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5 Themes of AP World History

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1 5 Themes of AP World History
Chapter 1 review 5 Themes of AP World History

2 Demography: (size and distribution of populations)
1. Interaction between humans and the environment Demography and disease Migration Patterns of settlement Technology Demography: (size and distribution of populations) a.  very slow population growth b. perhaps 10,000 people in world 100,000 years ago c. grew to 500,000 by 30,000 years ago d. reached 6 million 10,000 years ago What else do we know about their distribution? Answer: We know that they traveled and lived in small groups of around people. Where and when they traveled depended on available technology (Ex.Pacific =later, but quickly due to boats) Migration: the Paleolithic (old stone age) is when Homo Sapiens traversed the globe, into new (all types) of environments. They were nomadic with seasonal patterns of temporary settlement. They followed the animals they depended on (mammoths, large bison). (Technology helps? How did environmental change affect their trajectory (path)? Answer: Ice Age created land bridges. Tech helps them adapt to and exploit new environments. With the warming at the end of the ice age, new flora/fauna=population growth=settled life.

3 2. Development and interaction of cultures Religions Belief systems, philosophies & ideologies Science & technology The arts and architecture Are there signs of cultural development amongst paleolithic humankind? If so, is there any evidence that cultures interacted and adopted these practices? (Cultural Diffusion) Yes. Use of language helps develop and spread culture. At the end of the paleolithic era, culture becomes more important than biology in the survival of the species. A) Religion: burial sites and ceremonial sites (deep in caves). Dreamtime in Australia. Were Venus figures used as part of fertility rituals? Evidence of trade in drugs (possibly for rituals). B) Science/tech: weapons (Ex. Clovis) fishing hooks, needles, weaving, nets, baskets, pottery all found throughout Europe. Boats led to the interaction of peoples. C) Art: carved figurines, cave paintings throughout the world. Body ornaments, beads, jewelry =culture, art and technology.

4 Did paleolithic man have a form of governance?
3. State-building, expansion and conflict Political structures and forms of governance Empires Nations and nationalism Revolts and revolutions Regional, transregional and global structures and organizations Did paleolithic man have a form of governance? It is surmised that they had rules governing the distribution of meat, rules about incest and adultery. Leaders may have arose to organize hunts (unknown). No formal political structures are known of.

5 4. Creation, expansion and interaction of economic systems Agricultural and pastoral production Trade and commerce Labor systems Industrialization Capitalism and socialism Evidence of similar tool use/advancements could be evidence of trade. Clovis culture across N. America is a good example. Agricultural production begins at the end of the paleolithic era (10,000 B.C.E.). It developed slowly and differently in various environments (Diamond). Food “production” or agriculture begins with the Neolithic (new stone age) with literally new stone tools. Is there evidence that labor systems were created during paleolithic times? Yes, men hunted and women gathered.

6 5. Development and transformation of social structures Gender roles and relations Family and kinship Racial and ethnic constructions Social and economic classes  Egalitarian due to labor being equal between men and women. There were no specialists (division of labor). After the neolithic agricultural revolution this changes dramatically. There were no specialists (no division of labor). The social structure would have been a close-knit tribe (like an extended family). Closer to 10,000 B.C.E. evidence of chiefdoms, more of a power structure. Cave art =evidence of kinship and possibly a social hierarchy if only certain members (men?) were allowed into ceremonies.

7 Neolithic Agricultural Revolution
On the next slide, you will see a region of the world. With your group, bullet-point all that you can recall (without looking at your notes) about how agriculture developed in this region. Is there anything distinctive about development in this region?





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