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Anne Heitman Instructional Technology Resource Teacher Mobile County Public Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Anne Heitman Instructional Technology Resource Teacher Mobile County Public Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anne Heitman Instructional Technology Resource Teacher Mobile County Public Schools

2  How do we ensure the success of every student? ◦ Define “success”

3  success success

4  Course of Study Course of Study  Partnership for 21 st Century Skills Partnership for 21 st Century Skills ◦ Core subjects ◦ 21 st century Interdisciplinary Themes ◦ Learning and Innovation Skills ◦ Information, Media and Technology Skills ◦ Life and Career Skills

5 “ We want technology to be almost a thoughtless, seamless process. When you go to a classroom, you pick up a piece of chalk. Technology should be as automatic as picking up the chalk. The newer teachers are expecting it and our students are expecting it when they come into the classroom.” Irving (Nick) Nicholson director of eLearning programs Chicago Public Schools

6 Administrators decide how students spend their time at school. They control resources, set policies, define curriculum, and manage staff. They balance educational vision with the needs of the community as well as federal, state, and local mandates. Speak Up 2007 Report Release: The New Visionary Administrator

7  Speak Up 2007 Report Release: The New Visionary Administrator  ISTE: Necessary conditions to effectively leverage technology for learning  ISTE: NETS for Administrators

8  Where are YOU?  Where is your school?  Which of these will you have control over?


10  Lab or no lab  Technical support  Funding  Curriculum  Equity of access  Staff needs  Security

11  use of technology within instruction  incorporation of 21st century skills into instruction  adequate funding  achievement on standardized tests  selection of effective instructional materials.

12  The Pacing Guide The Pacing Guide  Access and Distance Learning  Web 2.0  1 to 1 Initiatives 1 to 1 Initiatives  Second Life  iPhone

13  Wikis ◦  Google ◦ Docs ◦ Reader ◦ Notebook  Blogs  Social bookmarking Social bookmarking

14  direct and indirect costs ◦ Support ◦ Management ◦ Downtime

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