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El Sierra - 4 th Grade Elementary School Curriculum Night Welcome! Our goal is to instill the love of learning in your children!

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Presentation on theme: "El Sierra - 4 th Grade Elementary School Curriculum Night Welcome! Our goal is to instill the love of learning in your children!"— Presentation transcript:

1 El Sierra - 4 th Grade Elementary School Curriculum Night Welcome! Our goal is to instill the love of learning in your children!

2 Fun Facts About Us... O Mrs. Wyatt O Mrs. Iaquinto

3 Important Info to Remember O Assignment Notebook/Website – homework O Homework Notices O Room Coordinators/Volu nteers O Email/Phone calls

4 Important Info ~ Cont. O Students should not arrive before 8:10 O Please keep us aware of any transportation changes by calling the office. O Healthy morning snack O Water Bottles

5 Rules to Live By O Be safe O Be responsible O Be respectful O Consequences

6 Birthdays O If you would like, you may donate a book to your child’s classroom or the LRC in your child’s name. O If you would like, you may send a small non-edible treat such as a pencil. O Please do not send birthday party invitations to be passed out at school.

7 Types of Communication O Conferences November 19 th (5:00 – 8:00 p.m.) November 23 th (8:00a.m. – 3:45 p.m.) February 10 th (evening) February 11 th ( evening) O O Twitter - @ElSierra4th, @PrincipalLynde O Monthly Newsletter

8 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) O High Five Program O I know myself. O I control myself. O I am a team member. O I think about others. O I make responsible choices. O School Families O Morning Meetings O SecondStep Curriculum - empathy

9 Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) O Students are tested three times per academic year. O Reading, Math, and Language Usage O SQUIRREL O Data is used to group students and specific lessons are taught at their instructional level. O It is our goal to have each student demonstrate academic growth in each subject.

10 iPads O Our Goal - O use as an instructional tool O give another outlet for creativity O Odds and Ends O iPad should come to school charged – they cannot charge at school O Leave your charger at home O Games O Indoor recess

11 What will reading instruction look like? O Shared Reading – skills and strategies are taught whole class O Guided Reading Groups O Daily Independent Reading O Novel Studies O BUZZing O Fluency Practice - poetry

12 How will we become better writers? O 6 +1 Traits (ideas, conventions, sentence fluency, voice, organization, word choice, presentation) O Progressive Journal O Poetry O Narrative, Expository, Persuasive O Spelling O Grammar O Vocabulary – Red Hot Words, Wordly Wise

13 Math O Resources to use – (Math in Focus) School Home Connection Newsletter, textbook, workbook, spiral O Small groups O Homework – 4 to 5 days a week O Multiplication facts – practice O Exit slips O Change to math report card

14 Science O Weather O Magnetism and Electricity O Solar System O Health O Resources - binder, spiral, study guides

15 Social Studies O 5 Regions of the United States O Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, and West O Social Scientists - economist, historian, geographer, political scientist O Hands on approach

16 How can you support your child’s learning? O Read each day – ask your child what they read about O Multiplication facts O Learning experiences (museums, Downers Grove Public Library, science fair, The Reading Games) O Check their take home folder each day and planner O Websites (links are on the ES website) O IXL O Tumblebooks O Spelling City

17 Things Unique to 4 th Grade O Field Trips - Planetarium, Naper Settlement O Teacher’s pet O Penny parties O Orchestra O High Fives – Friday Raffle

18 Housekeeping O Handbook - sign receipt for handbook O Includes school calendar O Review discipline section O PTA Fundraisers - Box Tops, Market Day, Campbell Soup Labels

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