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Objectives of image pre-processing:

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0 Chapter 5 – Image Pre-processing
5.1 Brightness Transformations 5.2 Geometric Transformations 5.3 Local Pre-processing 5.4 Image Restoration

1 Objectives of image pre-processing:
(a) Suppress image information that is not relevant to later work (b) Enhancing information that is useful for later analysis

2 Classes of Image Pre-processing Methods
(a) Brightness Transformations (b) Geometric transformations 5.1 Brightness Transformations Categorization: (1) Point processing, Neighborhood processing (2) Position invariant, Position variant (3) Image Enhancement, Image Restoration 5-2

3 ○ Point Processing Histogram Equalization

4 Transform function e.g.,


6 Theorem: Let T be a differentiable strictly increasing
or strictly decreasing function. Let r be a random variable having density Let having density Then, or

7 Proof: Let : the distribution functions of r and s
(a) T strictly increasing (b) T strictly decreasing 5-7

8 Example: Let x: a random variable with uniform
distribution on (0, 1). Find the density g of Ans: Let Y : the distribution of y. Since y is a positive random variable, for For , The density of y: 5-8

9 Let transform function be Then
Called equalization or linearization. 5-9

10 the transformation function T is
○ Example Let Since the transformation function T is 5-10

11 i.e., is a uniform distribution
Since From i.e., is a uniform distribution 5-11

12 Discrete case: Let , , Transformation: 5-12

13 ○ Example: L = 16, n = 360


15 ○ Examples: 5-15

16 5-16


18 Specified Histogram Equalization
-- Specify the shape of the histogram that we wish the processed image to have. Histogram equalization Histogram specification Input image 5-18

19 5-19

20 : gray levels of the input image I
Let : gray levels of the input image I : gray levels of the output image O : the probability density function of r that can be estimated from I : the given specified probability density function of z that we wish O to have Let and Then and Both are known 5-20

21 Given: input image (I), specification ( ) 1. Compute from I
Procedure: Given: input image (I), specification ( ) 1. Compute from I 2. Compute from 3. Compute from 4. Compute 5. Transform I into O by 5-21

22 Discrete case: 5-22

23 Example: Given image I of size 64 by 64 with 8 gray levels
Histogram of input image I: Transformation function: 5-23

24 Transformation function:
Specified histogram: Transformation function: 5-24

25 Inverse transformation function:
Output image O: 5-25

26 Histogram of output image O:

27 Input histogram Equalized histogram Output histogram
Specified histogram 5-27

28 5.2. Geometric Transformations
Distorted grid image Scene grid Recovered grid image A geometric transform is a vector function T defined by Two steps: i) Pixel coordinate transformation ii) Brightness interpolation Applications: Remotely sensed image registration Bird-view generation Document skew 5-28

29 Remotely Sensed Image Registration

30 Bird’s-Eye View Image Generation
Blind areas around a vehicle Window pillars Height of vehicle Summary of blind areas Driver’s position 5-30

31 System Configuration Fish-eye camera with wide-angle lens Image Scene
5-31 31

32 32 5-32

33 Experiments 33 5-33

34 Automatic Parking System
Four major tasks: (i) bird-view image generation (ii) Parking space detection, (iii) path planning, and (iv) automatic parking 34 5-34

35 Automatic parking 35 5-35

36 5.2.1. Pixel Coordinate Transformations
Geometric distortion types : a. variable distance, b. panoramic c. skew, e. scale, f. perspective Transformation model: where 5-36

37 ◎ Image Enlargement Step 1: Zero interleave

38 (b) Bilinear interpolation
Step 2: Filling (a) NN interpolation (b) Bilinear interpolation (c) Bicubic interpolation 5-38

39 (b) Bilinear interpolation
(a) NN interpolation (b) Bilinear interpolation 5-39

40 Input image 5-40

41 Polynomial transformation:
Bilinear transformation: Affine transformation: Rotation : Scale change : Skewing : 5-41

42 Example: Bilinear transform
Needs at least 4 pairs of corresponding points to determine the parameters 5-42

43 Solve x by the least square error method.

44 1. Detect salient points of images
Image Registration: Steps: 1. Detect salient points of images 2. Determine the point correspondences between the two images 3. Compute the parameters of the transformation functions 5-44

45 5.2.2. Brightness Interpolation

46 (a) Nearest-Neighbor Interpolation
(b) Linear Interpolation 5-46

47 。 Bilinear Interpolation

48 ◎ Generalization ○ Interpolation function R
○ Examples: 5-48

49 ○ Substituting into NN-interpolation 5-49

50 ○ Substituting into linear interpolation

51 ○ Cubic interpolation function

52 ○ Bi-cubic Interpolation
-- Apply cubic interpolation first along the rows and then down the columns 5-52

