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120 Health and P.E. Leadership “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Ghandi WibmcsEGLKo&feature=related.

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Presentation on theme: "120 Health and P.E. Leadership “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Ghandi WibmcsEGLKo&feature=related."— Presentation transcript:

1 120 Health and P.E. Leadership “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Ghandi WibmcsEGLKo&feature=related

2 This course is not intended to be an activity course where athletes can hone their skills. Rather, this course seeks to use Physical Education and recreational activities as a tool for creating concrete leadership experiences, and developing leadership potential.

3 GOALS 1. To increase awareness in students of the place and need for leaders in our communities; 2. To study various administrative and programming techniques which will provide the student with the knowledge to successfully assume a leadership role; 3. To assist students in the understanding of "effective leadership" and how to become better leaders. i.e. How to listen, communicate, evaluate, constructively criticize, conflicts, organize self and programs, study and practice qualities of effective leaders;

4 4. To assist students in building greater self- confidence and self-esteem through the development of good communication and leadership skills; 5. To provide an opportunity to increase their leadership skills and abilities through experience and deliberate practice; 6. To allow for student ownership and control over aspects of the programs developed, allowing for appropriate decision making and personal growth from successes and failures.

5 OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE The aim of Leadership Through Physical Education and Recreation is to provide students with the opportunity to develop leadership skills. While the course is concerned with the acquisition of knowledge (cognitive) and skill learning (psychomotor), it is hoped that the leadership opportunities experienced in the course, will also develop an awareness of the need for dynamic, professional, and volunteer leadership (affective) within the community.

6 This course is comprised of five inter-related units. Unit 1 Leadership Theory Unit 2 Sports Administration Unit 3 Teaching Theory Unit 4 Officiating/Coaching Unit 5 Sports Medicine

7 Class Leadership Events Hampton 5 Miler - Sunday Sept. 7th Bond - Wednesday Sept. 17 th (rain date 18 th ) Terry Fox run – Community Sunday September 14th Garden – Every week Wednesday?? Home coming weekend – Saturday October 11 th Intramurals - noon hours Blood Donor Clinics - TBA

8 30 Volunteer Hours, activities performed outside of class time. Sunday September 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Child care for 5 Miler HHS Gym/water stop. Friday September 5:30 to 8:30 HHS Enviro. Sci. Fund Raiser Dinner Servers. Enviro. Fair Sat. September Terry Fox Run Sunday Oct. Volunteer Expo. Web site Bulletin board Athlete of week program Sports page/announcements weekly Hampton Herald

9 Evaluation Term Projects Unit Assignments Student Teaching Unit Tests Article Reviews Class Events 30 Volunteer Hours Class Mark Exam ???

10 Unit Assignments For units assignments the following formats can only be used once. For teaching unit your lesson plans and class presentations will be your assignment. Project formats – Video (edited, 3 to 5 minutes) – Power point presentation ( 7 to 10 slides) – Essay ( 3-4 double spaced pages, 12 font, MLA) – Poster, model, etc. – All projects must have a works cited page

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