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YES-DRC Network Presentation. Jules RAMAZANI YES-DRC NETWORK COORDINATOR Youth Entrepreneurship Promotion Program Program in DR CONGO VERACRUZ, October.

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Presentation on theme: "YES-DRC Network Presentation. Jules RAMAZANI YES-DRC NETWORK COORDINATOR Youth Entrepreneurship Promotion Program Program in DR CONGO VERACRUZ, October."— Presentation transcript:

1 YES-DRC Network Presentation

2 Jules RAMAZANI YES-DRC NETWORK COORDINATOR Youth Entrepreneurship Promotion Program Program in DR CONGO VERACRUZ, October 4th YES MEXICO SUMMIT 2004

3 Description of Project Target Group: Target Group:  Young people under 40 years old. Rationale for Intervention: Rationale for Intervention:  Gap between educational system and labour market needs;  Lack of entrepreneurial culture (no creativity, no initiative) among young people;  High rate (90%) of youth unemployment; and  Lack of technical and financial support.

4 Project Goals: Project Goals:  Promote youth entrepreneurship; and  Develop entrepreneurial culture amongst young people. Project Design Principles: Project Design Principles:  Observation;  Reflection;  Vision;  Inspiration; and  Action. Project Duration: Project Duration:  2 Years (2002-2004) Project Inputs: Project Inputs:  Material resources;  Financial resources; and  Human resources.

5 Project Cycle Conceptualization Conceptualization  The Program was conceptualized and implemented in the first stage in Kinshasa (Capital city of DRC) by APEC – NGO [www.web-] Team.  We are collaborating with:  ACEE of Quebec: technical support;

6  Paul Fortin, President of Accès Entreprise, Quebec: technical support.  Youth Development Network (YDN), South Africa: technical and financial support.  Ministry of Industry & SMEs: moral support;  Ministry of Youth and sports: moral and material support; and  FEC (Federation of Enterprises of Congo): moral and material support. Implementation Our Methodology consists in implementing and supporting: - Student Entrepreneurs Clubs in the Universities and High Schools – Entrepreneurship in School - Young Entrepreneurs Clubs in the local areas – Young Mentorship Pilot Project.

7 The Results are: Numbers of persons reached by the activities Numbers of persons reached by the activities  Student Entrepreneurs Club project: - 55 students: 19-25 Years old - 45 males and 10 females  Young Entrepreneurs Club project, Mentorship Pilot project: -10 Mentors: 7 males and 3 females -10 Protégés: 9 males and 1 female

8 Response from Community Response from Community The beneficiaries of the program are: - Young students in universities and high schools; - Young entrepreneurs; and - Others unemployed young people. YES Framework for Action: YES Framework for Action: – The YES-DRC Network favors youth entrepreneurship promotion as a effective strategy to fight against poverty and youth unemployment in DR Congo.

9 Plans for the Future Plans for the Future - To strengthen, reinforce and consolidate the current actions; - To develop new projects in environmental entrepreneurship: biodiversity and renewable energies areas; - To develop partnership with International organizations, the private sector and other donors; - To extend the YES-DRC Network activities in nationwide (in all country provinces).

10 Challenges and Lessons Learned Problems Faced Problems Faced Since 2002 YES-DRC Network is working in a very tough situation because of the following facts: - Political instability: four Years of war and rebellions; - Bad governance; - Lack of a National Employment Policy; - Lack of a National Youth Policy;

11 - Economic crisis; - Cultural obstacles among young people and at the community level in creating new initiatives (especially in terms of entrepreneurship); and - Youth poverty.

12 New knowledgeNew knowledge - We understand that to succeed in our work we must build strong partnerships with many stakeholders (Government, Educational Institutions, Medias, International Organizations, Financial Institutions and other donors). - YES-DRC Network must be professional to be competitive nationally and internationally. Thank you for your attention!

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