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Actors Expert fencers Expert dancers Excellent speakers Most trained from birth Dangerous during fight scenes Played many roles in a play Boys played.

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Presentation on theme: "Actors Expert fencers Expert dancers Excellent speakers Most trained from birth Dangerous during fight scenes Played many roles in a play Boys played."— Presentation transcript:


2 Actors Expert fencers Expert dancers Excellent speakers Most trained from birth Dangerous during fight scenes Played many roles in a play Boys played girls and women roles Never did the same play two days in a row (Repertory system)

3 Scenery/Setting/Props Elaborate costumes, platform stage No scenery, rather audiences used their imaginations Sound effects & special effects (cranes used to remove actors)

4 The Globe Was taken apart timber by timber and rowed across the river, where it was later reconstructed Nicknamed the “Wooden O” Front part had a trapdoor Rear part had a curtained area with an upper stage called “The Heavens” Shakespeare’s greatest plays were performed there. Burnt down in 1613

5 Shakespeare’s Life His birthday is celebrated April 23 because he died on that day in 1616 He married Anne Hathaway and they had 3 children He was one of few people who wrote and acted in plays Before retiring, he wrote 37 plays

6 Elizabethan Theater/Audience Called arena stages, thrust stages, and open stages Made audience a part of the action Plat forms set up where ever possible, courtyard inns Audience= 3 side, more money means more chairs and balconies (eat & drink) James Burbage made the first theater in 1576 outside London called “The Theater”

7 Poetic Style Shakespeare used many different techniques in his play writes such as: Blank Verse- unrhymed iambic pentameter Iambic Pentameter- Each line of poetry in the play is built on five iambs Iamb- Consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable (like the word “prepare”) Pentameter- Five iambs in a line End-Stopped Line- Lines that end with a punctuation mark Run-On Lines- Lines that do not end with punctuation marks

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