reviews” preparation Decay pipe pumped down Fiber optics and controls links available in all areas Far detector continuing to take data Staying within budget and on schedule We remain a healthy project
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 6 Conventional Construction (WBS1.2): Complete MINOS Beneficial Occupancy March 10, 2004 Original Subcontract $17.9M Design Changes 2.2M (transfer water handling 300K) (upgraded water handling 600K) (drawings 600K) (additions 500K) Field Changes.5M Changes unresolved with RBI.04M Safety/Perf Incentive.05M Service Buildings and Outfitting
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 7 Primary Beam All major magnets installed in the beamline, correctors installed in pre-target, LCW running, PS refurbishing completed Remaining correctors, instrumentation, magnetic shielding, kickers, and vacuum will be installed beginning in August (need 8 weeks of ~12 scheduled) MI60 Region Pre-Target NuMI Stub
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 8 Instrumentation and Kicker Magnet Kicker magnet & power supply assembled and testing is underway; installation, during Fall shutdown
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 9 Target, Horns & Modules Horn 2 & Module IHEP Baffle Horn 1 &2 & Modules assembly complete Horn module installation in May and June Target/Baffle Module complete Horn PS installed. Stripline installation, underway. Horn pulsing in late July
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 10 Target Pile Construction Target pit shielding installation and work cell construction is on schedule Used contingency, stayed on schedule Radioactive component handling practice in November Beam in December
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 11 Primary Beam Thermal studies on quadrupole magnets indicate that we need to ramp 20 quadrupole magnets - CR ($80k) will be proposed Recycler shielding design validated in FMI in February shutdown BPM signal conditioning electronics procurement in progress «Large image current on pre-target beam pipe may require some special handling, e.g ferrite cores, ceramic breaks to mitigate noise Construction of profile monitors proceeding at UT-Austin «First profile monitor at FNAL «Construction of the next 5 PM’s due July 1 – on schedule «Balance of PM’s due Sept 1 – on schedule We are holding bi-weekly meetings with the Instrumentation Department
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 12 Absorber and Neutrino Beam Monitoring and Utilities Decay pipe vacuum system pumped down to 1.4 Torr The 8 aluminum absorber core modules have been pre-assembled into 2 super-modules & water connections made Absorber installation has started – using winch “back-up” plan «Electric forklift failed performance requirements - will be used for “flat surface” installation after repairs All muon monitors are ready for installation (UT-Austin) Hadron monitor is being assembled at UT-Austin All water skids are below-ground Fiber optic cables are installed in all areas Controls link available in all areas FIRUS cabling is installed in all areas
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 13 CD4 Commissioning and the Transition to Operations Commissioning Plan for Project Completion (“CD4”) as specified in the Project Execution Plan : «Demonstrate a functioning Far Detector (atmospheric neutrinos and muons) «Demonstrate a functioning Beamline and Near Detector (with beam neutrinos) while avoiding undue activation of the components April 15 Commissioning Workshop «CD4 preparations «Main Injector «Near Detector «Commissioning for physics Planning for evolution to initial operational intensity «2.5E13 protons, 5/6 batches, 5E12 in Booster, 1.9s cycle «Integrated into AD/HQ planning: tasks, people, studies «Multi-batch studies, dampers, beam loading compensation, booster collimation, booster notch and timing
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 14 PEP Commissioning Goals
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 15 Main Injector Commissioning Team of accelerator physicists and MINOS collaborators in place and planned studies ongoing A beam intensity of 2.3 10 13 protons/cycle is now operationally achievable in MI. 3.3 10 13 at 8 Gev already Good performance of MI transverse damper should be operational in June. Good progress on Booster cogging By October 2004 we expect to meet intensity and beam quality goals When the kicker, recycler magnetic shielding and instrumentation are installed, FMI is ready for CD4
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 16 The MINOS Detectors Far Detector (Soudan Lab) –8m Octagonal Tracking Calorimeter –2 sections, 15m each –486 planes of steel & scintillator –95,000 scintillator strips –5.4 kT total mass Near Detector (MINOS Hall - FNAL) «3.8 x 4.8m “octagonal” steel & scintillator tracking calorimeter «Same basic construction, sampling & response as the far detector «282 planes of steel «153 planes of scintillator «980 ton total mass All the MINOS ND components and pre-assemblies are COMPLETE Far Detector is still complete
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 17 MINOS Far Detector Two Magnetized Supermodules began routine operation August 2003 All project components associated with Far Detector fully closed out
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 18 Atmospheric ’s in MINOS Far Detector Expected Events in 24 kT years for m 2 =0.003 eV 2, sin 2 2 = 1.0 NeutrinoAntineutrino Reco’d contained vertex with muon 440 260 Reco’d upward going muon 280 120 Analyzed Exposure to date «SM1 * 131 live days *Sept 02 - May 03 «SM1+SM2 *173 live days *Jul 03 – Mar 04 Analysis of Candidates continues «Upwardgoing muons «Contained Events Plots such as shown on the left will demonstrate CD4 goal attainment
