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Technical Assistance Webinar: NLM Institutional Training Grants for Research Training in Biomedical Informatics RFA-LM-11-001 NLM Extramural Programs National.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical Assistance Webinar: NLM Institutional Training Grants for Research Training in Biomedical Informatics RFA-LM-11-001 NLM Extramural Programs National."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical Assistance Webinar: NLM Institutional Training Grants for Research Training in Biomedical Informatics RFA-LM-11-001 NLM Extramural Programs National Institutes of Health March 22, 2011 1

2 Outline for Webinar Guidelines for the session Overview of main points of the Funding Announcement Response to Questions sent in advance Contact points for additional questions 2

3 Guidelines for the Session Slide presentation with voice-over by NLM staff No “live” questions will be taken; participant phones will be muted Requests for restatement or clarification can be sent via the ‘chat’ feature of the Connect meeting Q&A document and slides will be posted on the NLM EP website Post-session questions will be added to Q&A document 3

4 Purpose of the Funding Support for predoctoral and postdoctoral training for research careers in biomedical informatics Meet a growing need for investigators trained in biomedical computing and related fields as they directly relate to health-related application domains 4

5 Desired Outcome of Funding Successful graduates of these programs will be prepared for research-oriented roles in academic institutions, not-for-profit research institutes, governmental and public health agencies, pharmaceutical and software companies, and health care organizations This initiative is not intended to prepare trainees for careers emphasizing planning, deployment, maintenance, or administration of computer systems 5

6 Education for Biomedical Informatics Careers 6 Concepts and Methods Biomedical Application Domains Computer Science Information Science Statistics Engineering Social/Behavioral Sciences Others Health Care Biology Transl. Science Public Health Clinical Research Others Trainee Knowledge & Expertise

7 Emphasis on Research Training Three training options: 1.Predoctoral: Must pursue doctoral degree in informatics or a related field 2.Postdoctoral with doctorate not in informatics: Must pursue masters or doctorate in informatics or related field 3.Postdoctoral with doctorate in informatics: Traditional postdoc (enhanced preparation for research career) 7

8 Principal Training Domains Each applicant program must offer training in at least one of these areas: Health Care/Clinical Informatics Translational Bioinformatics Clinical Research Informatics Public Health Informatics 8

9 Health Care/Clinical Informatics Applications of informatics principles and methods to direct patient care, such as advanced clinical decision support systems, multimedia electronic health records, provision of health-care related informational support to consumers Special tracks might be offered for nursing informatics, dental informatics, imaging informatics, or other similar areas 9

10 Translational Bioinformatics Applications of informatics principles and methods to support 'bench to bedside to practice' translational research, such as genome-phenome relationships, pharmacogenomics, or personalized medicine Special tracks might be offered in health effects of environmental factors, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) or other similar areas 10

11 Clinical Research Informatics Applications of informatics principles and methods to support clinical trials, comparative effectiveness research or other clinical research Special tracks might be offered in areas such as biostatistics, in-silico trials, merging and mining large disparate data sets that mix images, text and data, or other similar areas 11

12 Public Health Informatics Applications of informatics principles and methods to build integrated resources for health services research, for decision support in public health agencies, to support regional or global health research or syndromic surveillance Special tracks might be offered in areas such as health literacy, information design for consumers, health effects of climate change or other similar areas 12

13 Academic Degrees Conferred Must provide preparation for a research career comparable to an academic tenure- track position Degree program must be fully approved by home institution at time of application Academic degree can be awarded in a related field (e.g. computer science, biomedical engineering, information sciences) as long as required curricular elements are present 13

14 Required Curricular Elements, Pt.1 of 2 A core curriculum that includes required coursework in informatics concepts and principles, quantitative methods, and techniques of computer science/engineering or other information fields The curriculum must span the domains, integrating appropriate instruction in concept/methods area and application domains 14

15 Required Curricular Elements, Pt. 2 of 2 Each trainee should receive practicum experience in the application domain (e.g. knowledge of the public health system for public health informatics trainees) Elective options should offer opportunity for advanced training in fields basic to informatics Each trainee must complete a mentored research experience 15

16 Number of Full-time Slots to Request Maximum of 15 full time slots per application for balanced mix of predoctoral and postdoctoral plus up to 4 Short Term Trainee Diversity slots (STTP) Maximum of 10 full time slots per application for programs requesting 100% predoctoral or 100% postdoctoral slots plus up to 2 Short Term Trainee Diversity slots (STTP) Do not request more slots than your training capacity and/or recruitment history can justify Slot limits can be exceeded only if training in dental informatics is proposed 16

