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ES 314 Advanced Programming Instructors: B. Ravikumar J. Agrawal A.Kojoory Department of Engg Science.

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Presentation on theme: "ES 314 Advanced Programming Instructors: B. Ravikumar J. Agrawal A.Kojoory Department of Engg Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 ES 314 Advanced Programming Instructors: B. Ravikumar J. Agrawal A.Kojoory Department of Engg Science

2 2 Prerequisite: CS 115: Programming I. Co-requisites: MATH 345: Probability Theory and ES 220: Electric Circuits, or consent of instructor. Programming is central to Engineering modeling and simulation are central to engineering programming is a crucial component of modeling and simulation

3 3 Course will have two modules programming data structures features of c++ programming Objects and classes Pointers, recursion etc. some fundamental algorithms sorting searching simulation and modeling

4 4 Example of modeling and simulation A soft drink company offers a promotional award. Each can of the soft drink contains a sticker with a number from 1 to 20. Once you have collected all the different stickers, you can mail it and receive a prize. Assume that the sticker labels are randomly generated integers from 1 to 20, what is the average number of cans one should buy in order to win the prize?

5 5 What tools do we need to solve this problem? entities to be simulated can, buyer can random number generator buyer keep track of the stickers currently owned, number of cans bought so far simulation stop when all stickers collected

6 6 Details of the solution General solution: k stickers {1, 2, …, k} class buyer: Data: stickers – array of size k numCans – number of cans bought Functions: buy – will make the buyer buy one more can. Update stickers and numCans done – check if the buyer owns all the stickers.

7 7 Overall solution total = 0; for j = 1 to N { // repeat the simulation N times initialize a buyer A; // stickers[] array is set to all 0; numCans is set to 0; while !(A.done) A.buyCan(); total = total + A.numCans; } Output total / N;

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