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THREEYEARSofrenewal Repossess the BIBLE as the people’s book Refresh PRAYER as sustaining conversation with God Rehabilitate EVANGELISM as honest expression.

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Presentation on theme: "THREEYEARSofrenewal Repossess the BIBLE as the people’s book Refresh PRAYER as sustaining conversation with God Rehabilitate EVANGELISM as honest expression."— Presentation transcript:


2 THREEYEARSofrenewal

3 Repossess the BIBLE as the people’s book Refresh PRAYER as sustaining conversation with God Rehabilitate EVANGELISM as honest expression of what motivates us

4 The story so far… 659 churches 8 Synods varietyvariety own pace own pace


6 Vision4Life EVANGELISM YEAR Starts ADVENT 2010Starts ADVENT 2010 Material from Sept. 2010Material from Sept. 2010 Builds on Bible and Prayer yearsBuilds on Bible and Prayer years Working outwards from who-we-are to honest, appropriate sharing…Working outwards from who-we-are to honest, appropriate sharing…

7 Thinkingaboutevangelism

8 DISCUSSIONONE Building up Confidence

9 Reluctance? Method Content Church Context Personal

10 DISCUSSIONTWOUnderstandingEvangelism

11 What is evangelism? Mission and Evangelism Biblical mandate Who is an evangelist? What is it about?

12 DISCUSSION DISCUSSION THREE THREE transformed for evangelism

13 Evangelism as a way of life A way of life Sharing the story The faith journey The life of the church

14 THE EVANGELISM BOOKLET 5 sessions Stories Bible and Prayer Practical steps Next steps

15 Praying,PreparingandPlanning

16 Resources to help More webmaterial Thinking Ahead Evangelism conference July 2011 The Campaign



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