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Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October 20031 Mastering the Nuts and Bolts of County Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October 20031 Mastering the Nuts and Bolts of County Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October 20031 Mastering the Nuts and Bolts of County Council Elections County Extension Council Training Module Missouri Council Leadership Development — a partnership of the Missouri Extension County Council Leadership Council and University of Missouri Extension October 2003 © 2003, University of Missouri Board of Curators

2 Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October 20032 Objectives Comply with state statutes Suggest election strategies Publicize election

3 Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October 20033 State Statutes — Elections Annual election – January – By district – Open to all citizens

4 Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October 20034 State Statutes — Membership One member per district County commission Farm organizations Jurisdiction of 10,000 plus or as designated by council

5 Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October 20035 State Statutes — Districts Establish districts Filed with county commission

6 Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October 20036 State Statutes — Public Notice Public notice of nominees 30 to 50 days before election

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8 Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October 20038 State Statutes — Public Notice Paid notice At least once Newspaper w/general circulation

9 Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October 20039 Preparations Early Fall – Review election process – Set date, deadlines

10 Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October 200310 Preparations November/December – Select nominees – Publish paid notice – Publicize elections

11 Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October 200311 Elections Open to all citizens Ballots: – Walk-in – Newspapers – Mail

12 Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October 200312 Participation News releases Person-to-person contact Bulletin boards Websites E-mail

13 Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October 200313 Election Integrity 1. Official ballot boxes 2. Clear instructions 3. Official observer 4. Ensure one vote per person 5. Certify results

14 Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October 200314 After the Election New council takes office March 1 – Elect officers at annual meeting – Provide list of members, officers to University and County Commission – Officers take oath of office

15 Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October 200315 After the Election Welcome new members Provide orientation

16 Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October 200316 Produced by the Council Leadership Development Committee  a partnership of the Missouri Extension County Council Leadership Council and University of Missouri Extension Mastering the Nuts and Bolts of Council Elections County Extension Council Training Module

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