53 5.3 Local (Neighborhood) Pre-Processing
-- Applies a function to a neighborhood of each pixel -- Different functions  different objectives e.g., noise removal (smoothing), edge detection, corner detection 5-53

54 Neighborhood (window, mask)
Function + Window = Filter 5-54

55 Filtration (Filtering) Convolution: 5-55

56 Objective: noise removal
5.3.1 Image Smoothing Objective: noise removal Linear Smoothing Filters 1-D case: Input data Mean filter Smoothed data 2-D case:


58 Gaussian Smoothing 1D: 2D: Discrete case:

59 。 Mean Filters (i) Arithmetic mean: (ii) Geometric mean:
(iii) Harmonic mean: 5-59

60 (iv) Contra-harmonic mean:
(v) Alpha-trimmed mean filter i) Order elements, ii) Trim off end elements iii) Take mean 5-60

61 。 Image Averaging Assume noise n(x,y) is Gaussian, uncorrelated
and has zero mean. 5-61

62 Non-linear Smoothing Filters
: mask elements 。 Maximum filter: 。 Minimum filter: 。 K-nearest neighbors (K-NN) mean filter 5-62

63 。 Median filter 5-63

64 5-64

65 。 Smoothing by a rotating masker

66 Dispersion 5-66

67 5.3.2 Edge Detectors -- Edges are important information for image
understanding Origin of edges Line drawing

68 Roof edge (crease edge) Smooth edge Line
Typical edge profiles: Step edge (jump edge) Ramp edge Roof edge (crease edge) Smooth edge Line

69 ○ Derivatives

70 2D case: Gradient Magnitude Direction

71 。 Prewitt filters Consider Horizontal filter: , Smooth filter: Combine
Vertical filter: , Smooth filter:

72 Input Vertical Horizontal Edge image Binary image Thinning

73 。Roberts operator: 。Sobel operator: 。Robinson operator:
。Kirsch operator:

74 5.3.3 Zero-Crossings of Second Derivatives
Laplacian: Laplace operator: Invariant under rotation (isotropic filter)

75 Step edge: Ramp edge:

76 Zero crossing 0 + , + 0 0 -, - 0 + -, - +

77 。 Other Laplacian masks
。 Second derivatives are sensitive to noise Example: Edge detection by taking zero crossings after a Laplace filtering Marr-Hildreth method Smooth the input image using a Gaussian before Laplace filtering

78 。 Gaussian smooth + Laplace filtering = Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG):
Difference of Gaussian (DOG): Mexican hat


80 Separable Filters Convolution: e.g., Laplacian filter n × n filter:
2 (n × 1) filters: 5-80

81 5.4.3 Scale Space Filtering fewer noises, Larger scale 
less precise in location Larger scale more noises, more precise in location Smaller scale

82 5.3.5 Canny Edge Detector Criteria: a. Low error rate of detection:
no missing and extra edges b. Localization of edges: precise in edge position c. Single response: one-pixel width edges Step 1: Edge detection (i) Horizontal direction (ii) Vertical direction 5-82

83 Step 2: Non-maximum suppression For each pixel p, (i) Quantize to
(iii) Edge magnitude Edge direction Step 2: Non-maximum suppression For each pixel p, (i) Quantize to 0, 45, 90 or 135 degrees (ii) Along p is marked if its edge magnitude is larger than both its two neighbors p is ignored otherwise 5-83

84 Step 3: Hysteresis thresholding For each marked pixel p,
(i) If > or (ii) If and p is adjacent to an edge pixel p is considered as an edge pixel Step 4: Repeat steps (1) - (3) for ascending Step 5: Synthesize edges at multiple scales 5-84



87 5.3.7 Edges in Multi-Spectral Images
Methods: Applied to individual components Applied to combination of component images (i) difference or (ii) ratio

88 5.3.8 Pre-processing in the Frequency Domain
Fourier Transform Spatial Domain Frequency Domain 5-88

89 5-89

90 Low pass filtration 5-90

91 High Pass Filtration 5-91

92 Band pass filtration 5-92

93 Gaussian Frequency Filters

94 Spatial counterparts Frequency filters Spatial filters 5-94

95 Periodic noise removal

96 Butterworth frequency filters

97 Homomorphic filtering
s 5-97

98 5.3.9 Line Detection Line Finding Operators
Reinforcement of Linear Structure Using Parameterized Relaxation Labeling J.S. Duncan & T. Birkholzer IEEE PAMI, vol. 14, no. 5, pp , 1992 5-98

