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Channel your English: Elementary Enter Unit 08 Fiesta time Quit 普通高等教育 “ 十一五 ” 国家级规划教材.

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Presentation on theme: "Channel your English: Elementary Enter Unit 08 Fiesta time Quit 普通高等教育 “ 十一五 ” 国家级规划教材."— Presentation transcript:


2 Channel your English: Elementary Enter Unit 08 Fiesta time Quit 普通高等教育 “ 十一五 ” 国家级规划教材

3 Channel your English: Elementary Preview Lessons

4 Channel your English: Elementary Vocabulary Functions Structures Pronunciation Reading Listening Speaking Writing

5 Channel your English: Elementary VOCABULARY  Months  Seasons  Celebrations  Festivals  Wishes

6 Channel your English: Elementary FUNCTIONS  Making plans  Talking about arrangements  Describing celebrations and festivals  Agreeing and disagreeing

7 Channel your English: Elementary STRUCTURES  Future going to  Present Progressive with future meaning  Compounds of some, any, no, every

8 Channel your English: Elementary PRONUNCIATION  / /, / /, / /, / /

9 Channel your English: Elementary READING  An extract from a book and a brochure (multiple matching) Focus: understanding specific information

10 Channel your English: Elementary LISTENING  A conversation (note taking)  Two short conversations and a short monologue (multiple matching) Focus: transferring from verbal to visual information

11 Channel your English: Elementary SPEAKING  Pairwork Focus: talking about one’s plans for the weekend, talking about future arrangements and giving wishes  group work Focus: talking about preparations for a party

12 Channel your English: Elementary WRITING  An e-mail giving information about a party

13 Channel your English: Elementary Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 3

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