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FLAVIUS Description of Overblog, Qype, TVTrip - WP5 Evaluation and dissemination.

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Presentation on theme: "FLAVIUS Description of Overblog, Qype, TVTrip - WP5 Evaluation and dissemination."— Presentation transcript:

1 FLAVIUS Description of Overblog, Qype, TVTrip - WP5 Evaluation and dissemination

2 FLAVIUS Description of Overblog, Qype, TVTrip

3 Description FLAVIUS Description of 20 minutes for each partners (content, audience, expected benefits of FLAVIUS platform, ….)  Overblog  Qype  TVTrip

4 FLAVIUS WP5 Evaluation and dissemination

5 FLAVIUS  Introduction of WP5 – Evaluation and dissemination  Performance metrics  Evaluation delivrable  About dissemination  Dissemination delivrable

6 WP5: Evaluation and dissemination FLAVIUS  Main objectives of WP5:  test the quality of the FLAVIUS platform  promote FLAVIUS project  Short term deliverables :  Evaluation plan  definition of performance metrics What ? Main features to evaluate How ? Importance ? Criteria used to evaluate main features and importance of each criteria (critical, minor, …)  scheduling and organization of tests Who ? When ?  Dissemination plan  project website  advertising  …

7 Definition of performance metrics What ? FLAVIUS  FLAVIUS platform modules to assess :  Text correction automatic/semi-automatic : correction accuracy  Quality of translation : understandability  Translation customization  Workflow : ergonomics  FLAVIUS technical architecture features to assess :  Availability of platform : stability  Response time

8 Definition of performance metrics How ? Importance ? FLAVIUS  FLAVIUS platform :  Text correction  False detection  Impact of ponctuation, of type of contents (SMS, journalistic, …)  Feedback to webmaster  Quality of translation :  Impact of type of contents (SMS, journalistic, …)  Fluency  Translation customization  Impact of customization (use of correct terms, … )  Workflow :  Minimum number of click throughs reaches a feature  Ergonomics (easy to navigate, help, …)

9 Definition of performance metrics How ? Importance ? FLAVIUS  FLAVIUS technical architecture :  Availability of platform :  Automatic detection of service degradation  Time to restart application  Response time :  impact of massive concurrent user requests  Impact of massive amount of data  Installation :  Easiness

10 Definition of performance metrics Who ? When ? FLAVIUS  Task sharing :  Partners will be responsible for testing their application  Softissimo will be responsible for testing the overall process (technical issue, workflow, …)  Qype, Overblog and TVTrip will be responsible for testing quality translation, response time, …  Planning and reporting :  Testing phases of FLAVIUS Platform will be planned at a regular intervals  A report will be written after each testing phase.  Evaluation plan will details testing phases (agenda, responsability)

11 Deliverable FLAVIUS  Evaluation plan  This document will contain details about FLAVIUS platform evaluation :  Metrics  Agenda (1) PM will send to partners a first proposal of features to evaluate (with metrics, criteria to use) (2) Each partner will send an informal reply to this document (suggestion, improvement, …) (3) PM will compulse this reply into a draft document (with also an agenda and a task sharing for the FLAVIUS evaluation) and send it to each partners (4) Draft document will be discussed during regular meeting (5) PM will write a final document, and send it to each partner for validation.

12 Dissemination FLAVIUS  How to promote FLAVIUS project ?  Design a logo  Link on partner website  Display logo (on, …)  Link to project website  Newsletter  Publish content on website (video, publication, …)  High Traffic website (Youtube, dailymotion,…)  Portal (specialized in translation, linguistic, …)  Participation in conference  Carry out a survey (on internet website)  Showcase

13 Deliverable FLAVIUS  Dissemination plan  This document will contain information about dissemination :  Planning  Task  Showcase (1) PM will send to partners a proposal about event to attend, advertising on website, … and agenda (2) Each partner will send an informal reply to this document (suggestion, improvement, …) (3) PM will compulse this reply into a draft document and send it to each partners (4) Draft document will be discussed during regular meeting (5) PM will write a final document, and send it to each partner for validation.

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