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Pay Per View: A Library’s Perspective Beth R. Bernhardt Electronic Journals/Document Delivery Librarian University of North Carolina at Greensboro NC Serials.

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Presentation on theme: "Pay Per View: A Library’s Perspective Beth R. Bernhardt Electronic Journals/Document Delivery Librarian University of North Carolina at Greensboro NC Serials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pay Per View: A Library’s Perspective Beth R. Bernhardt Electronic Journals/Document Delivery Librarian University of North Carolina at Greensboro NC Serials Conference April 3-4, 2003

2 UNC Greensboro Doctoral/Research-Intensive University Degree Programs 100+ undergraduate 59 masters 14 doctoral Enrollment (Fall 2002) 10,751 undergraduate 3,167 graduate Faculty - 766

3 Walter Clinton Jackson Library Collection 2.8 million items (books, gov docs & microforms) 4,589 print/microform serial subscriptions 14,966 electronic journals 149 online & CD-ROM databases 300 computers, 11 servers 83 library faculty & staff Music Library: ~47,000 items

4 Reasons to Provide Pay Per View More journal titles to your users More backfiles available Quicker access to journal articles than conventional interlibrary loan Collection development tool

5 Pay Per View Options at UNCG EBSCO Pay Per View – 1644 titles FirstSearch Pay Per View – 83 titles AIP Deposit Account – 26 titles Ingenta Pay Per View –titles Science Direct – 383 titles TOTAL – 2511 titles

6 Setting up Access Add title access through UNCG’s Journal Finder tool Try to make access seamless and user friendly Send all patrons through authentication Authentication alerts the patron that the article they want will cost the library a certain amount of money Authentication on campus as well as off campus

7 Criteria for selection Do not own a subscription to the journal Have print but don’t have access electronically (usually an upcharge added to the pricing) Have access electronically through an aggregator, but there is an embargo on that title

8 Examples of Setup Example of a FirstSearch titleFirstSearch Example of an EBSCO titleEBSCO Example of an AIP titleAIP

9 Examples of Setup Example of an Ingenta titleIngenta Example of a Science Direct titleScience Direct

10 FirstSearch usage statistics FirstSearch (from 12/1/01 – 12/31/02) 83 titles available 84 Articles ordered from 28 unique titles 257 accesses to FirstSearch Pay Per View through Journal Finder Average Cost $22.75

11 Ebsco usage statistics Ebsco (from 12/1/01 – 12/31/02) 1644 titles available 1169 Articles Ordered from 360 unique titles 9758 accesses to Ebsco Pay Per View through Journal Finder Average Cost $19.48

12 AIP usage statistics AIP (from 12/1/01 – 12/31/02) 38 Articles Ordered 230 accesses to AIP titles through Journal Finder Average Cost $10.00

13 Ingenta usage statistics ONLY from 12/1/02 to 2/28/03 287 titles available 36 articles ordered from 14 unique titles 695 accesses to Ingenta Pay Per View through Journal Finder Average Cost: $22.65

14 Science Direct usage statistics ONLY from 1/1/02 to 3/31/03 383 titles available 35 articles ordered from 23 unique titles 324 accesses to Science Direct Pay Per View through Journal Finder Average Cost: $22.00

15 Total Costs

16 Impact on Interlibrary Loan Photocopies requested in 2000-01 6371 Photocopies requested in 2001-02 5041 A decrease of 26%

17 Impact on Interlibrary Loan 2003 Statistics for January through March 31, 2003

18 Impact on Collection Development Looked at titles ordered from 12/1/01 to 12/31/02 Created spreadsheets that include dates, titles, costs, owned in print, and electronic availability through other vendorsspreadsheets Looked for patterns of ordering over 12 months Recommended 15 titles for addition to the library subscription collection for 2003

19 Impact on Collection Development Overview of titles purchased

20 Impact on Collection Development Example of a title that will be added to the collection: Current Directions in Psychological Science 19 articles for $21.00/per article were purchased over 12 months Purchasing pattern of 1 to 2 articles a month Electronic subscription costs approximately $280

21 Impact on Collection Development Example of a title owned in print that had an upcharge for electronic access to be added to the collection. Social Indicators Research 11 articles for $20.50/article were purchased over 12 months Purchasing pattern of 1 to 2 articles a month Costs : $200.00 to add electronic access

22 Future Plans Continue to monitor pay per view statistics Continue to encourage publishers and vendors to allow for a seamless user friendly pay per view option Continue to add pay per view title access

23 “Research has consistently shown, not surprisingly, that access is more cost-effective for infrequently used titles, while ownership is more effective for frequently used items.” - Nisonger Collection Management V.26, no.1

24 For more information contact: Beth Bernhardt Electronic Journals / Document Delivery Librarian Jackson Library UNCG P.O.Box 26170 Greensboro, NC 27402 336-256-1210

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