17 Dental Informatics An applicant may apply for up to three additional training slots in Dental Informatics, as a component of one of the general programs outlined See Funding announcement for details about dental informatics training 17

18 Recruitment NLM-supported trainees must be US citizens or permanent residents at time of appointment Programs must advertise and recruit nationally Programs must have a minority recruitment (and retention) plan Eligibility for appointment within a program or site cannot be restricted to a single health professional group (e.g. physicians, nurses, dentists) 18

19 Application Format, Pt. 1 of 4 SF424 (R&R) Application and Electronic Submission Information is available at, including application guides, data tables and additional format pages Applicants must observe page limits presented in the PHS 424 (R&R) Application Guide or at Page limits are strictly enforced SF424 instructions must be followed PLUS any additional instructions provided in the Funding announcement 19

20 Application Format, Pt. 2 of 4 If there is a conflict between instructions in SF424 and funding announcement, instructions in the funding announcement take precedence –The SF424 budget pages are not used; use the PHS 398 substitute page –Observe the slot ceilings and support year ceilings, which differ for predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees –List stipends for Short Term Trainee positions as FTE – one short term trainee slot is equal to.25 FTE –Consortium fees to not apply to this funding announcement 20

21 Application Format, Pt. 3 of 4 Required tables do not count against page limits All applicants must complete tables 1-10. Renewal applicants must also complete tables 11, 12A and 12B. Blank data tables are provided in fillable format at m#inst Detailed instructions for completing the required tables are provided in MS Word and PDF form at m#inst 21

22 Application Format, Pt. 4 of 4 Optional appendices are limited to: –A list of relevant elective course in other departments open to NLM trainees –An example of recruitment materials for the training program –A list of current career status of past or recent graduates 22

23 Budget Structure - predoctoral Program budgets are tied to number and type of slots requested For each full-time predoctoral slot, request: –Stipend support: Use NLM stipend table at –Predoc: Tuition, fees 60% of costs up to $16,000 –Travel: $2,000 per trainee –Training-related expenses: $6,500 per trainee –Health insurance: $2,000 per trainee –No more than 5 years of predoctoral support To budget for predoctoral short term trainees, see funding announcement for amounts 23

24 Budget Structure - postdoctoral For each full-time postdoctoral slot, request: –Stipend support: Use NLM stipend table at nds nds For TBN postdoc, estimate at 0,1,2 or 3 years experience –Tuition: For degree-seeking postdocs: 60% of costs up to $16,000 For non-degree postdocs: up to $4,500 –Travel: $2,000 per trainee –Training-related expenses: $6,500 per trainee –Health insurance: $4,000 per trainee –No more than 3 years of postdoctoral support To budget for postdoctoral short term trainees, see funding announcement for amounts 24

25 Budget Specifics Stipends paid to trainees are determined by NLM Stipend tables available at #stipends #stipends –Predoctoral 1 st year matches NRSA table 1 st year, with 5% increment each year. For TBA predoc, estimate at year 1 rate –Postdoctoral uses NRSA table. For TBA postdoc, estimate at level 3 of experience Policies regarding tuition, fees, and health insurance follow NIH rules for NRSA trainees 25

26 Core Review Criteria Training Program & Environment Training Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) Preceptors/Mentors Trainees Training Record Existing programs see “Renewals” in Section V.1 for additional criteria 26

27 Additional Review Considerations Multiple PD/PI Management Plan Recruitment & Retention to Enhance Diversity Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research 27

28 Key Dates, Pt. 1 of 2 Letters of Intent: due March 28, 2011 –Help us by sending a letter of intent if you think you might apply –Download our optional template for the letter at Application Receipt: April 28, 2011 –This is a receipt date, NOT a postmark date –Applications must be submitted electronically via by 5 PM local time of applicant organization 28

29 Key Dates, Pt. 2 of 2 Peer Review: July 14-15, 2011 Council Review: October 2011 Funding Notification: November 2011 Funding for new awards begins: July 1, 2012 29

30 Webinar Materials Available The transcript of this session and the slideset will be available at ute.html ute.html A Q&A document with written questions & answers will also be located at the above site, with new questions & answers added as they are received 30

31 Further Questions Program contact: Dr. Valerie Florance, Director, NLM Extramural Programs, or Send questions to mailbox with Subject line: T-15 question 31

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