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Annual Accounts: April 2014 – March 2015 David Maloney Chief Finance Officer Haringey CCG.

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1 Annual Accounts: April 2014 – March 2015 David Maloney Chief Finance Officer Haringey CCG

2 Achievement of financial duties Haringey CCG achieved its statutory financial duties for 2014/15: We achieved a surplus of £0.1m against our overall budget of £329.5m We achieved an underspend of £1.3m against our running cost budget of £7.8m. The financial duties were delivered in a time of significant changes and challenges in the NHS.

3 External Audit Conclusions The CCG received ‘unqualified opinions’ on its 2014/15 annual accounts from its external auditors. This is an independent judgement that an organisation's financial records and statements are fairly and appropriately presented. Specifically, Haringey CCG received: Unqualified opinion on the financial statements; Unqualified regularity opinion; No issues to report regarding the Value for Money conclusion

4 Financial challenges faced during 2014/15 Management of in-year financial risks – in particular overspending in acute (hospital) contracts Increased activity within prescribing and continuing healthcare services Delivery of efficiency savings of £7.5m Discussions with neighbouring CCGs in north central London to agree financial risk-share arrangements Joint working is key to financial sustainability of the local health economy

5 How the CCG spent its budget in 2014/15 Total CCG expenditure in 2014/15 was £329.4m. This was spent commissioning these services: Values are in £m

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