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Goals of this Session: Review steps to balance teacher, support and casual payrolls Review proforma reports and how to effectively use them Review filing.

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Presentation on theme: "Goals of this Session: Review steps to balance teacher, support and casual payrolls Review proforma reports and how to effectively use them Review filing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goals of this Session: Review steps to balance teacher, support and casual payrolls Review proforma reports and how to effectively use them Review filing reports Identify where improvements can be made and time saved Balance Payrolls

2 Process all letters, etc. - keep a spreadsheet of adjustments Note: can include starting/ending FTE from last payroll PAY.408 make previous period absence bank adjustments (diff date). Use PAI.501 to get adjustment totals to add to spreadsheet. EIS.997 - make sure the right employees are getting paid right FTE (right account + right grade/step) Teacher Payroll EMPLOYEE# EMPLOYEE NAME STS JOBCOD STS FTE HOURS TYP POSITION SUBTY STAT/LVE FTE HOURS START STOP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1482 AFINOGENOV, EVA Y TEACH Y 100.0000 9.1000 AT TEACHER 50.0000.0000 7/01/05 12/31/2 1562 AMADIO, LEO Y TEACH Y 100.0000 9.1000 AT TEACHER 50.0000.0000 11/01/04 12/31/2 1028 BEAUDOIN, LORRA Y TEACH Y 100.0000 9.1000.0000.0000 0/00/00 0/00/0 1321 BEECH, MARISSA Y.0000.0000 AT COUNSELLOR RESIGNED 100.0000.0000 1/16/09 12/31/2 50161 COURNOYER, EMIL Y TEACH Y 100.0000 9.1000.0000.0000 0/00/00 0/00/0 50243 DICAIRE, WILL Y TEACH Y 100.0000 9.1000.0000.0000 0/00/00 0/00/0 40218 PATZOLD, MARGAR Y.0000.0000 AT TEACHER 100.0000.0000 11/15/04 12/31/2 898 VACANT, _______ Y.0000.0000 AT TEACHER CLASS.1500.0000 9/05/06 12/31/2 898 VACANT, _______ Y.0000.0000 AT TEACHER CLASS.2500.0000 9/05/06 12/31/2 1564 VOLCHENKOV, HEA Y TEACH Y 100.0000 9.1000.0000.0000 0/00/00 0/00/0 50187 VOLCHENKOV, TER Y TEACH Y 100.0000 9.1000.0000.0000 0/00/00 0/00/0 50182 WILFORD, PATRIC N.0000.0000 AT TEACHER 100.0000.0000 9/01/05 12/31/2 225 221.150000 224 218.154000

3 Schools correct and sign off on all absences (EIS.564 POS.564) SUB.996 “P” the absence records and print the last page to compare to proforma (and add into the spreadsheet). SUB.502 copy days absent to timecard Run a proforma (with payroll compare) OPAI601 OPAI618 OPAI618S must all be cleaned up OPAI6251 are any payroll cheques being produced ? OPAI6252 are all employees being emailed ? OPAI620 make sure paid FTE is correct and matches FTE on the spreadsheet OPAI625 randomly check 3 employees and check ALL pay and deduction amounts OCSD691 check if anybody needs a vacation increment, pay increment, pension added, etc. OPAI633 review last page with totals on spreadsheet (from SUB.996 and PAI.501) OPAI633A review all negative absence balances and auto dock or process LWOPs as required (no queries required to find out who is expiring banks!). Adjust spreadsheet accordingly. Teacher Payroll

4 OPAI631 check for employees being auto docked Review pay compare OPAI808P and make sure pay differences are on spreadsheet Review deduction compare OPAI808D and make sure deduction differences are on the spreadsheet Apply garnishee’s as required Compare previous pay summary OPAI631 last page to current payroll OPAI681 make sure employer deduction amounts equal benefit amounts (*new*) Compare previous deduction summary OPAI681 last page to current payroll NOTE: –There should be no queries or external reports used to balance payrolls –Absences are posted 2 weeks behind so there may be a requirement to report absence banks going negative including the current 2 weeks. Use PAI.504 to get this list. Teacher Payroll

5 Process Actual Payroll Print OPAI620 and OPAI641 to file in payroll log PAY.140 Direct deposit options using OPAI641 PAY.683 Join and PAY.681? Build Direct Deposit member PAY.DSP? And make sure count and totals match OPAI641(s) Download to PC and send file to the bank Print pay stubs (OPAI656) and cheques (OPAI655) May have to print OPAI681 (CSB, union list) better option to email using PAI.804 Print OCSD691 or email it to HR to validate experience/seniority All other output can be deleted as it has been efile !!! Print off your spreadsheet Scan all payroll worksheets including the spreadsheet. Sign into Admin Connect and browse and attach your payroll folder to the run (now available in PAI.609). No reports are required for monthend balancing. Along with the paper payroll log (OPAI620, OPAI641), you can have a spreadsheet (or spreadsheet per RP number) which totals these for receiver general. Actual - ALL Payrolls

