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Social Functions of Deviance The rules of sociological method, by Emile Durkheim state that deviance has some uses in social life.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Functions of Deviance The rules of sociological method, by Emile Durkheim state that deviance has some uses in social life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Functions of Deviance The rules of sociological method, by Emile Durkheim state that deviance has some uses in social life.

2 Clarifying Norms Serves to define the boundaries of acceptable behavior When rule are broken and the guilty parties are caught, members of society are reminded of the norms that guide social life The punishment serves as a warning to others. Example harsh prison sentences People choose not to commit deviant acts if warned


4 Unifying the group Draws line between conforming members of society and “ outsiders” “Us against Them” Reinforces sense of community Beliefs in shared values Important to the maintenance of group unity


6 Diffusing tension When people are unhappy they may want to strike out at society Minor acts of deviance serve as a safety net Allows individuals to relieve tension without disrupting the basic fabric of life Demonstrations, protest, small outburst


8 Promoting Social Change Helps to promote change by identifying problems When a large number of people violate a particular norm This indicates that something in society needs to be changed Women's movement, Civil Rights, gay Movement


10 Providing Jobs Law enforcement Court personal Corrections Treatment programs Lawyers Judges Parole officers


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