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The Biblical Mandate of the Church to Respond to HIV/AIDS By Canon Gideon BYAMUISHA.

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Presentation on theme: "The Biblical Mandate of the Church to Respond to HIV/AIDS By Canon Gideon BYAMUISHA."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Biblical Mandate of the Church to Respond to HIV/AIDS By Canon Gideon BYAMUISHA

2 Outline 1.God's World Vision 2.God's World Mission 3.The Church’s World Mission in the context of HIV/AIDS

3 God's World Vision There are two important messages 1.Church is a bearer of God News and Not bad News (Isaiah 65:17ff, Jeremiah 8:22; 30:17)) 2.HIV/AIDS is not in Gods World Vision Definition Who is Church? That is the fundamental question that needs to be understood as a pretext.

4 God’s World Mission Luke 4:18-19 John 10:10 (566 References) The emphasis on life is just an indication of the importance of the subject to God; God does not work alone, he works with us as the people that carry on the mission A vision without a mission remains a wish..

5 Dealing with Blind Spots 41 3 2 LAWFUL SAFE UNLAWFUL UNSAFE

6 Theological Concepts Preventable Postponable Controlable Reversible Inevitable /transformable

7 The 6 P’s for Consideration 1.Policy: Does your church have a policy 2.Programmes (practical): Do you have a practical 3.Plans 4.Personnel 5.Partnerships 6.Prayer: this is where it all starts

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