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Chapter 7 PowerPoint by Jacob Rondinella.

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1 Chapter 7 PowerPoint by Jacob Rondinella

2 7-1 The Human Genetic System
A good specimen to study genetics is the fruit fly Drosophila Melanogaster . First studied the fruit fly  Why? Thomas Hunt Morgan It can produce a new generation in just a few weeks. Fruit fly is small  and you could have many in a small area. Simple genetic system  8 Chromosomes.

3 Male Drosophila Melanogaster

4 xy xx ♂ ♀ □ = ♂ (Male) ○ = ♀ (Female)
Karyotype - pictures of chromosomes grouped together In a human Karyotype  22 pairs of chromosomes are homologous. Homologous means similar in size, shape, and genetic content. 1 pair is your sex chromosomes xy xx ♂ ♀ In order to study inheritance of human traits  Scientists create a family of history in the form of a pedigree chart. Fig 7-4 p. 149 Diagram that follows the inheritance or a single gene through several generations in a family. □ = ♂ (Male) ○ = ♀ (Female)

5 Karyotype

6 Pedigree Chart

7 Dominant/Recessive Alleles Ex) Rh Blood group  Z alles
+ (Dominent) - (Recessive) Rh+ Rh+ Rh+ RH - } both show some Phenotype Rh – Rh -  Shows reccome phenotype Multiple Alleles  type of gene that is determined by more then two alleles. EX) ABO Blood group  three Alleles Ia, Ib, i Are codomijent over i  the allele does not produce antigens

8 A - IA IA or IAi B - IBIB or IBi AB - IAIB O - ii Universal Rec. AB Universal Donor O

9 7-2 Sex-Linked Inheritance
23 pairs of chromosomes are found in somatic cells 22 pair are called autosomes  They are homologous 1 pair  sex chromosomes Sex Linked= inheritance found only on the X or Y chromosome

10 Sex linked genes are almost always located on the X chromosomes.
Because males have just one X chromosomes, any X chromosome linked gene a male inherits, recessive or dominant is expressed. Because males pass their X chromosomes along to their daughter  Sex linked genes will tend to move from father to daughter.

11 Color blindness – Inability to see certain colors.  10% of males in U
Color blindness – Inability to see certain colors.  10% of males in U.S. have colorblindness ♂  X Y comes from Dad Comes from mom. Hemophilia – Unable to produce one of the clotting factor proteins that helps blood to clot. 1/1000 Males 1/1,000,000 Females

12 Duchenne Musculer Dystropy - Sudden weakness of muscles because the body produces a defective protein  death will result 1/3000 males

13 7-3 Human Genetic Disorders
Found on autosomes (22 pair) ablinism, Cystic Fibrosis Tay-Sachs, Sickle cell Anemia, PKU, Huntington. Albinism – Chrom 11 (recessive) Unable to produce melanin (skin pigment for skin color) Cystic Fibrosis- chromosome 7 (recessive) Most common fatal genetic disease. European ancestry – 1/2500 Defective protein that interferes with chloride ion movement. Thick heavy mucus in lungs.

14 Albino alligator

15 Tay-Sachs – Fatal genetic disorder. Common to Jewish families Rapid breakdown of nervous system. Sickle Cell Anemia - Blood disorder where the blood cells look sickle shaped. African ancestry If you are a carrier of sickle cell, you are immune to malaria

16 PKU - Phenylketonuria 1/15000 recessive Will cause mental retardation There is a test  if you have PKU as a baby  you are given a special diet. Huntington Disease – Dominant chrom 4 Symptoms occur in late 30’s – 40’s Lose control of muscles Takes 15 years to die.

17 Chromosome # Disorders
Non disjunction – chromosome pair fails to separate correctly during meiosis. Abnormal numbers of chromosomes are produced in the sex cells. Tuner Syndrome – a sperm or egg is produced without a sex chromosome XO  in zygote (45 chromosomes only) Only females can be afflicted Some organs do not develop Other than not being able to have children, the person is fine.


19 Kline Feter Syndrome – Extra chromosomes (47)
XXY Males  Underdeveloped sexual organs Slight mental retardation Down Syndrome – Trisomy – nondisjunction on chrom 21 Extra copy of chrom 21 Heart/circ problems slight sever mental retardation. 47 chromosomes

20 Prenatal Testing Amni0centesis- taking fluid from the placenta
Chorionic Villus Sampling- tissue surrounding the fetus is removed and examined

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