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Conserve Fibroblast growth factor 8 (fgf 8) domains Ana Tomas Judith Paridaen Susana Domingues.

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Presentation on theme: "Conserve Fibroblast growth factor 8 (fgf 8) domains Ana Tomas Judith Paridaen Susana Domingues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conserve Fibroblast growth factor 8 (fgf 8) domains Ana Tomas Judith Paridaen Susana Domingues

2 Fibroblast growth factor 8 Member of the FGF family Function: Mitogenic Chemotactic Angiogenic activity Promoting cell growth, differentiation and motility

3 Some Fgf 8 characteristics N.º of a.a.: 233 Molecular weight: 26525.4 Theoretical p.i.: 10.44 Total n.º of negatively charged residues (Asp + Glu): 19 Total n.º of positively charged residues (Arg + Lys): 40 Formula: C 1164 H 1877 N 363 O 330 S 9 Total n.º of atoms: 3743 Grand average of hydropathicity: -0.651 (soluble) Estimated half-life: The N-terminal of the sequence considered is M (Met) The estimated half-life is:  30 hours (mammalian) Instability index: The instability index (II) is computed to be 47.80 Unstable protein ProtParam tool - ExPASy

4 Structure 6 chains present 913 residues

5 Structure and active sites HBGF/FGF SP binding ProSAT - Protein Structure Annotation Tool

6 Models Axolotl Chicken Ciona S. Cow Dog Drosophila Fugu Houseshrew Human Japanese lamprey Mouse Opossum Oryzias Rabbit Rat Rhesus macaque Shell turtle Tetraodon Zebrafish Ciona

7 Phylogenetic tree Cluster algorithm

8 Consensus domains p85_SH2 SH2 KGAETGFYICMNKRG InsR_Kin Y_kin NARYEGWYMAFTRRG ErkDD Kin_bind RDCIFTEIVLENNYT Multalin – Multi alignment program

9 3D structure and consensus domains ErkDD Kin_bind RDCIFTEIVLENNYT InsR_Kin Y_kin NARYEGWYMAFTRRG p85_SH2 SH2 KGAETGFYIC MNKRG Rasmol

10 Fgf8 structure with receptor Rasmol Fgf Receptor

11 Common regulatory elements in Fgf8 downstream targets Anna Ferrer-Vaquer Alisa Fuchs

12 Fgf8 signaling pathway  Elk  Ets  cJun  Fos  Myc ...

13 Fgf8 inducible genes Sprouty1 Pax3 Otx2 Tbx2 Erm Pea3 Ptx1 Lhx6 Sef AP2 Flrt3.... Many more Sprouty1 > Mm, Gg, Dr Pax3 > Mm, Gg, Dr Otx2 > Mm, Gg, Dr Tbx2 > Mm, Gg, Dr Erm Pea3 Ptx1 Lhx6 Sef AP2 Flrt3.... Many more  Limitation:  1Kb of 5’UTR

14 Alignment Alignment of sequences from different genes to find consensus blocks Not reliable

15 Promoter analysis

16 Results of promoter analysis Promotor/TFElkvMybZBP-89 mSprouty1 +++ mPax3 + mOtx2 +++ mTbx2 +++

17 Conclusion Analysis of nucleotide sequences is much more difficult than amino acids

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