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WRITING PROMPT #1: “You Don’t Know Me” A person who doesn’t know you has just walked into your room. Write a paragraph (minimum 7 sentences) that tells.

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Presentation on theme: "WRITING PROMPT #1: “You Don’t Know Me” A person who doesn’t know you has just walked into your room. Write a paragraph (minimum 7 sentences) that tells."— Presentation transcript:

1 WRITING PROMPT #1: “You Don’t Know Me” A person who doesn’t know you has just walked into your room. Write a paragraph (minimum 7 sentences) that tells what that person could learn about you by looking at the items on your desk, by noticing your taste in colors, and by noting the tidiness (or untidiness) of your room. 9/13/13

2 WRITING PROMPT #2: Compound Nouns Compound words are two words put together to make a new word. Examples are snowman, basketball, and upstairs. Add to each word below to make a word to the beginning or to the end! Sun Water Man Some House Light Time Over 9/23/13

3 Pseudonyms WRITING PROMPT #3: Pseudonyms Many writers write under a pen name, or a name other than their real name. Samuel Clemens wrote under the name of Mark Twain. Invent a pen name for yourself. In at least five sentences, explain why you might use a pen name rather than your own name. Put your completed writing prompt in your Writing Compositions folder. 10/28/13

4 I’d Never Have Awakened WRITING PROMPT #4: I’d Never Have Awakened Did he appear because I fell asleep thinking of him? If only I’d known I was dreaming, I’d have never wakened. Put your completed writing prompt in your Writing Compositions folder. 10/29/13 Have you ever had a dream that you didn’t want to wake up from? Imagine the continuation of that dream—the part you didn’t get to experience because you woke up. 1.First, write a prose narrative of that dream. 2.Then, write a poem about it. In this poem by Ono No Komachi, the speaker imagines staying in her dream instead of returning to her regular waking life. Today’s prompt is worth 20 points!

5 I’d Never Have Awakened (Cont’d) WRITING PROMPT #4: I’d Never Have Awakened (Cont’d) 10/29/13

6 10/31/13 (Grade 8) Writing Prompt #5: “All Hallow’s Eve” Today is Halloween! Yes, there will be masquerades and mayhem and treats and tricks, fun scary times indeed. But nothing will compare to what comes up if we are blessed to wake up tomorrow: All Saints Day. It’s the designated day to remember the holy souls of those gone before us. In honor of All Saints Day, write about your own patron saint—or another saint about whom you are interested and/or know a lot of information.

7 1.Make a list of the items shown in the photo. Try to list as many details as possible. (Think of it like a Where’s Waldo? or I Spy game.) 2.Review your list. Select any number of items and group them in any way you please—by size, color, purpose, and so on. Then, compose a detailed description of any three items. 3.Compose a description of the entire photo by using spatial order. (For instance, begin by describing the pilot’s steering wheel; then, move on to describe what is to the left of the wheel, above it, etc.) Incorporate an explanation of why the items in the photo are in their current state of neglect. “I Spy with My Little Eye…” Writing Prompt #6: “I Spy with My Little Eye…” 11/25/13


9 1.Create a caption for this photo. 2.Then, compose a story about the photo’s action. Focus on incorporating vivid imagery by using action verbs modified by adjectives and adverbs. Questions to Help Jog Your Imagination: Are the girls running away? If so, from what or whom? Why are the girls dressed as they are? Why do they have mud on their feet? At what time of day or night is this photo’s action occurring? In what year and country is the photo set? What is the photographer’s relationship to the girls and their action(s)? These questions are posed merely to help you find a starting point for your composition; you are under no obligation to give specific answers to any of them. Writing Prompt #7 12/12/13


11 FREE WRITE WRITING PROMPT #8: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE or FREE WRITE 12/19/13 Incorporate AT LEAST 12 prepositions. Underline each preposition you use. Draw an arrow from each preposition to its object. Incorporate AT LEAST 12 prepositions. Underline each preposition you use. Draw an arrow from each preposition to its object.

12 TIME OBSERVATION Writing Prompt #9: TIME OBSERVATION Come up with several ways of documenting the passage of time, based on where you are sitting. 1/6/14

13 Writing Prompt #10: Culinary Commentary Pizza is your favorite lunch. You currently eat it once a week in the school cafeteria, but it may be removed from the menu. (Oh, the horror!) Write an editorial for the school paper about this possible change. Give reasons why you think it should or should not be made. 1/13/14

14 Writing Prompt #11 Respond to ONE of the following prompts. You must use and underline at least 3 words from BOTH Spelling Lessons #7 and 8 in your response. 1.Aerobic exercise has many healthful benefits. Write about ways to exercise to keep healthy. 2.Describe a tranquil place. Use descriptive words to give a lot of details. 3.Start with a base word like prefer, sense, or differ and write a story using as many related words as you can. You will need your Spelling WB to complete this prompt 1/27/14

15 Writing Prompt #12: REWRITE! Rewrite the following paragraph, adding more detail and forming (compound and) complex sentences where possible: Andy was walking down Main Street. A scary thing happened. Mr. Johnson ran into the street. Mr. Johnson is a candy store owner. A fire had started in his store. A faulty wire had caused it. 1/31/14

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