6 Admin Connect new payroll option Actual - ALL Payrolls

7 Process all letters, etc. - keep a spreadsheet of adjustments Note: can include starting/ending FTE from last payroll PAY.408 make previous period absence bank adjustments (diff date). Use PAI.501 to get adjustment totals to add to spreadsheet. EIS.997 - make sure the right employees are getting paid right FTE (right account + right grade/step) CUPE Payroll EMPLOYEE# EMPLOYEE NAME STS JOBCOD STS FTE HOURS TYP POSITION SUBTY STAT/LVE FTE HOURS START STOP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1482 AFINOGENOV, EVA Y TEACH Y 100.0000 9.1000 AT TEACHER 50.0000.0000 7/01/05 12/31/2 1562 AMADIO, LEO Y TEACH Y 100.0000 9.1000 AT TEACHER 50.0000.0000 11/01/04 12/31/2 1028 BEAUDOIN, LORRA Y TEACH Y 100.0000 9.1000.0000.0000 0/00/00 0/00/0 1321 BEECH, MARISSA Y.0000.0000 AT COUNSELLOR RESIGNED 100.0000.0000 1/16/09 12/31/2 50161 COURNOYER, EMIL Y TEACH Y 100.0000 9.1000.0000.0000 0/00/00 0/00/0 50243 DICAIRE, WILL Y TEACH Y 100.0000 9.1000.0000.0000 0/00/00 0/00/0 40218 PATZOLD, MARGAR Y.0000.0000 AT TEACHER 100.0000.0000 11/15/04 12/31/2 898 VACANT, _______ Y.0000.0000 AT TEACHER CLASS.1500.0000 9/05/06 12/31/2 898 VACANT, _______ Y.0000.0000 AT TEACHER CLASS.2500.0000 9/05/06 12/31/2 1564 VOLCHENKOV, HEA Y TEACH Y 100.0000 9.1000.0000.0000 0/00/00 0/00/0 50187 VOLCHENKOV, TER Y TEACH Y 100.0000 9.1000.0000.0000 0/00/00 0/00/0 50182 WILFORD, PATRIC N.0000.0000 AT TEACHER 100.0000.0000 9/01/05 12/31/2 225 221.150000 224 218.154000

8 PAY.808 Auto build timecards. Review OPAY808 for warnings/errors Enter in all overtime, fieldtrip, lead hand, etc. *** look for better ways *** PAY.401 and/or PAY.402 sign off on absences SUB.996 “P” the absence records and print the last page to compare to proforma (and add into the spreadsheet). SUB.502 copy days absent to timecard Run a proforma (with payroll compare) OPAI601 OPAI618 OPAI618S must all be cleaned up OPAI6251 are any payroll cheques being produced ? OPAI6252 are all employees being emailed ? OPAI620 make sure paid FTE is correct and matches FTE on the spreadsheet OPAI625 randomly check 3 employees and check ALL pay and deduction amounts OCSD691 check if anybody needs a vacation increment, pay increment, pension added, etc. OPAI633 review last page with totals on spreadsheet (from SUB.996 and PAI.501) CUPE Payroll

9 OPAI633A review all negative absence balances and auto dock or process LWOPs as required (no queries required to find out who is expiring banks!). Adjust spreadsheet accordingly. OPAI631 check for employees being auto docked Review deduction compare OPAI808D and make sure deduction differences are on the spreadsheet Apply garnishee’s as required Compare previous pay summary OPAI631 last page to current payroll OPAI681 make sure employer deduction amounts equal benefit amounts (*new*) Compare previous deduction summary OPAI681 last page to current payroll NOTE: –There should be no queries or external reports used to balance payrolls –Absences are posted 2 weeks behind so there may be a requirement to report absence banks going negative including the current 2 weeks. Use PAI.504 to get this list. CUPE Payroll

10 Schools signoff weekly on SUB records SUB.996 “P” the sub records SUB.990 check/update long term rates. Add F8s for previous period long term rate corrections SUB.501 promote sub records to timecard Run proforma and balance number of employees and gross payroll total to SUB.990 If you still collect Sub/Toc timecards then you should definitely changing to the new online timecards in Employee Connect SUB/TOC Payroll

11 Time is enter either: –manually from timecards (lots of room for errors for rates and accounts) –SUB.501 promoted from sub records (replacement logic for rates & accounts) Really need to look at automating this payroll and just like the Sub/Toc records, it starts with great sub records. CASUAL Payroll

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