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Annual General Meeting 2014/15 17 September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual General Meeting 2014/15 17 September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual General Meeting 2014/15 17 September 2015

2 Dr Nick Tupper, Chair

3 What we stand for Our Vision: Work with others to invest in quality healthcare for Doncaster patients Our Values: The needs of our patients are paramount We will drive forward continuous improvement Relationships based on integrity and trust Mission Statement: A high quality and accountable Clinical Commissioning Group, encouraging responsible partnership engagement in a transparent climate of ongoing learning in order to create a patient-centred yet financially astute and corporate approach to commissioning

4 Transformational change areas/activity Care out of Hospital - Comm. nursing redesign - End of life care Care of the Frail - Intermediate care - Transforming primary care Coordinated Care - IT integration across p/ways

5 Clinical priorities and actions 1. Dementia, Mental Health, Unplanned Care, Cancer, Children’s Services, Continuing Healthcare, Long term conditions 2.Evolving: service improvement & commissioning landscape 3.Embedding: responsive clinical commissioning 4.Emerging: neurology, respiratory, diabetes, stroke

6 Changing commissioning landscape Co-commissioning Primary Care CCG strategy: Moving Forward, Getting Better NHS E: 5 year forward view Better Care Fund Working Together Vanguards

7 Building up Primary Care Continuing transformation Review CCG’s internal working Review relationships and interactions with partners: commissioners and providers

8 Year-end governance assurance Annual Governance Statement: no significant control issues Head of Internal Audit Opinion: significant assurance of a sound system of internal control ISA 260 Report from External Auditors to those charged with Governance: proper arrangements to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in our use of resources

9 Our new-look website

10 Annual Accounts

11 Financial Position 2014/15 £435m in 2014/15 Achievement of statutory financial targets Supported transformation agenda Invested in priority areas Investment of £4m to support Primary Care Strategic Framework

12 Summary of financial performance DutyTarget £’000 Performance £’000 Expenditure not to exceed income (Achieve a Surplus) 436,043428,418 Revenue resource use does not exceed the amount specified in Directions (Total Allocation) 435,925428,300 Revenue resource use on specified matter(s) does not exceed the amount specified in Directions (Programme) 427,134421,265 Revenue administration resource use does not exceed the amount specified in Directions (Admin/Running costs) 8,7917,034 Combined cash balance at the bank as at 31 st March 2015 must not exceed 1.25% of the March drawdown 442.542.7 Better Payment Practice Code: pay 95% of valid NHS and Non-NHS invoices within 30 days: by number and by value All four 95%+All four achieved

13 Challenging times NHS funding gap of £30b 2013/14 to 2020/21 Challenging financial climate –Savings needed to offset demographic growth, demand, new technologies, inflation –Non-recurrent pump priming of new services –Investment linked back to delivery plans / transformational priorities –Running cost reductions –Delivery of an efficiency programme: failure means reduced investment being available

14 Financial Plan 2015/16 Second year refresh of two year operational plan Changes to business rules £8.5m reduction in funding Management Costs reduction Implementation of Better Care Fund

15 Financial Risks 2015/16 Non-delivery of our £4m efficiency programme Growth on individual placements Over performance against acute contract Unforeseen prescribing costs and growth Implementation impact of our Unplanned Care procurement

16 Questions?

17 Contact us! Address: NHS Doncaster CCG Sovereign House Heavens Walk Doncaster DN4 5HZ Telephone:01302 566300 (General) (FOI)

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