99 Edge Reinforcement (a) (c) (e) (g) (b) (d) (f) (h) 5-99

100 2. Edge Reinforcement with Thinning
(a) (c) (e) (g) (b) (d) (f) (h)

101 3. Bar Reinforcement

102 Detection of Corners Basic idea: corners possess large curvatures : approximates curvature Harris corner detector f: image, W: image patch A corner point will have a high response of for all 5-102

103 From Taylor approximation 5-103

104 Both small: no edge and corner One large and one small: ridge
Harris matrix Let Both small: no edge and corner One large and one small: ridge Both large: corner 5-104

105 5-105

106 5-106

107 which is maximal in pixels with high contrast.
Moravec Detector which is maximal in pixels with high contrast. Image function f(i,j) is approximated in the neighborhood of pixel (i,j) Zuniga-Haralick Detector Kitchen-Rosenfeld Detector 5-107

108 5.3.11. Maximally Stable External Regions
Harris corner detector can be invariant to rotation and translation but variant to scale change and projective transformation. Maximally Stable External Regions (MSER) are invariant to translation, rotation, similarity and affine transformations. To detect (MSER): Maximal regions: union all connected components of all frames of a sequence of thresholded I with frame t corresponding to threshold t. Minimal regions: obtained by inverting the intensity of I and running the same process. 5-108

109 5-109

110 5-110

111 5.4 Image Restoration Objective: reconstruct or recover from degradation (e.g., moving, distortion). Idea: modeling the degradation Degradation Model Diagonalization of Circulant and Block-Circulant Matrices Inverse Filtering Algebraic Approach to Restoration Wiener Filter 5-111

112 5.4.1 Degradation Model Mathematically,
Mathematically, Problem: Given g(x,y) and some knowledge about degradation H and noise n, obtain an approximation to f(x,y). 5-112

113 Assume Image: Degraded image: If H is linear, i.e.,
If H is homogeneous, i.e., 5-113

114 If H is position invariant, i.e.,
Let : PSF If H is position invariant, i.e., In discrete case, 2-114

115 Consider 1D case, In matrix form, where 2-115

116 Since is periodic, : circulant matrix 2-116

117 ◎ Diagonalization Circulant Matrices Define 2-117

118 e.g., k = 0 2-118

119 2-119

120 For k = 1 2-120

121 2-121

122 i.e., formed by the M eigenvectors of of H,
From : a diagonal matrix and where i.e., formed by the M eigenvectors of of H, where * denotes conjugate transpose 2-122

123 : the DFT of 2-123

124 Block Circulant Matrices
Define where are N by N matrices and 2-124

125 The inverse matrix Likewise, where is the DFT of 2-125

126 ◎ Effects of Diagonalization on the Degradation Model
1-D case: From and 2-126

127 : the DFT of : the DFT of f Similarly, : the DFT of g
is the DFT of sequence 2-127

128 Ignore the scale factor MN,
From Including noise term, 2-D case: Ignore the scale factor MN, 2-128

129 5.4.3 Inverse Filtering Low-pass filtering: Constrained division:

130 5.4.4 Algebraic Approach to Restoration
A. Unconstrained restoration B. Constrained restoration A. Unconstrained restoration From Find s.t. Let 2-130

131 B. Constrained restoration
where Q is a linear operator on f. Using the method of Lagrange multipliers, 2-131

132 5.4.5 Winer Filtering : correlation matrices of f and n
The ij-th element of is given by We hope noise-to-signal ratio to be small. : real symmetric matrices For images, pixels within 20 to 30 pixels can generally be correlated. A typical correlation matrix has a bound of nonzero elements about the main diagonal and zeros in the right upper and left lower corner regions. 2-132

133 can be made to approximate block
circulant matrices and can be diagonalized by Let Substitute into From 2-133

134 From 5-134

135 A and B are diagonal matrices derived from the
Ignore M, N where 5-135

136 Parametric Wiener filter
Ideal inverse filter (when no noise ) where k : constant 5-136

137 Different k’s 2-137

138 ○ Applications -- Motion Deblurring
Image f(x,y) undergoes planar motion : the components of motion T : the duration of exposure Fourier transform, 5-138

139 5-139

140 Suppose uniform linear motion:
Note H vanishes at u = n/a (n: an integer) Restore image by the inverse or Wiener filter 5-140

141 ○ Atmospheric turbulence
○ Defocusing ○ Atmospheric turbulence 5-141

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