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Ella Knight & Amber Spicer Lois S. Hornsby Middle School Spring 2014.

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1 Ella Knight & Amber Spicer Lois S. Hornsby Middle School Spring 2014

2  English 6, Visions English 6  Foundations of Algebra P1, Foundations of Algebra P2  US History to 1865, Visions US History to 1865  Science 6  PE/Health 6

3  Semester  Choir 6  Music 6  Latin for Word Power  Art 6  Theatre 6  Year-Long  Band 6: Beginning, Brass, Percussion, Woodwind  Orchestra 6: Beginning, Intermediate  Choir 6

4  Fun, vocabulary building course that will enable students to analyze Latin-derived complex English vocabulary  Goals:  To acquire some very important Latin roots which form the basis for hundreds of English words  To learn the meanings of many important prefixes and suffixes  To analyze and decipher the meanings of unfamiliar Latin-derived words  To understand more of the vocabulary featured on standardized tests  To become familiar with the historical context for the importance of Latin to our language

5  Who should take it?  6 th graders interested in expanding their vocabulary base and knowledge  LWP is a beneficial course for any language course taken in 7 th or 8 th grade.  It is NOT a high school credit-bearing course, but a semester course for 6 th graders only.  The course meets every other day for a semester, not a year.  It is NOT a pre-requisite for the Latin I high school credit course.  The structure and caliber of LWP is NOT as rigorous as the high school course of Latin I.  For more information, contact Carrie Collins at

6  RTI (Response to Intervention)  If a student fails to pass the Math or Reading SOL, he or she will be placed in RTI 6.  RTI 6 is a support class for Reading or Math that is NOT graded.  RTI 6 is a year-long course that will take the place of 1 year-long elective or 2 semester electives.

7 Hornsby 13/14 Schedule: nsby_Middle_School/Our_School/Counseli ng

8  3/10/14: Hornsby Registration at CBB Elementary  3/17/14: Hornsby Registration at DJ Elementary  3/21/14: Hornsby Registration at Blayton Elementary  3/27/14: Hornsby Registration at Matoaka Elementary  The remainder of the elementary schools will be registered by Toano or Berkeley Middle  August 2014: Dates TBA  Schedules Mailed  6 th Grade Orientation

9  ATTENTION ALL RISING 6 TH GRADERS: SHOW YOUR HORNSBY HAWK SPIRIT FROM DAY ONE!  Purchase your Hawk Spirit Wear Tonight  OR  Order Online from Williamsburg Graphics   Order will be open through April 1st, 2014  Items will be delivered to schools  IMPORTANT:  Put Homeroom Number and Teacher in Notes!!  Put order in Student’s Name (Use your name for billing.)

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