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File Structures CIS 256 Chapter 0 Summer 2011 Dr. Ahmad Saifan.

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1 File Structures CIS 256 Chapter 0 Summer 2011 Dr. Ahmad Saifan

2 General Information CIS 256 File Structures (Not Data Structures). Prerequisite: CS 250 (Data Structures). Office Hours: 12 – 1 (All days, Maq 304). Course on the web: E-mail Address:

3 Evaluation Methods First exam: 20% Second exam: 20% Others: (Quiz (1 >), Attendance): 10%. Final Exam: 50%.

4 Analytical Examples and Important notes will be given in the class. No slides for such materials.

5 Course Objective Objective of Data Structures (CS250) was to teach ways of efficiently organizing and manipulating data in main memory. In CIS256, you will learn equivalent techniques for organization and manipulation of data in secondary storage. In the first part of the course, you will learn about "low level" aspects of file manipulation (basic file operations, secondary storage devices and system software). In the second part of the course, you will learn the most important high- level file structure tools (indexing, co-sequential processing, B trees, Hashing, etc). You will apply these concepts in the design of C++ programs for solving various file management problems

6 Outline Introduction to file management. Fundamental File Processing Operations. Managing Files of Records: Sequential and direct access. Secondary Storage, physical storage devices: disks, tapes and CD-ROM. System software: I/O system, file system, buffering. File compression: Huffman code.

7 Outline Reclaiming space in files: Internal sorting, binary searching, keysorting. Indexing – Consequential processing and external sorting – Multilevel indexing and B trees – Indexed sequential files and B+ trees13. Hashing

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