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Strong Thesis Statements

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1 Strong Thesis Statements
Essay Cues: “analyze” – Explain “how” and “why” something happens and discuss the “impact” of that thing(s). “compare and contrast” – must explain the similarities and differences AND what the reasons are for those differences.

2 Themes Interaction – Silk Roads, Indian Ocean Trade, Trans-Saharan Trade, Crusades, Alexander the Great, Roman Empire, Mongolian Empire. Origin and spread of major world religions. *What was the impact of these interactions upon those involved? Human/Environment – Hunter/Gatherer, Neolithic Revolution, early civilizations, metuallurgy, naval technology, paper, irrigation, canals, epidemic disease (bubonic plague) *To what extent has man overcome environmental challenges or been defeated by nature?

3 Themes Social – Gender status, social hierarchy (caste system, feudalism, Confucianism, filial piety, patriarchy) *How do different cultures determine the status of its members? Political – Mesopotamia (Hammurabi’s Code), Greek city-states (Athens and Sparta), Roman Republic (Twelve Tables), Byzantine Empire (Justinian’s Code), Emperors of China (Dynastic Cycle, Mandate of Heaven), Japan (Heijan Period, Warring States period), Africa (tribes, stateless government, early kingdoms- Mali, Ghana, Songhai), Europe (Feudalism) *How do various governments control and organize their societies? Culture – Cave Art, Greek and Roman art and architecture, East Asian landscape paintings,Byzantine art and architecture, Islamic art, Renaissance art in Europe (describe techniques, subject matter). *How are the values of a culture expressed through its art and architecture?

4 Thesis Nutshell State your claim clearly
Define terms, context and chronology of the events under discussion Describe why your claim in true by providing at least (3) specific historical examples you plan to discuss in your essay.

5 Change-Over Time Thesis
Rephrase the question as an answer; include all key phrases. Address each part of the question with a statement and evidence. Make a transition to the body of the essay with a sentence like, “To better understand these changes….” You MUST address BOTH “Change” AND “Contiunity” no matter what the directions tell you!!!!

6 Regions

7 Sample Thesis Formula– Continuity and Change
There were several changes which occurred in (name region(s)) between (identify time frame). Changes such as (list specific events, developments or changes for the region(s)under discussion) developed because (provide reasons and/or historical context around the changes). Although these developments led to change (list specfic impacts) there is also evidence of continuity (list specfic events, developments).

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