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Four Keys To Great Leadership & Six Steps to Finding Direction.

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Presentation on theme: "Four Keys To Great Leadership & Six Steps to Finding Direction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Four Keys To Great Leadership & Six Steps to Finding Direction

2 First of Four Keys to Great Leadership  First Key:Select a Person  Wrong:select a person based on his experience, intelligence, and determination  Right:select a person for their gift, not simply experience, intelligence, or determination

3 What is a gift?  II Cor 12:7; Rom 12:6  A gift is a recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied.  The key to excellent performance is finding the match between your gifts and your role.

4 Truths about gifts  Gifts cannot be taught  Gifts prove to be the driving force behind an individuals job performance  Know the difference between skill, knowledge, and gifts. –skills are the how-to’s of a role –knowledge is what you are aware of –Gifts are given by grace

5 What gifts do successful youth pastors have?  Relationship building  A youthful heart

6 Second of Four Keys to Great Leadership  Second Key:Set Expectations  Wrong:by defining the right steps  Right:by defining the right outcomes

7 Define outcomes  1.Define the right outcomes and let each person find his own route toward those outcomes. –a.outcome:spiritually mature young people –b.method:policies, programs, procedures, all flexible in order to achieve outcomes

8 Three questions to ask when defining outcomes  1.What is right for the youth  2.What is right for the church  3.What is right for the youth pastor

9 Third of Four Keys to Great Leadership  Third Key:Motivate the person  Wrong:by helping him identify and overcome his weaknesses  Right:by focusing on his strengths, not on weaknesses

10 Motivate the person, don’t focus on changing the person  People don’t change that much. Don’t waste time trying to put in what God left out. Try to draw out what He put in. That is hard enough.  The Paretti rule:80 – 20

11 How to manage around a weakness  Ask:is the poor performance trainable? (is it a skills or knowledge problem) –If yes:provide training –If no:do one of three things 1.Devise a support system 2.Find a complementary partner 3.Find an alternative role

12 Fourth of Four Keys to Great Leadership  Key Four:Develop the Person  Wrong:by helping him learn and get promoted  Right:by helping him find the right fit, not simply the next rung on the ladder

13 How to view youth pastors  Don’t view each youth pastor as a pastor in waiting.  Develop levels in each position and allow people to grow and progress while remaining in their area of strength.  Don’t promote them out of the area of their excellence.

14 Six questions Leaders should Ask  Do my people know what is expected of them?  Do they have the materials and equipment they need to do the work right?  Do they have the opportunity to do what they do best every day?  In the last seven days, have they received recognition or praise for doing good work?  Do I, or someone at work, seem to care about them as a person?  Is there someone who encourages their development?

15 Six Steps to Finding Direction

16 Ministry Development  Core ValuesWhy  MissionWhat  VisionPicture  StrategyHow  Programshow  PeopleWho

17 I. Core ValuesWhy Core values are  Constant We never change them  Passionate We pay a price for them  Biblical We find them in scripture  Beliefs We own them

18 I. Core ValuesWhy  A church consists of traditions, heroes, expectations, norms, stories, rituals, and – most importantly – its values.  This is the gas that drives the car, it is what gives energy and power to our church and ministry.

19 II. MissionWhat  The mission is a broad, brief, biblical statement of what the organization is supposed to be doing.  What is the primary thing God has called us to accomplish in this community?

20 III. VisionSeeing  The vision is a clear, challenging picture of the future of the ministry as it can and must be.  Vision focused and value driven.  Vision paints a picture of what tomorrow will look like.

21 IV. StrategyHow  The strategy is the process that determines how you will accomplish the mission of your ministry.  This is the work of planning and organizing so that you begin to put flesh on the mission and vision.

22 V. Programshow  This is the further development of strategy Programs take the strategy deeper and make it more specific.

23 VI. PeopleWho  See first part of the lesson on how to select and train leaders.

24 Thank you for coming I will be praying for Curacao

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