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 19 MINOS Near Detector 282 steel plates ~20ft x ~12ft x 1in Final Length (with gaps) 55ft Start Installation At the downstream end Spectrometer Section 161 planes Calorimeter Section 121 planes
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 20 Near Detector Installation Plane Installation Spectrometer Region *5 planes per day, ending with an instrumented plane each day «Calorimeter Region *3 planes per day beginning 6/14 *Anticipate 50% complete by 7/9 *Anticipate 100% by 8/15 Magnet Installation «Power Supply underground «Coil at D0 assembly building «Anticipate lowering coil and begin installing it in August
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 21 Near Detector Plane Commissioning (MINOS Collaborators) Procedure «Attach fiber cables «Light leak check plane «Connect to PMT «Readout plane with DAQ Status «Daily work planning metings «131/161 spectrometer planes are installed
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 22 Near Detector Electronics (WBS 2.3 is complete) Production and checkout complete All racks are assembled and underground Electronics commissioning well ahead of plane installation
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 23 Near Detector Commissioning Preparation Near Detector is composed of three regions : Veto, Calorimeter, Spectrometer. Electronics in the spectrometer are multi-plexed giving a challenge for event reconstruction. Data Acquisition «Cosmic Ray Mode *Initiated by a PMT dynode signal over threshold «Spill mode *10 s spill gate *Event Reconstruction
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 24 Cosmic Ray Muons in Near Detector (Data!)
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 25 Near Detector Data ADC weighted hit distribution vs Plane (blue =U;red=V) ADC weighted Plane vs Strip
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 26 Environment, Safety and Health Our safety plan emphasizes Fermilab’s safe work policies. Throughout the project we are taking time to plan ahead, identify hazards, put controls in place, monitor, assess, and correct. Safety across the project remains uppermost on all our minds. Deep underground facility unique at Fermilab. Take action when necessary. Investigate incidents and implement appropriate corrective actions including stand-downs and disciplinary actions. Added ES&H staff to cover increase in activities for construction. We have maintained that dedicated ES&H staff for installation. Two injuries since November review: ironworker suffered a hernia while using a pry bar during pretarget area installation and an electrician suffered a laceration requiring stitches while stripping cable insulation
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 27 Environment, Safety and Health Documentation team formed: gather, finalize and post documents. ES&H reviews continue. Joint AD/PPD Safety Committee provides oversight. Increased our management involvement in safety walk throughs. Management also participating in Near Detector installation and commissioning acitivities including daily meetings with detector installation crews. Weekly meeting added specifically for management to discuss safety with the installation managers, project engineers, and safety staff Visited Spallation Neutron Source to observe and discuss installation safety Continuing to monitor Environmental compliance—no issues here at all. Working on Shielding Assessment and SAD preparation for some time already. Goal is to be ready for approval in Summer 2004. Working closely with all stakeholders. Shielding Assessment is now before the AD Shielding Committee !
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 28 Doe Milestones FY2002-2005 Start commissioning with protons in December 2004
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 29 NuMI’s Level 3 Milestones (Tracking our final approach: “Plunkett Plot”) Summary of L3 Milestones: «Total number: 343 «Completed since Nov: 29 «Remaining until CD4: 49 L3 milestones remaining from March 1
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 30 What do we worry about? Continuing close attention to working safely What isn’t here and “on the shelf”? «MINOS (WBS 2.0) fabrication is complete «Technical Components (WBS 1.1) (details in Baller to Cutler email) *Instrumentation: profile monitors, BLM, some electronics cards *Air handling system, pond pumps, remote handling camera parts, concrete blocks all due in over the next months *Hadron monitor needs to be shipped from Texas *Plan “B’ for absorber installation (winch) seems to be working «Main Injector will be ready Used more contingency than specifically identified last November, but we have stayed within the overall range and on schedule. We will undoubtedly use some more installation contingency—absorber, ramping of quads—as we complete the work. We will stay on schedule and within budget. As we finish off pieces of the project we are even better able to handle new challenges. FY05 TEC funding: we would like the rescissions restored
NuMI G. Bock DOE Office of Science Review May 2004 Page 31 Conclusion The last 6 months have gone very well: over 97% complete, far detector taking physics data. We remain on the plan for completion by February 2005. We are only months (!) away from being ready to turn the beam and experiment on. Beam installation going well in the Main Injector, Target Hall and Absorber areas. Most things will be complete before the Fall sutdown: Ready for protons in December Both installation and commissioning of the Near Detector are going smoothly, efficiently and ahead of the original baseline schedule. The current plan is to complete plane installation around mid-August. Coil installation should take 3-4 weeks. The detector should be fully operational, taking cosmic ray data for several months before beam turn on. We are looking forward to finishing the NuMI Project and beginning the MINOS experiment.
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