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Presentation on theme: "A VISION FOR CEDARVILLE UNIVERSITY. 3. Cedarville University (OH)"— Presentation transcript:






6 3. Cedarville University (OH)

7 OUR MISSION Cedarville University is a Christ-centered learning community equipping students for lifelong leadership and service through an education marked by excellence and grounded in biblical truth.


9  Spiritual Vibrancy ESSENTIAL COMMITMENTS

10  Spiritual Vibrancy ESSENTIAL COMMITMENTS  Academic Excellence

11  Spiritual Vibrancy ESSENTIAL COMMITMENTS  Academic Excellence  Doctrinal Clarity

12  Spiritual Vibrancy ESSENTIAL COMMITMENTS  Academic Excellence  Doctrinal Clarity  Biblical Worldview Integration

13 OUR VISION Cedarville University will be one of the most influential Christ-centered universities in the 21st century — the model for biblical integration, liberal arts education, professional preparation, technological innovation, and cultural engagement. Our graduates will be known for their faithfulness to the authority of Scripture and the use of their influence to change the world for Christ.

14 OUR VISION Cedarville University will be one of the most influential Christ-centered universities in the 21st century — the model for biblical integration, liberal arts education, professional preparation, technological innovation, and cultural engagement. Our graduates will be known for their faithfulness to the authority of Scripture and the use of their influence to change the world for Christ.

15 OUR VISION Cedarville University will be one of the most influential Christ-centered universities in the 21st century — the model for biblical integration, liberal arts education, professional preparation, technological innovation, and cultural engagement. Our graduates will be known for their faithfulness to the authority of Scripture and the use of their influence to change the world for Christ.

16 OUR VISION Cedarville University will be one of the most influential Christ-centered universities in the 21st century — the model for biblical integration, liberal arts education, professional preparation, technological innovation, and cultural engagement. Our graduates will be known for their faithfulness to the authority of Scripture and the use of their influence to change the world for Christ.

17 OUR VISION Cedarville University will be one of the most influential Christ-centered universities in the 21st century — the model for biblical integration, liberal arts education, professional preparation, technological innovation, and cultural engagement. Our graduates will be known for their faithfulness to the authority of Scripture and the use of their influence to change the world for Christ.

18 OUR VISION Cedarville University will be one of the most influential Christ-centered universities in the 21st century — the model for biblical integration, liberal arts education, professional preparation, technological innovation, and cultural engagement. Our graduates will be known for their faithfulness to the authority of Scripture and the use of their influence to change the world for Christ.

19 OUR VISION Cedarville University will be one of the most influential Christ-centered universities in the 21st century — the model for biblical integration, liberal arts education, professional preparation, technological innovation, and cultural engagement. Our graduates will be known for their faithfulness to the authority of Scripture and the use of their influence to change the world for Christ.

20 OUR VISION Cedarville University will be one of the most influential Christ-centered universities in the 21st century — the model for biblical integration, liberal arts education, professional preparation, technological innovation, and cultural engagement. Our graduates will be known for their faithfulness to the authority of Scripture and the use of their influence to change the world for Christ.

21 OUR VISION Cedarville University will be one of the most influential Christ-centered universities in the 21st century — the model for biblical integration, liberal arts education, professional preparation, technological innovation, and cultural engagement. Our graduates will be known for their faithfulness to the authority of Scripture and the use of their influence to change the world for Christ.


23 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. ~Colossian 2:6-8

24 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. ~Colossian 2:6-8

25 GET MOVING! *rooted *built up *strengthened *overflowing with thankfulness BE CAUTIOUS! *don’t be captivated by hollow and deceptive philosophy KEY: Christ GET MOVING! *rooted *built up *strengthened *overflowing with thankfulness BE CAUTIOUS! *don’t be captivated by hollow and deceptive philosophy KEY: Christ



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